/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! String utils for attributes and similar stuff. #![deny(missing_docs)] use num_traits::ToPrimitive; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::iter::{Filter, Peekable}; use std::str::Split; /// A static slice of characters. pub type StaticCharVec = &'static [char]; /// A static slice of `str`s. pub type StaticStringVec = &'static [&'static str]; /// A "space character" according to: /// /// pub static HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS: StaticCharVec = &['\u{0020}', '\u{0009}', '\u{000a}', '\u{000c}', '\u{000d}']; /// Whether a character is a HTML whitespace character. #[inline] pub fn char_is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool { HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS.contains(&c) } /// Whether all the string is HTML whitespace. #[inline] pub fn is_whitespace(s: &str) -> bool { s.chars().all(char_is_whitespace) } #[inline] fn not_empty(&split: &&str) -> bool { !split.is_empty() } /// Split a string on HTML whitespace. #[inline] pub fn split_html_space_chars<'a>( s: &'a str, ) -> Filter, fn(&&str) -> bool> { s.split(HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS) .filter(not_empty as fn(&&str) -> bool) } /// Split a string on commas. #[inline] pub fn split_commas<'a>(s: &'a str) -> Filter, fn(&&str) -> bool> { s.split(',').filter(not_empty as fn(&&str) -> bool) } /// Character is ascii digit pub fn is_ascii_digit(c: &char) -> bool { match *c { '0'..='9' => true, _ => false, } } fn is_decimal_point(c: char) -> bool { c == '.' } fn is_exponent_char(c: char) -> bool { match c { 'e' | 'E' => true, _ => false, } } /// Read a set of ascii digits and read them into a number. pub fn read_numbers>(mut iter: Peekable) -> (Option, usize) { match iter.peek() { Some(c) if is_ascii_digit(c) => (), _ => return (None, 0), } iter.take_while(is_ascii_digit) .map(|d| d as i64 - '0' as i64) .fold((Some(0i64), 0), |accumulator, d| { let digits = accumulator .0 .and_then(|accumulator| accumulator.checked_mul(10)) .and_then(|accumulator| accumulator.checked_add(d)); (digits, accumulator.1 + 1) }) } /// Read a decimal fraction. pub fn read_fraction>( mut iter: Peekable, mut divisor: f64, value: f64, ) -> (f64, usize) { match iter.peek() { Some(c) if is_decimal_point(*c) => (), _ => return (value, 0), } iter.next(); iter.take_while(is_ascii_digit) .map(|d| d as i64 - '0' as i64) .fold((value, 1), |accumulator, d| { divisor *= 10f64; (accumulator.0 + d as f64 / divisor, accumulator.1 + 1) }) } /// Reads an exponent from an iterator over chars, for example `e100`. pub fn read_exponent>(mut iter: Peekable) -> Option { match iter.peek() { Some(c) if is_exponent_char(*c) => (), _ => return None, } iter.next(); match iter.peek() { None => None, Some(&'-') => { iter.next(); read_numbers(iter).0.map(|exp| -exp.to_i32().unwrap_or(0)) }, Some(&'+') => { iter.next(); read_numbers(iter).0.map(|exp| exp.to_i32().unwrap_or(0)) }, Some(_) => read_numbers(iter).0.map(|exp| exp.to_i32().unwrap_or(0)), } } /// Join a set of strings with a given delimiter `join`. pub fn str_join(strs: I, join: &str) -> String where I: IntoIterator, T: AsRef, { strs.into_iter() .enumerate() .fold(String::new(), |mut acc, (i, s)| { if i > 0 { acc.push_str(join); } acc.push_str(s.as_ref()); acc }) } /// Returns true if a given string has a given prefix with case-insensitive match. pub fn starts_with_ignore_ascii_case(string: &str, prefix: &str) -> bool { string.len() >= prefix.len() && string.as_bytes()[0..prefix.len()].eq_ignore_ascii_case(prefix.as_bytes()) } /// Returns an ascii lowercase version of a string, only allocating if needed. pub fn string_as_ascii_lowercase<'a>(input: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> { if input.bytes().any(|c| matches!(c, b'A'..=b'Z')) { input.to_ascii_lowercase().into() } else { // Already ascii lowercase. Cow::Borrowed(input) } } /// To avoid accidentally instantiating multiple monomorphizations of large /// serialization routines, we define explicit concrete types and require /// them in those routines. This avoids accidental mixing of String and /// nsACString arguments in Gecko, which would cause code size to blow up. #[cfg(feature = "gecko")] pub type CssStringWriter = ::nsstring::nsACString; /// String type that coerces to CssStringWriter, used when serialization code /// needs to allocate a temporary string. #[cfg(feature = "gecko")] pub type CssString = ::nsstring::nsCString;