# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Support for running hazard jobs via dedicated scripts """ from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema from voluptuous import Any, Optional, Required from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.job import configure_taskdesc_for_run, run_job_using from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.job.common import ( add_tooltool, docker_worker_add_artifacts, setup_secrets, ) haz_run_schema = Schema( { Required("using"): "hazard", # The command to run within the task image (passed through to the worker) Required("command"): str, # The mozconfig to use; default in the script is used if omitted Optional("mozconfig"): str, # The set of secret names to which the task has access; these are prefixed # with `project/releng/gecko/{treeherder.kind}/level-{level}/`. Setting # this will enable any worker features required and set the task's scopes # appropriately. `true` here means ['*'], all secrets. Not supported on # Windows Optional("secrets"): Any(bool, [str]), # Base work directory used to set up the task. Optional("workdir"): str, } ) @run_job_using("docker-worker", "hazard", schema=haz_run_schema) def docker_worker_hazard(config, job, taskdesc): run = job["run"] worker = taskdesc["worker"] = job["worker"] worker.setdefault("artifacts", []) docker_worker_add_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc) worker.setdefault("required-volumes", []).append( "{workdir}/workspace".format(**run) ) add_tooltool(config, job, taskdesc) setup_secrets(config, job, taskdesc) env = worker["env"] env.update( { "MOZ_BUILD_DATE": config.params["moz_build_date"], "MOZ_SCM_LEVEL": config.params["level"], } ) # script parameters if run.get("mozconfig"): env["MOZCONFIG"] = run.pop("mozconfig") run["using"] = "run-task" run["cwd"] = run["workdir"] configure_taskdesc_for_run(config, job, taskdesc, worker["implementation"])