# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import logging import voluptuous from mozbuild import schedules logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) default_optimizations = ( # always run this task (default) None, # always optimize this task {"always": None}, # optimize strategy aliases for build kind {"build": list(schedules.ALL_COMPONENTS)}, # search the index for the given index namespaces, and replace this task if found # the search occurs in order, with the first match winning {"index-search": [str]}, # never optimize this task {"never": None}, # skip the task except for every Nth push {"skip-unless-expanded": None}, {"skip-unless-backstop": None}, # skip this task if none of the given file patterns match {"skip-unless-changed": [str]}, # skip this task if unless the change files' SCHEDULES contains any of these components {"skip-unless-schedules": list(schedules.ALL_COMPONENTS)}, # optimize strategy aliases for the test kind {"test": list(schedules.ALL_COMPONENTS)}, {"test-inclusive": list(schedules.ALL_COMPONENTS)}, # optimize strategy alias for test-verify tasks {"test-verify": list(schedules.ALL_COMPONENTS)}, # optimize strategy alias for upload-symbols tasks {"upload-symbols": None}, # optimize strategy alias for reprocess-symbols tasks {"reprocess-symbols": None}, # optimization strategy for mozlint tests {"skip-unless-mozlint": voluptuous.Any(str, [str])}, ) OptimizationSchema = voluptuous.Any(*default_optimizations) def set_optimization_schema(schema_tuple): """Sets OptimizationSchema so it can be imported by the task transform. This function is called by projects that extend Firefox's taskgraph. It should be called by the project's taskgraph:register function before any transport or job runner code is imported. :param tuple schema_tuple: Tuple of possible optimization strategies """ global OptimizationSchema if OptimizationSchema.validators == default_optimizations: logger.info("OptimizationSchema updated.") OptimizationSchema = voluptuous.Any(*schema_tuple) else: raise Exception("Can only call set_optimization_schema once.")