/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! Generic implementations of some DOM APIs so they can be shared between Servo //! and Gecko. use crate::context::QuirksMode; use crate::dom::{TDocument, TElement, TNode, TShadowRoot}; use crate::invalidation::element::invalidation_map::Dependency; use crate::invalidation::element::invalidator::{ DescendantInvalidationLists, Invalidation, SiblingTraversalMap, }; use crate::invalidation::element::invalidator::{InvalidationProcessor, InvalidationVector}; use crate::selector_parser::SelectorImpl; use crate::values::AtomIdent; use selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity; use selectors::attr::{AttrSelectorOperation, NamespaceConstraint}; use selectors::matching::{ self, MatchingContext, MatchingForInvalidation, MatchingMode, NeedsSelectorFlags, SelectorCaches, }; use selectors::parser::{Combinator, Component, LocalName}; use selectors::{Element, SelectorList}; use smallvec::SmallVec; /// pub fn element_matches( element: &E, selector_list: &SelectorList, quirks_mode: QuirksMode, ) -> bool where E: Element, { let mut selector_caches = SelectorCaches::default(); let mut context = MatchingContext::new( MatchingMode::Normal, None, &mut selector_caches, quirks_mode, NeedsSelectorFlags::No, MatchingForInvalidation::No, ); context.scope_element = Some(element.opaque()); context.current_host = element.containing_shadow_host().map(|e| e.opaque()); matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, element, &mut context) } /// pub fn element_closest( element: E, selector_list: &SelectorList, quirks_mode: QuirksMode, ) -> Option where E: Element, { let mut selector_caches = SelectorCaches::default(); let mut context = MatchingContext::new( MatchingMode::Normal, None, &mut selector_caches, quirks_mode, NeedsSelectorFlags::No, MatchingForInvalidation::No, ); context.scope_element = Some(element.opaque()); context.current_host = element.containing_shadow_host().map(|e| e.opaque()); let mut current = Some(element); while let Some(element) = current.take() { if matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, &element, &mut context) { return Some(element); } current = element.parent_element(); } return None; } /// A selector query abstraction, in order to be generic over QuerySelector and /// QuerySelectorAll. pub trait SelectorQuery { /// The output of the query. type Output; /// Whether the query should stop after the first element has been matched. fn should_stop_after_first_match() -> bool; /// Append an element matching after the first query. fn append_element(output: &mut Self::Output, element: E); /// Returns true if the output is empty. fn is_empty(output: &Self::Output) -> bool; } /// The result of a querySelectorAll call. pub type QuerySelectorAllResult = SmallVec<[E; 128]>; /// A query for all the elements in a subtree. pub struct QueryAll; impl SelectorQuery for QueryAll { type Output = QuerySelectorAllResult; fn should_stop_after_first_match() -> bool { false } fn append_element(output: &mut Self::Output, element: E) { output.push(element); } fn is_empty(output: &Self::Output) -> bool { output.is_empty() } } /// A query for the first in-tree match of all the elements in a subtree. pub struct QueryFirst; impl SelectorQuery for QueryFirst { type Output = Option; fn should_stop_after_first_match() -> bool { true } fn append_element(output: &mut Self::Output, element: E) { if output.is_none() { *output = Some(element) } } fn is_empty(output: &Self::Output) -> bool { output.is_none() } } struct QuerySelectorProcessor<'a, 'b, E, Q> where E: TElement + 'a, Q: SelectorQuery, Q::Output: 'a, { results: &'a mut Q::Output, matching_context: MatchingContext<'b, E::Impl>, traversal_map: SiblingTraversalMap, dependencies: &'a [Dependency], } impl<'a, 'b, E, Q> InvalidationProcessor<'a, 'b, E> for QuerySelectorProcessor<'a, 'b, E, Q> where E: TElement + 'a, Q: SelectorQuery, Q::Output: 'a, { fn light_tree_only(&self) -> bool { true } fn check_outer_dependency(&mut self, _: &Dependency, _: E) -> bool { debug_assert!( false, "How? We should only have parent-less dependencies here!" ); true } fn collect_invalidations( &mut self, element: E, self_invalidations: &mut InvalidationVector<'a>, descendant_invalidations: &mut DescendantInvalidationLists<'a>, _sibling_invalidations: &mut InvalidationVector<'a>, ) -> bool { // TODO(emilio): If the element is not a root element, and // selector_list has any descendant combinator, we need to do extra work // in order to handle properly things like: // //
// // b.querySelector('#a div'); // Should return "c". // // For now, assert it's a root element. debug_assert!(element.parent_element().is_none()); let target_vector = if self.matching_context.scope_element.is_some() { &mut descendant_invalidations.dom_descendants } else { self_invalidations }; for dependency in self.dependencies.iter() { target_vector.push(Invalidation::new( dependency, self.matching_context.current_host.clone(), )) } false } fn matching_context(&mut self) -> &mut MatchingContext<'b, E::Impl> { &mut self.matching_context } fn sibling_traversal_map(&self) -> &SiblingTraversalMap { &self.traversal_map } fn should_process_descendants(&mut self, _: E) -> bool { if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() { return Q::is_empty(&self.results); } true } fn invalidated_self(&mut self, e: E) { Q::append_element(self.results, e); } fn invalidated_sibling(&mut self, e: E, _of: E) { Q::append_element(self.results, e); } fn recursion_limit_exceeded(&mut self, _e: E) {} fn invalidated_descendants(&mut self, _e: E, _child: E) {} } fn collect_all_elements(root: E::ConcreteNode, results: &mut Q::Output, mut filter: F) where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, F: FnMut(E) -> bool, { for node in root.dom_descendants() { let element = match node.as_element() { Some(e) => e, None => continue, }; if !filter(element) { continue; } Q::append_element(results, element); if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() { return; } } } /// Returns whether a given element connected to `root` is descendant of `root`. /// /// NOTE(emilio): if root == element, this returns false. fn connected_element_is_descendant_of(element: E, root: E::ConcreteNode) -> bool where E: TElement, { // Optimize for when the root is a document or a shadow root and the element // is connected to that root. if root.as_document().is_some() { debug_assert!(element.as_node().is_in_document(), "Not connected?"); debug_assert_eq!( root, root.owner_doc().as_node(), "Where did this element come from?", ); return true; } if root.as_shadow_root().is_some() { debug_assert_eq!( element.containing_shadow().unwrap().as_node(), root, "Not connected?" ); return true; } let mut current = element.as_node().parent_node(); while let Some(n) = current.take() { if n == root { return true; } current = n.parent_node(); } false } /// Fast path for iterating over every element with a given id in the document /// or shadow root that `root` is connected to. fn fast_connected_elements_with_id<'a, N>( root: N, id: &AtomIdent, case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity, ) -> Result<&'a [N::ConcreteElement], ()> where N: TNode + 'a, { if case_sensitivity != CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive { return Err(()); } if root.is_in_document() { return root.owner_doc().elements_with_id(id); } if let Some(shadow) = root.as_shadow_root() { return shadow.elements_with_id(id); } if let Some(shadow) = root.as_element().and_then(|e| e.containing_shadow()) { return shadow.elements_with_id(id); } Err(()) } /// Collects elements with a given id under `root`, that pass `filter`. fn collect_elements_with_id( root: E::ConcreteNode, id: &AtomIdent, results: &mut Q::Output, class_and_id_case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity, mut filter: F, ) where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, F: FnMut(E) -> bool, { let elements = match fast_connected_elements_with_id(root, id, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) { Ok(elements) => elements, Err(()) => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |e| { e.has_id(id, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) && filter(e) }); return; }, }; for element in elements { // If the element is not an actual descendant of the root, even though // it's connected, we don't really care about it. if !connected_element_is_descendant_of(*element, root) { continue; } if !filter(*element) { continue; } Q::append_element(results, *element); if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() { break; } } } fn has_attr(element: E, local_name: &AtomIdent) -> bool where E: TElement, { let mut found = false; element.each_attr_name(|name| found |= name == local_name); found } #[inline(always)] fn local_name_matches(element: E, local_name: &LocalName) -> bool where E: TElement, { let LocalName { ref name, ref lower_name, } = *local_name; let chosen_name = if name == lower_name || element.is_html_element_in_html_document() { lower_name } else { name }; element.local_name() == &**chosen_name } fn get_attr_name(component: &Component) -> Option<&AtomIdent> { let (name, name_lower) = match component { Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { ref local_name, .. } => return Some(local_name), Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { ref local_name, ref local_name_lower, .. } => (local_name, local_name_lower), Component::AttributeOther(ref attr) => (&attr.local_name, &attr.local_name_lower), _ => return None, }; if name != name_lower { return None; // TODO: Maybe optimize this? } Some(name) } fn get_id(component: &Component) -> Option<&AtomIdent> { use selectors::attr::AttrSelectorOperator; Some(match component { Component::ID(ref id) => id, Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { ref operator, ref local_name, ref value, .. } => { if *local_name != local_name!("id") { return None; } if *operator != AttrSelectorOperator::Equal { return None; } AtomIdent::cast(&value.0) }, _ => return None, }) } /// Fast paths for querySelector with a single simple selector. fn query_selector_single_query( root: E::ConcreteNode, component: &Component, results: &mut Q::Output, class_and_id_case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity, ) -> Result<(), ()> where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, { match *component { Component::ExplicitUniversalType => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |_| true) }, Component::Class(ref class) => collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { element.has_class(class, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) }), Component::LocalName(ref local_name) => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { local_name_matches(element, local_name) }) }, Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { ref local_name, ref local_name_lower, } => collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { element.has_attr_in_no_namespace(matching::select_name( &element, local_name, local_name_lower, )) }), Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { ref local_name, ref value, operator, case_sensitivity, } => { let empty_namespace = selectors::parser::namespace_empty_string::(); let namespace_constraint = NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&empty_namespace); collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { element.attr_matches( &namespace_constraint, local_name, &AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue { operator, case_sensitivity: matching::to_unconditional_case_sensitivity( case_sensitivity, &element, ), value, }, ) }) }, ref other => { let id = match get_id(other) { Some(id) => id, // TODO(emilio): More fast paths? None => return Err(()), }; collect_elements_with_id::( root, id, results, class_and_id_case_sensitivity, |_| true, ); }, } Ok(()) } enum SimpleFilter<'a> { Class(&'a AtomIdent), Attr(&'a AtomIdent), LocalName(&'a LocalName), } /// Fast paths for a given selector query. /// /// When there's only one component, we go directly to /// `query_selector_single_query`, otherwise, we try to optimize by looking just /// at the subtrees rooted at ids in the selector, and otherwise we try to look /// up by class name or local name in the rightmost compound. /// /// FIXME(emilio, nbp): This may very well be a good candidate for code to be /// replaced by HolyJit :) fn query_selector_fast( root: E::ConcreteNode, selector_list: &SelectorList, results: &mut Q::Output, matching_context: &mut MatchingContext, ) -> Result<(), ()> where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, { // We need to return elements in document order, and reordering them // afterwards is kinda silly. if selector_list.len() > 1 { return Err(()); } let selector = &selector_list.slice()[0]; let class_and_id_case_sensitivity = matching_context.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity(); // Let's just care about the easy cases for now. if selector.len() == 1 { if query_selector_single_query::( root, selector.iter().next().unwrap(), results, class_and_id_case_sensitivity, ) .is_ok() { return Ok(()); } } let mut iter = selector.iter(); let mut combinator: Option = None; // We want to optimize some cases where there's no id involved whatsoever, // like `.foo .bar`, but we don't want to make `#foo .bar` slower because of // that. let mut simple_filter = None; 'selector_loop: loop { debug_assert!(combinator.map_or(true, |c| !c.is_sibling())); 'component_loop: for component in &mut iter { match *component { Component::Class(ref class) => { if combinator.is_none() { simple_filter = Some(SimpleFilter::Class(class)); } }, Component::LocalName(ref local_name) => { if combinator.is_none() { // Prefer to look at class rather than local-name if // both are present. if let Some(SimpleFilter::Class(..)) = simple_filter { continue; } simple_filter = Some(SimpleFilter::LocalName(local_name)); } }, ref other => { if let Some(id) = get_id(other) { if combinator.is_none() { // In the rightmost compound, just find descendants of root that match // the selector list with that id. collect_elements_with_id::( root, id, results, class_and_id_case_sensitivity, |e| { matching::matches_selector_list( selector_list, &e, matching_context, ) }, ); return Ok(()); } let elements = fast_connected_elements_with_id( root, id, class_and_id_case_sensitivity, )?; if elements.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // Results need to be in document order. Let's not bother // reordering or deduplicating nodes, which we would need to // do if one element with the given id were a descendant of // another element with that given id. if !Q::should_stop_after_first_match() && elements.len() > 1 { continue; } for element in elements { // If the element is not a descendant of the root, then // it may have descendants that match our selector that // _are_ descendants of the root, and other descendants // that match our selector that are _not_. // // So we can't just walk over the element's descendants // and match the selector against all of them, nor can // we skip looking at this element's descendants. // // Give up on trying to optimize based on this id and // keep walking our selector. if !connected_element_is_descendant_of(*element, root) { continue 'component_loop; } query_selector_slow::( element.as_node(), selector_list, results, matching_context, ); if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() && !Q::is_empty(&results) { break; } } return Ok(()); } if combinator.is_none() && simple_filter.is_none() { if let Some(attr_name) = get_attr_name(other) { simple_filter = Some(SimpleFilter::Attr(attr_name)); } } }, } } loop { let next_combinator = match iter.next_sequence() { None => break 'selector_loop, Some(c) => c, }; // We don't want to scan stuff affected by sibling combinators, // given we scan the subtree of elements with a given id (and we // don't want to care about scanning the siblings' subtrees). if next_combinator.is_sibling() { // Advance to the next combinator. for _ in &mut iter {} continue; } combinator = Some(next_combinator); break; } } // We got here without finding any ID or such that we could handle. Try to // use one of the simple filters. let simple_filter = match simple_filter { Some(f) => f, None => return Err(()), }; match simple_filter { SimpleFilter::Class(ref class) => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { element.has_class(class, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) && matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, &element, matching_context) }); }, SimpleFilter::LocalName(ref local_name) => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { local_name_matches(element, local_name) && matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, &element, matching_context) }); }, SimpleFilter::Attr(ref local_name) => { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { has_attr(element, local_name) && matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, &element, matching_context) }); }, } Ok(()) } // Slow path for a given selector query. fn query_selector_slow( root: E::ConcreteNode, selector_list: &SelectorList, results: &mut Q::Output, matching_context: &mut MatchingContext, ) where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, { collect_all_elements::(root, results, |element| { matching::matches_selector_list(selector_list, &element, matching_context) }); } /// Whether the invalidation machinery should be used for this query. #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum MayUseInvalidation { /// We may use it if we deem it useful. Yes, /// Don't use it. No, } /// pub fn query_selector( root: E::ConcreteNode, selector_list: &SelectorList, results: &mut Q::Output, may_use_invalidation: MayUseInvalidation, ) where E: TElement, Q: SelectorQuery, { use crate::invalidation::element::invalidator::TreeStyleInvalidator; let mut selector_caches = SelectorCaches::default(); let quirks_mode = root.owner_doc().quirks_mode(); let mut matching_context = MatchingContext::new( MatchingMode::Normal, None, &mut selector_caches, quirks_mode, NeedsSelectorFlags::No, MatchingForInvalidation::No, ); let root_element = root.as_element(); matching_context.scope_element = root_element.map(|e| e.opaque()); matching_context.current_host = match root_element { Some(root) => root.containing_shadow_host().map(|host| host.opaque()), None => root.as_shadow_root().map(|root| root.host().opaque()), }; let fast_result = query_selector_fast::(root, selector_list, results, &mut matching_context); if fast_result.is_ok() { return; } // Slow path: Use the invalidation machinery if we're a root, and tree // traversal otherwise. // // See the comment in collect_invalidations to see why only if we're a root. // // The invalidation mechanism is only useful in presence of combinators. // // We could do that check properly here, though checking the length of the // selectors is a good heuristic. // // A selector with a combinator needs to have a length of at least 3: A // simple selector, a combinator, and another simple selector. let invalidation_may_be_useful = may_use_invalidation == MayUseInvalidation::Yes && selector_list.slice().iter().any(|s| s.len() > 2); if root_element.is_some() || !invalidation_may_be_useful { query_selector_slow::(root, selector_list, results, &mut matching_context); } else { let dependencies = selector_list .slice() .iter() .map(|selector| Dependency::for_full_selector_invalidation(selector.clone())) .collect::>(); let mut processor = QuerySelectorProcessor:: { results, matching_context, traversal_map: SiblingTraversalMap::default(), dependencies: &dependencies, }; for node in root.dom_children() { if let Some(e) = node.as_element() { TreeStyleInvalidator::new(e, /* stack_limit_checker = */ None, &mut processor) .invalidate(); } } } }