/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ <%namespace name="helpers" file="/helpers.mako.rs" /> <%helpers:shorthand name="mask" engines="gecko" extra_prefixes="webkit" flags="SHORTHAND_IN_GETCS" sub_properties="mask-mode mask-repeat mask-clip mask-origin mask-composite mask-position-x mask-position-y mask-size mask-image" spec="https://drafts.fxtf.org/css-masking/#propdef-mask"> use crate::properties::longhands::{mask_mode, mask_repeat, mask_clip, mask_origin, mask_composite, mask_position_x, mask_position_y}; use crate::properties::longhands::{mask_size, mask_image}; use crate::values::specified::{Position, PositionComponent}; use crate::parser::Parse; // FIXME(emilio): These two mask types should be the same! impl From for mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue { fn from(origin: mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue) -> mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue { match origin { mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::ContentBox => mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::ContentBox, mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::PaddingBox => mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::PaddingBox , mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::BorderBox => mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::BorderBox, % if engine == "gecko": mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::FillBox => mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::FillBox , mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::StrokeBox => mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::StrokeBox, mask_origin::single_value::SpecifiedValue::ViewBox=> mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::ViewBox, % endif } } } pub fn parse_value<'i, 't>( context: &ParserContext, input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>, ) -> Result> { % for name in "image mode position_x position_y size repeat origin clip composite".split(): // Vec grows from 0 to 4 by default on first push(). So allocate with // capacity 1, so in the common case of only one item we don't way // overallocate, then shrink. Note that we always push at least one // item if parsing succeeds. let mut mask_${name} = Vec::with_capacity(1); % endfor input.parse_comma_separated(|input| { % for name in "image mode position size repeat origin clip composite".split(): let mut ${name} = None; % endfor loop { if image.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| mask_image::single_value ::parse(context, input)) { image = Some(value); continue } } if position.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| Position::parse(context, input)) { position = Some(value); // Parse mask size, if applicable. size = input.try_parse(|input| { input.expect_delim('/')?; mask_size::single_value::parse(context, input) }).ok(); continue } } % for name in "repeat origin clip composite mode".split(): if ${name}.is_none() { if let Ok(value) = input.try_parse(|input| mask_${name}::single_value ::parse(context, input)) { ${name} = Some(value); continue } } % endfor break } if clip.is_none() { if let Some(origin) = origin { clip = Some(mask_clip::single_value::SpecifiedValue::from(origin)); } } let mut any = false; % for name in "image mode position size repeat origin clip composite".split(): any = any || ${name}.is_some(); % endfor if any { if let Some(position) = position { mask_position_x.push(position.horizontal); mask_position_y.push(position.vertical); } else { mask_position_x.push(PositionComponent::zero()); mask_position_y.push(PositionComponent::zero()); } % for name in "image mode size repeat origin clip composite".split(): if let Some(m_${name}) = ${name} { mask_${name}.push(m_${name}); } else { mask_${name}.push(mask_${name}::single_value ::get_initial_specified_value()); } % endfor Ok(()) } else { Err(input.new_custom_error(StyleParseErrorKind::UnspecifiedError)) } })?; Ok(expanded! { % for name in "image mode position_x position_y size repeat origin clip composite".split(): mask_${name}: mask_${name}::SpecifiedValue(mask_${name}.into()), % endfor }) } impl<'a> ToCss for LonghandsToSerialize<'a> { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write { use crate::properties::longhands::mask_origin::single_value::computed_value::T as Origin; use crate::properties::longhands::mask_clip::single_value::computed_value::T as Clip; use style_traits::values::SequenceWriter; let len = self.mask_image.0.len(); if len == 0 { return Ok(()); } % for name in "mode position_x position_y size repeat origin clip composite".split(): if self.mask_${name}.0.len() != len { return Ok(()); } % endfor // For each , we serialize it according to the following order: // = // || // [ / ]? || // || // || // [ | no-clip ] || // || // // https://drafts.fxtf.org/css-masking-1/#the-mask for i in 0..len { if i > 0 { dest.write_str(", ")?; } % for name in "image mode position_x position_y size repeat origin clip composite".split(): let ${name} = &self.mask_${name}.0[i]; % endfor let mut has_other = false; % for name in "image mode size repeat composite".split(): let has_${name} = *${name} != mask_${name}::single_value::get_initial_specified_value(); has_other |= has_${name}; % endfor let has_position = *position_x != PositionComponent::zero() || *position_y != PositionComponent::zero(); let has_origin = *origin != Origin::BorderBox; let has_clip = *clip != Clip::BorderBox; // If all are initial values, we serialize mask-image. if !has_other && !has_position && !has_origin && !has_clip { return image.to_css(dest); } let mut writer = SequenceWriter::new(dest, " "); // if has_image { writer.item(image)?; } // [ / ]? if has_position || has_size { writer.item(&Position { horizontal: position_x.clone(), vertical: position_y.clone() })?; if has_size { writer.raw_item("/")?; writer.item(size)?; } } // if has_repeat { writer.item(repeat)?; } // // Note: // Even if 'mask-origin' is at its initial value 'border-box', // we still have to serialize it to avoid ambiguity iF the // 'mask-clip' longhand has some other value // (i.e. neither 'border-box' nor 'no-clip'). (If we naively // declined to serialize the 'mask-origin' value in this // situation, then whatever value we serialize for 'mask-clip' // would implicitly also represent 'mask-origin' and would be // providing the wrong value for that longhand.) if has_origin || (has_clip && *clip != Clip::NoClip) { writer.item(origin)?; } // [ | no-clip ] if has_clip && *clip != From::from(*origin) { writer.item(clip)?; } // if has_composite { writer.item(composite)?; } // if has_mode { writer.item(mode)?; } } Ok(()) } } <%helpers:shorthand name="mask-position" engines="gecko" extra_prefixes="webkit" flags="SHORTHAND_IN_GETCS" sub_properties="mask-position-x mask-position-y" spec="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-masks-4/#the-mask-position"> use crate::properties::longhands::{mask_position_x,mask_position_y}; use crate::values::specified::position::Position; use crate::parser::Parse; pub fn parse_value<'i, 't>( context: &ParserContext, input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>, ) -> Result> { // Vec grows from 0 to 4 by default on first push(). So allocate with // capacity 1, so in the common case of only one item we don't way // overallocate, then shrink. Note that we always push at least one // item if parsing succeeds. let mut position_x = Vec::with_capacity(1); let mut position_y = Vec::with_capacity(1); let mut any = false; input.parse_comma_separated(|input| { let value = Position::parse(context, input)?; position_x.push(value.horizontal); position_y.push(value.vertical); any = true; Ok(()) })?; if !any { return Err(input.new_custom_error(StyleParseErrorKind::UnspecifiedError)); } Ok(expanded! { mask_position_x: mask_position_x::SpecifiedValue(position_x.into()), mask_position_y: mask_position_y::SpecifiedValue(position_y.into()), }) } impl<'a> ToCss for LonghandsToSerialize<'a> { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write { let len = self.mask_position_x.0.len(); if len == 0 || self.mask_position_y.0.len() != len { return Ok(()); } for i in 0..len { Position { horizontal: self.mask_position_x.0[i].clone(), vertical: self.mask_position_y.0[i].clone() }.to_css(dest)?; if i < len - 1 { dest.write_str(", ")?; } } Ok(()) } }