FROM $DOCKER_IMAGE_PARENT MAINTAINER Edwin Takahashi # Create necessary directories RUN mkdir -p /artifacts # We need to declare all potentially cache volumes as caches. Also, # making high I/O paths volumes increase I/O throughput because of # AUFS slowness. VOLUME /builds/worker/.cache VOLUME /builds/worker/checkouts VOLUME /builds/worker/tooltool-cache VOLUME /builds/worker/workspace # In we accept START_VNC to start a vnc daemon. # Exposing this port allows it to work. EXPOSE 5900 # %include python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/ ADD topsrcdir/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/ /setup/ # %include taskcluster/docker/recipes/ ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/docker/recipes/ /setup/ # %include taskcluster/docker/recipes/ ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/docker/recipes/ /setup/ # Add wrapper scripts for xvfb allowing tasks to easily retry starting up xvfb # %include taskcluster/docker/recipes/ ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/docker/recipes/ /builds/worker/scripts/ ADD topsrcdir/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/ /builds/worker/scripts/ # %include build/psutil_requirements.txt ADD topsrcdir/build/psutil_requirements.txt /setup/psutil_requirements.txt # %include taskcluster/docker/recipes/ ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/docker/recipes/ /setup/ RUN bash /setup/ # %include taskcluster/scripts/tester/ ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/scripts/tester/ /builds/worker/bin/ # Set variable normally configured at login, by the shells parent process, these # are taken from GNU su manual ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ENV PATH $PATH:/builds/worker/bin # This helps not forgetting setting DISPLAY=:0 when running # tests outside of ENV DISPLAY :0 # Add utilities and configuration COPY dot-files/config /builds/worker/.config # Disable apport (app crash reporter) to avoid stealing focus from test runs ADD apport /etc/default/apport # Disable font antialiasing for now to match releng's setup ADD fonts.conf /builds/worker/.fonts.conf # Bug 1345105 - Do not run periodical update checks and downloads ADD autostart/gnome-software-service.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/ # allow the worker user to access video devices RUN usermod -a -G video worker # Set execution and ownership privileges RUN chmod +x bin/*; chown -R worker:worker /builds/worker # Set up first-run experience for interactive mode ADD motd /etc/taskcluster-motd ADD taskcluster-interactive-shell /bin/taskcluster-interactive-shell RUN chmod +x /bin/taskcluster-interactive-shell # Bug 1638183 - increase xserver maximum client count COPY dot-files/config/xorg/99-serverflags.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ # Ubuntu 18.04 (or any other GNOME3 based systems) needs dbus to have various # test function as expected. Use entrypoint to initialize dbus as root. COPY /usr/local/bin/ RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"] # Set a default command useful for debugging CMD ["/bin/bash", "--login"]