# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --- loader: gecko_taskgraph.loader.transform:loader kind-dependencies: - toolchain - build transforms: - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.github_sync:transforms - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.job:transforms - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.task:transforms job-defaults: attributes: retrigger: true run-on-projects: ['mozilla-central-only'] worker-type: b-linux-gcp treeherder: platform: other/opt tier: 2 kind: other worker: max-run-time: 3600 docker-image: {in-tree: github-sync} run: sparse-profile: github-sync using: run-task jobs: webrender: description: Sync webrender to github mirror secret: gecko/gfx-github-sync/token run: command: '$GECKO_PATH/tools/github-sync/sync-to-github.sh webrender gfx/wr servo/webrender @bors-servo' when: files-changed: - 'gfx/wr/**' treeherder: symbol: GhS(wr) qcms: description: Sync qcms to github mirror secret: gecko/gfx-github-sync/token run: command: '$GECKO_PATH/tools/github-sync/sync-to-github.sh qcms gfx/qcms FirefoxGraphics/qcms @jrmuizel' when: files-changed: - 'gfx/qcms/**' treeherder: symbol: GhS(qcms)