# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Transform the partner repack task into an actual task description. """ from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence from taskgraph.util.schema import resolve_keyed_by from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import release_level from gecko_taskgraph.util.partners import ( apply_partner_priority, check_if_partners_enabled, get_partner_config_by_kind, get_partner_url_config, get_repack_ids_by_platform, ) from gecko_taskgraph.util.scriptworker import get_release_config transforms = TransformSequence() transforms.add(check_if_partners_enabled) transforms.add(apply_partner_priority) @transforms.add def skip_unnecessary_platforms(config, tasks): for task in tasks: if config.kind == "release-partner-repack": platform = task["attributes"]["build_platform"] repack_ids = get_repack_ids_by_platform(config, platform) if not repack_ids: continue yield task @transforms.add def remove_mac_dependency(config, tasks): """Remove mac dependency depending on current level to accomodate for mac notarization not running on level 1 """ level = int(config.params.get("level", 0)) for task in tasks: if "macosx" not in task["attributes"]["build_platform"]: yield task continue skipped_kind = "mac-signing" if level == 3 else "mac-notarization" for dep_label in list(task["dependencies"].keys()): if skipped_kind in dep_label: del task["dependencies"][dep_label] yield task @transforms.add def populate_repack_manifests_url(config, tasks): for task in tasks: partner_url_config = get_partner_url_config(config.params, config.graph_config) for k in partner_url_config: if config.kind.startswith(k): task["worker"].setdefault("env", {})[ "REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL" ] = partner_url_config[k] break else: raise Exception("Can't find partner REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL") for property in ("limit-locales",): property = f"extra.{property}" resolve_keyed_by( task, property, property, **{"release-level": release_level(config.params["project"])}, ) if task["worker"]["env"]["REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL"].startswith("git@"): task.setdefault("scopes", []).append( "secrets:get:project/releng/gecko/build/level-{level}/partner-github-ssh".format( **config.params ) ) yield task @transforms.add def make_label(config, tasks): for task in tasks: task["label"] = "{}-{}".format(config.kind, task["name"]) yield task @transforms.add def add_command_arguments(config, tasks): release_config = get_release_config(config) # staging releases - pass reduced set of locales to the repacking script all_locales = set() partner_config = get_partner_config_by_kind(config, config.kind) for partner in partner_config.values(): for sub_partner in partner.values(): all_locales.update(sub_partner.get("locales", [])) for task in tasks: # add the MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS, eg version=61.0, build-number=1, platform=win64 if not task["attributes"]["build_platform"].endswith("-shippable"): raise Exception( "Unexpected partner repack platform: {}".format( task["attributes"]["build_platform"], ), ) platform = task["attributes"]["build_platform"].partition("-shippable")[0] task["run"]["options"] = [ "version={}".format(release_config["version"]), "build-number={}".format(release_config["build_number"]), f"platform={platform}", ] if task["extra"]["limit-locales"]: for locale in all_locales: task["run"]["options"].append(f"limit-locale={locale}") if "partner" in config.kind and config.params["release_partners"]: for partner in config.params["release_partners"]: task["run"]["options"].append(f"partner={partner}") # The upstream taskIds are stored a special environment variable, because we want to use # task-reference's to resolve dependencies, but the string handling of MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS # blocks that. It's space-separated string of ids in the end. task["worker"]["env"]["UPSTREAM_TASKIDS"] = { "task-reference": " ".join([f"<{dep}>" for dep in task["dependencies"]]) } # Forward the release type for bouncer product construction task["worker"]["env"]["RELEASE_TYPE"] = config.params["release_type"] yield task