/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! Computed types for box properties. use crate::values::animated::{Animate, Procedure, ToAnimatedValue}; use crate::values::computed::font::FixedPoint; use crate::values::computed::length::{LengthPercentage, NonNegativeLength}; use crate::values::computed::{Context, Integer, Number, ToComputedValue}; use crate::values::generics::box_::{ GenericContainIntrinsicSize, GenericLineClamp, GenericPerspective, GenericVerticalAlign, }; use crate::values::specified::box_ as specified; use std::fmt; use style_traits::{CssWriter, ToCss}; pub use crate::values::specified::box_::{ Appearance, BaselineSource, BreakBetween, BreakWithin, Clear as SpecifiedClear, Contain, ContainerName, ContainerType, ContentVisibility, Display, Float as SpecifiedFloat, Overflow, OverflowAnchor, OverflowClipBox, OverscrollBehavior, ScrollSnapAlign, ScrollSnapAxis, ScrollSnapStop, ScrollSnapStrictness, ScrollSnapType, ScrollbarGutter, TouchAction, WillChange, }; /// A computed value for the `vertical-align` property. pub type VerticalAlign = GenericVerticalAlign; /// A computed value for the `contain-intrinsic-size` property. pub type ContainIntrinsicSize = GenericContainIntrinsicSize; impl ContainIntrinsicSize { /// Converts contain-intrinsic-size to auto style. pub fn add_auto_if_needed(&self) -> Option { Some(match *self { Self::None => Self::AutoNone, Self::Length(ref l) => Self::AutoLength(*l), Self::AutoNone | Self::AutoLength(..) => return None, }) } } /// A computed value for the `line-clamp` property. pub type LineClamp = GenericLineClamp; impl Animate for LineClamp { #[inline] fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result { if self.is_none() != other.is_none() { return Err(()); } if self.is_none() { return Ok(Self::none()); } Ok(Self(self.0.animate(&other.0, procedure)?.max(1))) } } /// A computed value for the `perspective` property. pub type Perspective = GenericPerspective; #[allow(missing_docs)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))] #[derive( Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, FromPrimitive, Hash, MallocSizeOf, Parse, PartialEq, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToCss, ToResolvedValue, )] #[repr(u8)] /// A computed value for the `float` property. pub enum Float { Left, Right, None, } impl Float { /// Returns true if `self` is not `None`. pub fn is_floating(self) -> bool { self != Self::None } } impl ToComputedValue for SpecifiedFloat { type ComputedValue = Float; #[inline] fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> Self::ComputedValue { let ltr = context.style().writing_mode.is_bidi_ltr(); // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-logical-props/#float-clear match *self { SpecifiedFloat::InlineStart => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if ltr { Float::Left } else { Float::Right } }, SpecifiedFloat::InlineEnd => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if ltr { Float::Right } else { Float::Left } }, SpecifiedFloat::Left => Float::Left, SpecifiedFloat::Right => Float::Right, SpecifiedFloat::None => Float::None, } } #[inline] fn from_computed_value(computed: &Self::ComputedValue) -> SpecifiedFloat { match *computed { Float::Left => SpecifiedFloat::Left, Float::Right => SpecifiedFloat::Right, Float::None => SpecifiedFloat::None, } } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))] #[derive( Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, FromPrimitive, Hash, MallocSizeOf, Parse, PartialEq, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToCss, ToResolvedValue, )] /// A computed value for the `clear` property. #[repr(u8)] pub enum Clear { None, Left, Right, Both, } impl ToComputedValue for SpecifiedClear { type ComputedValue = Clear; #[inline] fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> Self::ComputedValue { let ltr = context.style().writing_mode.is_bidi_ltr(); // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-logical-props/#float-clear match *self { SpecifiedClear::InlineStart => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if ltr { Clear::Left } else { Clear::Right } }, SpecifiedClear::InlineEnd => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if ltr { Clear::Right } else { Clear::Left } }, SpecifiedClear::None => Clear::None, SpecifiedClear::Left => Clear::Left, SpecifiedClear::Right => Clear::Right, SpecifiedClear::Both => Clear::Both, } } #[inline] fn from_computed_value(computed: &Self::ComputedValue) -> SpecifiedClear { match *computed { Clear::None => SpecifiedClear::None, Clear::Left => SpecifiedClear::Left, Clear::Right => SpecifiedClear::Right, Clear::Both => SpecifiedClear::Both, } } } /// A computed value for the `resize` property. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, MallocSizeOf, Parse, PartialEq, ToCss, ToResolvedValue)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum Resize { None, Both, Horizontal, Vertical, } impl ToComputedValue for specified::Resize { type ComputedValue = Resize; #[inline] fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> Resize { let is_vertical = context.style().writing_mode.is_vertical(); match self { specified::Resize::Inline => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if is_vertical { Resize::Vertical } else { Resize::Horizontal } }, specified::Resize::Block => { context .rule_cache_conditions .borrow_mut() .set_writing_mode_dependency(context.builder.writing_mode); if is_vertical { Resize::Horizontal } else { Resize::Vertical } }, specified::Resize::None => Resize::None, specified::Resize::Both => Resize::Both, specified::Resize::Horizontal => Resize::Horizontal, specified::Resize::Vertical => Resize::Vertical, } } #[inline] fn from_computed_value(computed: &Resize) -> specified::Resize { match computed { Resize::None => specified::Resize::None, Resize::Both => specified::Resize::Both, Resize::Horizontal => specified::Resize::Horizontal, Resize::Vertical => specified::Resize::Vertical, } } } /// We use an unsigned 10.6 fixed-point value (range 0.0 - 1023.984375). pub const ZOOM_FRACTION_BITS: u16 = 6; /// This is an alias which is useful mostly as a cbindgen / C++ inference workaround. pub type ZoomFixedPoint = FixedPoint; /// The computed `zoom` property value. We store it as a 16-bit fixed point because we need to /// store it efficiently in the ComputedStyle representation. The assumption being that zooms over /// 1000 aren't quite useful. #[derive( Clone, ComputeSquaredDistance, Copy, Debug, Hash, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, PartialOrd, ToResolvedValue, )] #[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))] #[repr(C)] pub struct Zoom(ZoomFixedPoint); impl ToComputedValue for specified::Zoom { type ComputedValue = Zoom; #[inline] fn to_computed_value(&self, _: &Context) -> Self::ComputedValue { let n = match *self { Self::Normal => return Zoom::ONE, Self::Document => return Zoom::DOCUMENT, Self::Value(ref n) => n.0.to_number().get(), }; if n == 0.0 { // For legacy reasons, zoom: 0 (and 0%) computes to 1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ return Zoom::ONE; } Zoom(ZoomFixedPoint::from_float(n)) } #[inline] fn from_computed_value(computed: &Self::ComputedValue) -> Self { Self::new_number(computed.value()) } } impl ToCss for Zoom { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write, { use std::fmt::Write; if *self == Self::DOCUMENT { return dest.write_str("document"); } self.value().to_css(dest) } } impl ToAnimatedValue for Zoom { type AnimatedValue = Number; #[inline] fn to_animated_value(self) -> Self::AnimatedValue { self.value() } #[inline] fn from_animated_value(animated: Self::AnimatedValue) -> Self { Zoom(ZoomFixedPoint::from_float(animated.max(0.0))) } } impl Zoom { /// The value 1. This is by far the most common value. pub const ONE: Zoom = Zoom(ZoomFixedPoint { value: 1 << ZOOM_FRACTION_BITS, }); /// The `document` value. This can appear in the computed zoom property value, but not in the /// `effective_zoom` field. pub const DOCUMENT: Zoom = Zoom(ZoomFixedPoint { value: 0 }); /// Returns whether we're the number 1. #[inline] pub fn is_one(self) -> bool { self == Self::ONE } /// Returns the value as a float. #[inline] pub fn value(&self) -> f32 { self.0.to_float() } /// Computes the effective zoom for a given new zoom value in rhs. pub fn compute_effective(self, specified: Self) -> Self { if specified == Self::DOCUMENT { return Self::ONE; } if self == Self::ONE { return specified; } if specified == Self::ONE { return self; } Zoom(self.0 * specified.0) } /// Returns the zoomed value. #[inline] pub fn zoom(self, value: f32) -> f32 { if self == Self::ONE { return value; } self.value() * value } }