/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! `` computed values, and related ones. //! //! The over-all design is a tagged pointer, with the lower bits of the pointer //! being non-zero if it is a non-calc value. //! //! It is expected to take 64 bits both in x86 and x86-64. This is implemented //! as a `union`, with 4 different variants: //! //! * The length and percentage variants have a { tag, f32 } (effectively) //! layout. The tag has to overlap with the lower 2 bits of the calc variant. //! //! * The `calc()` variant is a { tag, pointer } in x86 (so same as the //! others), or just a { pointer } in x86-64 (so that the two bits of the tag //! can be obtained from the lower bits of the pointer). //! //! * There's a `tag` variant just to make clear when only the tag is intended //! to be read. Note that the tag needs to be masked always by `TAG_MASK`, to //! deal with the pointer variant in x86-64. //! //! The assertions in the constructor methods ensure that the tag getter matches //! our expectations. use super::{Context, Length, Percentage, ToComputedValue}; use crate::gecko_bindings::structs::GeckoFontMetrics; use crate::values::animated::{Animate, Procedure, ToAnimatedValue, ToAnimatedZero}; use crate::values::distance::{ComputeSquaredDistance, SquaredDistance}; use crate::values::generics::calc::{CalcUnits, PositivePercentageBasis}; use crate::values::generics::{calc, NonNegative}; use crate::values::resolved::{Context as ResolvedContext, ToResolvedValue}; use crate::values::specified::length::{FontBaseSize, LineHeightBase}; use crate::values::{specified, CSSFloat}; use crate::{Zero, ZeroNoPercent}; use app_units::Au; use malloc_size_of::{MallocSizeOf, MallocSizeOfOps}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fmt::{self, Write}; use style_traits::values::specified::AllowedNumericType; use style_traits::{CssWriter, ToCss}; #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct LengthVariant { tag: u8, length: Length, } #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct PercentageVariant { tag: u8, percentage: Percentage, } // NOTE(emilio): cbindgen only understands the #[cfg] on the top level // definition. #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] pub struct CalcVariant { tag: u8, ptr: *mut CalcLengthPercentage, } #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub struct CalcVariant { ptr: usize, // In little-endian byte order } // `CalcLengthPercentage` is `Send + Sync` as asserted below. unsafe impl Send for CalcVariant {} unsafe impl Sync for CalcVariant {} #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct TagVariant { tag: u8, } /// A `` value. This can be either a ``, a /// ``, or a combination of both via `calc()`. /// /// cbindgen:private-default-tagged-enum-constructor=false /// cbindgen:derive-mut-casts=true /// /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#typedef-length-percentage /// /// The tag is stored in the lower two bits. /// /// We need to use a struct instead of the union directly because unions with /// Drop implementations are unstable, looks like. /// /// Also we need the union and the variants to be `pub` (even though the member /// is private) so that cbindgen generates it. They're not part of the public /// API otherwise. #[repr(transparent)] pub struct LengthPercentage(LengthPercentageUnion); #[doc(hidden)] #[repr(C)] pub union LengthPercentageUnion { length: LengthVariant, percentage: PercentageVariant, calc: CalcVariant, tag: TagVariant, } impl LengthPercentageUnion { #[doc(hidden)] // Need to be public so that cbindgen generates it. pub const TAG_CALC: u8 = 0; #[doc(hidden)] pub const TAG_LENGTH: u8 = 1; #[doc(hidden)] pub const TAG_PERCENTAGE: u8 = 2; #[doc(hidden)] pub const TAG_MASK: u8 = 0b11; } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] enum Tag { Calc = LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_CALC, Length = LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_LENGTH, Percentage = LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_PERCENTAGE, } // All the members should be 64 bits, even in 32-bit builds. #[allow(unused)] unsafe fn static_assert() { fn assert_send_and_sync() {} std::mem::transmute::(0u64); std::mem::transmute::(0u64); std::mem::transmute::(0u64); std::mem::transmute::(0u64); assert_send_and_sync::(); assert_send_and_sync::(); assert_send_and_sync::(); } impl Drop for LengthPercentage { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.tag() == Tag::Calc { let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.calc_ptr()) }; } } } impl MallocSizeOf for LengthPercentage { fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(..) | Unpacked::Percentage(..) => 0, Unpacked::Calc(c) => unsafe { ops.malloc_size_of(c) }, } } } impl ToResolvedValue for LengthPercentage { type ResolvedValue = Self; fn to_resolved_value(self, context: &ResolvedContext) -> Self::ResolvedValue { if context.style.effective_zoom.is_one() { return self; } match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Self::new_length(l.to_resolved_value(context)), Unpacked::Percentage(..) | Unpacked::Calc(..) => self, } } #[inline] fn from_resolved_value(value: Self::ResolvedValue) -> Self { value } } /// An unpacked `` that borrows the `calc()` variant. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, ToCss)] enum Unpacked<'a> { Calc(&'a CalcLengthPercentage), Length(Length), Percentage(Percentage), } /// An unpacked `` that mutably borrows the `calc()` variant. enum UnpackedMut<'a> { Calc(&'a mut CalcLengthPercentage), Length(Length), Percentage(Percentage), } /// An unpacked `` that owns the `calc()` variant, for /// serialization purposes. #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)] enum Serializable { Calc(CalcLengthPercentage), Length(Length), Percentage(Percentage), } impl LengthPercentage { /// 1px length value for SVG defaults #[inline] pub fn one() -> Self { Self::new_length(Length::new(1.)) } /// 0% #[inline] pub fn zero_percent() -> Self { Self::new_percent(Percentage::zero()) } fn to_calc_node(&self) -> Cow { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Cow::Owned(CalcNode::Leaf(CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length(l))), Unpacked::Percentage(p) => { Cow::Owned(CalcNode::Leaf(CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(p))) }, Unpacked::Calc(p) => Cow::Borrowed(&p.node), } } /// Constructs a length value. #[inline] pub fn new_length(length: Length) -> Self { let length = Self(LengthPercentageUnion { length: LengthVariant { tag: LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_LENGTH, length, }, }); debug_assert_eq!(length.tag(), Tag::Length); length } /// Constructs a percentage value. #[inline] pub fn new_percent(percentage: Percentage) -> Self { let percent = Self(LengthPercentageUnion { percentage: PercentageVariant { tag: LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_PERCENTAGE, percentage, }, }); debug_assert_eq!(percent.tag(), Tag::Percentage); percent } /// Given a `LengthPercentage` value `v`, construct the value representing /// `calc(100% - v)`. pub fn hundred_percent_minus(v: Self, clamping_mode: AllowedNumericType) -> Self { // TODO: This could in theory take ownership of the calc node in `v` if // possible instead of cloning. let mut node = v.to_calc_node().into_owned(); node.negate(); let new_node = CalcNode::Sum( vec![ CalcNode::Leaf(CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(Percentage::hundred())), node, ] .into(), ); Self::new_calc(new_node, clamping_mode) } /// Given a list of `LengthPercentage` values, construct the value representing /// `calc(100% - the sum of the list)`. pub fn hundred_percent_minus_list(list: &[&Self], clamping_mode: AllowedNumericType) -> Self { let mut new_list = vec![CalcNode::Leaf(CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage( Percentage::hundred(), ))]; for lp in list.iter() { let mut node = lp.to_calc_node().into_owned(); node.negate(); new_list.push(node) } Self::new_calc(CalcNode::Sum(new_list.into()), clamping_mode) } /// Constructs a `calc()` value. #[inline] pub fn new_calc(mut node: CalcNode, clamping_mode: AllowedNumericType) -> Self { node.simplify_and_sort(); match node { CalcNode::Leaf(l) => { return match l { CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length(l) => { Self::new_length(Length::new(clamping_mode.clamp(l.px())).normalized()) }, CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(p) => Self::new_percent(Percentage( clamping_mode.clamp(crate::values::normalize(p.0)), )), CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Number(number) => { debug_assert!( false, "The final result of a should never be a number" ); Self::new_length(Length::new(number)) }, }; }, _ => Self::new_calc_unchecked(Box::new(CalcLengthPercentage { clamping_mode, node, })), } } /// Private version of new_calc() that constructs a calc() variant without /// checking. fn new_calc_unchecked(calc: Box) -> Self { let ptr = Box::into_raw(calc); #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] let calc = CalcVariant { tag: LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_CALC, ptr, }; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] let calc = CalcVariant { #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] ptr: ptr as usize, #[cfg(target_endian = "big")] ptr: (ptr as usize).swap_bytes(), }; let calc = Self(LengthPercentageUnion { calc }); debug_assert_eq!(calc.tag(), Tag::Calc); calc } #[inline] fn tag(&self) -> Tag { match unsafe { self.0.tag.tag & LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_MASK } { LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_CALC => Tag::Calc, LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_LENGTH => Tag::Length, LengthPercentageUnion::TAG_PERCENTAGE => Tag::Percentage, _ => unsafe { debug_unreachable!("Bogus tag?") }, } } #[inline] fn unpack_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> UnpackedMut<'a> { unsafe { match self.tag() { Tag::Calc => UnpackedMut::Calc(&mut *self.calc_ptr()), Tag::Length => UnpackedMut::Length(self.0.length.length), Tag::Percentage => UnpackedMut::Percentage(self.0.percentage.percentage), } } } #[inline] fn unpack<'a>(&'a self) -> Unpacked<'a> { unsafe { match self.tag() { Tag::Calc => Unpacked::Calc(&*self.calc_ptr()), Tag::Length => Unpacked::Length(self.0.length.length), Tag::Percentage => Unpacked::Percentage(self.0.percentage.percentage), } } } #[inline] unsafe fn calc_ptr(&self) -> *mut CalcLengthPercentage { #[cfg(not(all(target_endian = "big", target_pointer_width = "64")))] { self.0.calc.ptr as *mut _ } #[cfg(all(target_endian = "big", target_pointer_width = "64"))] { self.0.calc.ptr.swap_bytes() as *mut _ } } #[inline] fn to_serializable(&self) -> Serializable { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Calc(c) => Serializable::Calc(c.clone()), Unpacked::Length(l) => Serializable::Length(l), Unpacked::Percentage(p) => Serializable::Percentage(p), } } #[inline] fn from_serializable(s: Serializable) -> Self { match s { Serializable::Calc(c) => Self::new_calc_unchecked(Box::new(c)), Serializable::Length(l) => Self::new_length(l), Serializable::Percentage(p) => Self::new_percent(p), } } /// Returns true if the computed value is absolute 0 or 0%. #[inline] pub fn is_definitely_zero(&self) -> bool { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => l.px() == 0.0, Unpacked::Percentage(p) => p.0 == 0.0, Unpacked::Calc(..) => false, } } /// Resolves the percentage. #[inline] pub fn resolve(&self, basis: Length) -> Length { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => l, Unpacked::Percentage(p) => (basis * p.0).normalized(), Unpacked::Calc(ref c) => c.resolve(basis), } } /// Resolves the percentage. Just an alias of resolve(). #[inline] pub fn percentage_relative_to(&self, basis: Length) -> Length { self.resolve(basis) } /// Return whether there's any percentage in this value. #[inline] pub fn has_percentage(&self) -> bool { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(..) => false, Unpacked::Percentage(..) | Unpacked::Calc(..) => true, } } /// Converts to a `` if possible. pub fn to_length(&self) -> Option { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Some(l), Unpacked::Percentage(..) | Unpacked::Calc(..) => { debug_assert!(self.has_percentage()); return None; }, } } /// Converts to a `` if possible. #[inline] pub fn to_percentage(&self) -> Option { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Percentage(p) => Some(p), Unpacked::Length(..) | Unpacked::Calc(..) => None, } } /// Converts to a `` with given basis. Returns None if the basis is 0. #[inline] pub fn to_percentage_of(&self, basis: Length) -> Option { if basis.px() == 0. { return None; } Some(match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Percentage(l.px() / basis.px()), Unpacked::Percentage(p) => p, Unpacked::Calc(ref c) => Percentage(c.resolve(basis).px() / basis.px()), }) } /// Returns the used value. #[inline] pub fn to_used_value(&self, containing_length: Au) -> Au { Au::from(self.to_pixel_length(containing_length)) } /// Returns the used value as CSSPixelLength. #[inline] pub fn to_pixel_length(&self, containing_length: Au) -> Length { self.resolve(containing_length.into()) } /// Convert the computed value into used value. #[inline] pub fn maybe_to_used_value(&self, container_len: Option) -> Option { self.maybe_percentage_relative_to(container_len) .map(Au::from) } /// If there are special rules for computing percentages in a value (e.g. /// the height property), they apply whenever a calc() expression contains /// percentages. pub fn maybe_percentage_relative_to(&self, container_len: Option) -> Option { if let Unpacked::Length(l) = self.unpack() { return Some(l); } Some(self.resolve(container_len?)) } /// Returns the clamped non-negative values. #[inline] pub fn clamp_to_non_negative(mut self) -> Self { match self.unpack_mut() { UnpackedMut::Length(l) => Self::new_length(l.clamp_to_non_negative()), UnpackedMut::Percentage(p) => Self::new_percent(p.clamp_to_non_negative()), UnpackedMut::Calc(ref mut c) => { c.clamping_mode = AllowedNumericType::NonNegative; self }, } } } impl PartialEq for LengthPercentage { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.unpack() == other.unpack() } } impl fmt::Debug for LengthPercentage { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.unpack().fmt(formatter) } } impl ToAnimatedZero for LengthPercentage { fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result { Ok(match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Self::new_length(l.to_animated_zero()?), Unpacked::Percentage(p) => Self::new_percent(p.to_animated_zero()?), Unpacked::Calc(c) => Self::new_calc_unchecked(Box::new(c.to_animated_zero()?)), }) } } impl Clone for LengthPercentage { fn clone(&self) -> Self { match self.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(l) => Self::new_length(l), Unpacked::Percentage(p) => Self::new_percent(p), Unpacked::Calc(c) => Self::new_calc_unchecked(Box::new(c.clone())), } } } impl ToComputedValue for specified::LengthPercentage { type ComputedValue = LengthPercentage; fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> LengthPercentage { match *self { specified::LengthPercentage::Length(ref value) => { LengthPercentage::new_length(value.to_computed_value(context)) }, specified::LengthPercentage::Percentage(value) => LengthPercentage::new_percent(value), specified::LengthPercentage::Calc(ref calc) => (**calc).to_computed_value(context), } } fn from_computed_value(computed: &LengthPercentage) -> Self { match computed.unpack() { Unpacked::Length(ref l) => { specified::LengthPercentage::Length(ToComputedValue::from_computed_value(l)) }, Unpacked::Percentage(p) => specified::LengthPercentage::Percentage(p), Unpacked::Calc(c) => { // We simplify before constructing the LengthPercentage if // needed, so this is always fine. specified::LengthPercentage::Calc(Box::new( specified::CalcLengthPercentage::from_computed_value(c), )) }, } } } impl ComputeSquaredDistance for LengthPercentage { #[inline] fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result { // A somewhat arbitrary base, it doesn't really make sense to mix // lengths with percentages, but we can't do much better here, and this // ensures that the distance between length-only and percentage-only // lengths makes sense. let basis = Length::new(100.); self.resolve(basis) .compute_squared_distance(&other.resolve(basis)) } } impl ToCss for LengthPercentage { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: Write, { self.unpack().to_css(dest) } } impl Zero for LengthPercentage { fn zero() -> Self { LengthPercentage::new_length(Length::zero()) } #[inline] fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self.is_definitely_zero() } } impl ZeroNoPercent for LengthPercentage { #[inline] fn is_zero_no_percent(&self) -> bool { self.is_definitely_zero() && !self.has_percentage() } } impl Serialize for LengthPercentage { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { self.to_serializable().serialize(serializer) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for LengthPercentage { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { Ok(Self::from_serializable(Serializable::deserialize( deserializer, )?)) } } /// The leaves of a `` calc expression. #[derive( Clone, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, ToAnimatedZero, ToCss, ToResolvedValue, )] #[allow(missing_docs)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum CalcLengthPercentageLeaf { Length(Length), Percentage(Percentage), Number(f32), } impl CalcLengthPercentageLeaf { fn is_zero_length(&self) -> bool { match *self { Self::Length(ref l) => l.is_zero(), Self::Percentage(..) => false, Self::Number(..) => false, } } } impl calc::CalcNodeLeaf for CalcLengthPercentageLeaf { fn unit(&self) -> CalcUnits { match self { Self::Length(_) => CalcUnits::LENGTH, Self::Percentage(_) => CalcUnits::PERCENTAGE, Self::Number(_) => CalcUnits::empty(), } } fn unitless_value(&self) -> Option { Some(match *self { Self::Length(ref l) => l.px(), Self::Percentage(ref p) => p.0, Self::Number(n) => n, }) } fn new_number(value: f32) -> Self { Self::Number(value) } fn as_number(&self) -> Option { match *self { Self::Length(_) | Self::Percentage(_) => None, Self::Number(value) => Some(value), } } fn compare(&self, other: &Self, basis: PositivePercentageBasis) -> Option { use self::CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::*; if std::mem::discriminant(self) != std::mem::discriminant(other) { return None; } if matches!(self, Percentage(..)) && matches!(basis, PositivePercentageBasis::Unknown) { return None; } let Ok(self_negative) = self.is_negative() else { return None; }; let Ok(other_negative) = other.is_negative() else { return None; }; if self_negative != other_negative { return Some(if self_negative { std::cmp::Ordering::Less } else { std::cmp::Ordering::Greater }); } match (self, other) { (&Length(ref one), &Length(ref other)) => one.partial_cmp(other), (&Percentage(ref one), &Percentage(ref other)) => one.partial_cmp(other), (&Number(ref one), &Number(ref other)) => one.partial_cmp(other), _ => unsafe { match *self { Length(..) | Percentage(..) | Number(..) => {}, } debug_unreachable!("Forgot to handle unit in compare()") }, } } fn try_sum_in_place(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Result<(), ()> { use self::CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::*; // 0px plus anything else is equal to the right hand side. if self.is_zero_length() { *self = other.clone(); return Ok(()); } if other.is_zero_length() { return Ok(()); } if std::mem::discriminant(self) != std::mem::discriminant(other) { return Err(()); } match (self, other) { (&mut Length(ref mut one), &Length(ref other)) => { *one += *other; }, (&mut Percentage(ref mut one), &Percentage(ref other)) => { one.0 += other.0; }, (&mut Number(ref mut one), &Number(ref other)) => { *one += *other; }, _ => unsafe { match *other { Length(..) | Percentage(..) | Number(..) => {}, } debug_unreachable!("Forgot to handle unit in try_sum_in_place()") }, } Ok(()) } fn try_product_in_place(&mut self, other: &mut Self) -> bool { if let Self::Number(ref mut left) = *self { if let Self::Number(ref right) = *other { // Both sides are numbers, so we can just modify the left side. *left *= *right; true } else { // The right side is not a number, so the result should be in the units of the right // side. if other.map(|v| v * *left).is_ok() { std::mem::swap(self, other); true } else { false } } } else if let Self::Number(ref right) = *other { // The left side is not a number, but the right side is, so the result is the left // side unit. self.map(|v| v * *right).is_ok() } else { // Neither side is a number, so a product is not possible. false } } fn try_op(&self, other: &Self, op: O) -> Result where O: Fn(f32, f32) -> f32, { use self::CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::*; if std::mem::discriminant(self) != std::mem::discriminant(other) { return Err(()); } Ok(match (self, other) { (&Length(ref one), &Length(ref other)) => { Length(super::Length::new(op(one.px(), other.px()))) }, (&Percentage(one), &Percentage(other)) => { Self::Percentage(super::Percentage(op(one.0, other.0))) }, (&Number(one), &Number(other)) => Self::Number(op(one, other)), _ => unsafe { match *self { Length(..) | Percentage(..) | Number(..) => {}, } debug_unreachable!("Forgot to handle unit in try_op()") }, }) } fn map(&mut self, mut op: impl FnMut(f32) -> f32) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(match self { Self::Length(value) => { *value = Length::new(op(value.px())); }, Self::Percentage(value) => { *value = Percentage(op(value.0)); }, Self::Number(value) => { *value = op(*value); }, }) } fn simplify(&mut self) {} fn sort_key(&self) -> calc::SortKey { match *self { Self::Length(..) => calc::SortKey::Px, Self::Percentage(..) => calc::SortKey::Percentage, Self::Number(..) => calc::SortKey::Number, } } } /// The computed version of a calc() node for `` values. pub type CalcNode = calc::GenericCalcNode; /// The representation of a calc() function with mixed lengths and percentages. #[derive( Clone, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, Serialize, ToAnimatedZero, ToResolvedValue, ToCss, )] #[repr(C)] pub struct CalcLengthPercentage { #[animation(constant)] #[css(skip)] clamping_mode: AllowedNumericType, node: CalcNode, } impl CalcLengthPercentage { /// Resolves the percentage. #[inline] pub fn resolve(&self, basis: Length) -> Length { // unwrap() is fine because the conversion below is infallible. if let CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length(px) = self .node .resolve_map(|leaf| { Ok(if let CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(p) = leaf { CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length(Length::new(basis.px() * p.0)) } else { leaf.clone() }) }) .unwrap() { Length::new(self.clamping_mode.clamp(px.px())).normalized() } else { unreachable!("resolve_map should turn percentages to lengths, and parsing should ensure that we don't end up with a number"); } } } // NOTE(emilio): We don't compare `clamping_mode` since we want to preserve the // invariant that `from_computed_value(length).to_computed_value(..) == length`. // // Right now for e.g. a non-negative length, we set clamping_mode to `All` // unconditionally for non-calc values, and to `NonNegative` for calc. // // If we determine that it's sound, from_computed_value() can generate an // absolute length, which then would get `All` as the clamping mode. // // We may want to just eagerly-detect whether we can clamp in // `LengthPercentage::new` and switch to `AllowedNumericType::NonNegative` then, // maybe. impl PartialEq for CalcLengthPercentage { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.node == other.node } } impl specified::CalcLengthPercentage { /// Compute the value, zooming any absolute units by the zoom function. fn to_computed_value_with_zoom( &self, context: &Context, zoom_fn: F, base_size: FontBaseSize, line_height_base: LineHeightBase, ) -> LengthPercentage where F: Fn(Length) -> Length, { use crate::values::specified::calc::Leaf; let node = self.node.map_leaves(|leaf| match *leaf { Leaf::Percentage(p) => CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(Percentage(p)), Leaf::Length(l) => CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length({ let result = l.to_computed_value_with_base_size(context, base_size, line_height_base); if l.should_zoom_text() { zoom_fn(result) } else { result } }), Leaf::Number(n) => CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Number(n), Leaf::Angle(..) | Leaf::Time(..) | Leaf::Resolution(..) | Leaf::ColorComponent(..) => { unreachable!("Shouldn't have parsed") }, }); LengthPercentage::new_calc(node, self.clamping_mode) } /// Compute font-size or line-height taking into account text-zoom if necessary. pub fn to_computed_value_zoomed( &self, context: &Context, base_size: FontBaseSize, line_height_base: LineHeightBase, ) -> LengthPercentage { self.to_computed_value_with_zoom( context, |abs| context.maybe_zoom_text(abs), base_size, line_height_base, ) } /// Compute the value into pixel length as CSSFloat without context, /// so it returns Err(()) if there is any non-absolute unit. pub fn to_computed_pixel_length_without_context(&self) -> Result { use crate::values::specified::calc::Leaf; use crate::values::specified::length::NoCalcLength; // Simplification should've turned this into an absolute length, // otherwise it wouldn't have been able to. match self.node { calc::CalcNode::Leaf(Leaf::Length(NoCalcLength::Absolute(ref l))) => Ok(l.to_px()), _ => Err(()), } } /// Compute the value into pixel length as CSSFloat, using the get_font_metrics function /// if provided to resolve font-relative dimensions. pub fn to_computed_pixel_length_with_font_metrics( &self, get_font_metrics: Option GeckoFontMetrics>, ) -> Result { use crate::values::specified::calc::Leaf; use crate::values::specified::length::NoCalcLength; match self.node { calc::CalcNode::Leaf(Leaf::Length(NoCalcLength::Absolute(ref l))) => Ok(l.to_px()), calc::CalcNode::Leaf(Leaf::Length(NoCalcLength::FontRelative(ref l))) => { if let Some(getter) = get_font_metrics { l.to_computed_pixel_length_with_font_metrics(getter) } else { Err(()) } }, _ => Err(()), } } /// Compute the calc using the current font-size and line-height. (and without text-zoom). pub fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> LengthPercentage { self.to_computed_value_with_zoom( context, |abs| abs, FontBaseSize::CurrentStyle, LineHeightBase::CurrentStyle, ) } #[inline] fn from_computed_value(computed: &CalcLengthPercentage) -> Self { use crate::values::specified::calc::Leaf; use crate::values::specified::length::NoCalcLength; specified::CalcLengthPercentage { clamping_mode: computed.clamping_mode, node: computed.node.map_leaves(|l| match l { CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Length(ref l) => { Leaf::Length(NoCalcLength::from_px(l.px())) }, CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Percentage(ref p) => Leaf::Percentage(p.0), CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::Number(n) => Leaf::Number(*n), }), } } } /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions/#animtype-lpcalc /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#combine-math /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#combine-mixed impl Animate for LengthPercentage { #[inline] fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result { Ok(match (self.unpack(), other.unpack()) { (Unpacked::Length(one), Unpacked::Length(other)) => { Self::new_length(one.animate(&other, procedure)?) }, (Unpacked::Percentage(one), Unpacked::Percentage(other)) => { Self::new_percent(one.animate(&other, procedure)?) }, _ => { use calc::CalcNodeLeaf; fn product_with(mut node: CalcNode, product: f32) -> CalcNode { let mut number = CalcNode::Leaf(CalcLengthPercentageLeaf::new_number(product)); if !node.try_product_in_place(&mut number) { CalcNode::Product(vec![node, number].into()) } else { node } } let (l, r) = procedure.weights(); let one = product_with(self.to_calc_node().into_owned(), l as f32); let other = product_with(other.to_calc_node().into_owned(), r as f32); Self::new_calc( CalcNode::Sum(vec![one, other].into()), AllowedNumericType::All, ) }, }) } } /// A wrapper of LengthPercentage, whose value must be >= 0. pub type NonNegativeLengthPercentage = NonNegative; impl ToAnimatedValue for NonNegativeLengthPercentage { type AnimatedValue = LengthPercentage; #[inline] fn to_animated_value(self) -> Self::AnimatedValue { self.0 } #[inline] fn from_animated_value(animated: Self::AnimatedValue) -> Self { NonNegative(animated.clamp_to_non_negative()) } } impl NonNegativeLengthPercentage { /// Returns true if the computed value is absolute 0 or 0%. #[inline] pub fn is_definitely_zero(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_definitely_zero() } /// Returns the used value. #[inline] pub fn to_used_value(&self, containing_length: Au) -> Au { let resolved = self.0.to_used_value(containing_length); std::cmp::max(resolved, Au(0)) } /// Convert the computed value into used value. #[inline] pub fn maybe_to_used_value(&self, containing_length: Option) -> Option { let resolved = self .0 .maybe_to_used_value(containing_length.map(|v| v.into()))?; Some(std::cmp::max(resolved, Au(0))) } }