/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ <%namespace name="helpers" file="/helpers.mako.rs" /> <%helpers:shorthand name="list-style" engines="gecko servo-2013 servo-2020" sub_properties="list-style-position list-style-image list-style-type" spec="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists/#propdef-list-style"> use crate::properties::longhands::{list_style_image, list_style_position, list_style_type}; use crate::values::specified::Image; pub fn parse_value<'i, 't>( context: &ParserContext, input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>, ) -> Result> { // `none` is ambiguous until we've finished parsing the shorthands, so we count the number // of times we see it. let mut nones = 0u8; let (mut image, mut position, mut list_style_type, mut any) = (None, None, None, false); loop { if input.try_parse(|input| input.expect_ident_matching("none")).is_ok() { nones = nones + 1; if nones > 2 { return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnexpectedIdent("none".into()))) } any = true; continue } if image.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| list_style_image::parse(context, input)) { image = Some(value); any = true; continue } } if position.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| list_style_position::parse(context, input)) { position = Some(value); any = true; continue } } // list-style-type must be checked the last, because it accepts // arbitrary identifier for custom counter style, and thus may // affect values of list-style-position. if list_style_type.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| list_style_type::parse(context, input)) { list_style_type = Some(value); any = true; continue } } break } let position = unwrap_or_initial!(list_style_position, position); // If there are two `none`s, then we can't have a type or image; if there is one `none`, // then we can't have both a type *and* an image; if there is no `none` then we're fine as // long as we parsed something. use self::list_style_type::SpecifiedValue as ListStyleType; match (any, nones, list_style_type, image) { (true, 2, None, None) => { Ok(expanded! { list_style_position: position, list_style_image: Image::None, list_style_type: ListStyleType::None, }) } (true, 1, None, Some(image)) => { Ok(expanded! { list_style_position: position, list_style_image: image, list_style_type: ListStyleType::None, }) } (true, 1, Some(list_style_type), None) => { Ok(expanded! { list_style_position: position, list_style_image: Image::None, list_style_type: list_style_type, }) } (true, 1, None, None) => { Ok(expanded! { list_style_position: position, list_style_image: Image::None, list_style_type: ListStyleType::None, }) } (true, 0, list_style_type, image) => { Ok(expanded! { list_style_position: position, list_style_image: unwrap_or_initial!(list_style_image, image), list_style_type: unwrap_or_initial!(list_style_type), }) } _ => Err(input.new_custom_error(StyleParseErrorKind::UnspecifiedError)), } } impl<'a> ToCss for LonghandsToSerialize<'a> { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write { use longhands::list_style_position::SpecifiedValue as ListStylePosition; use longhands::list_style_type::SpecifiedValue as ListStyleType; use longhands::list_style_image::SpecifiedValue as ListStyleImage; let mut have_one_non_initial_value = false; if self.list_style_position != &ListStylePosition::Outside { self.list_style_position.to_css(dest)?; have_one_non_initial_value = true; } if self.list_style_image != &ListStyleImage::None { if have_one_non_initial_value { dest.write_char(' ')?; } self.list_style_image.to_css(dest)?; have_one_non_initial_value = true; } if self.list_style_type != &ListStyleType::disc() { if have_one_non_initial_value { dest.write_char(' ')?; } self.list_style_type.to_css(dest)?; have_one_non_initial_value = true; } if !have_one_non_initial_value { self.list_style_position.to_css(dest)?; } Ok(()) } }