# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import logging import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from urllib.parse import urlencode import requests import yaml from redo import retry from taskgraph.util.schema import resolve_keyed_by from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import release_level from gecko_taskgraph.util.copy_task import copy_task # Suppress chatty requests logging logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT = "https://api.github.com/graphql" """ LOGIN_QUERY, MANIFEST_QUERY, and REPACK_CFG_QUERY are all written to the Github v4 API, which users GraphQL. See https://developer.github.com/v4/ """ LOGIN_QUERY = """query { viewer { login name } } """ # Returns the contents of default.xml from a manifest repository MANIFEST_QUERY = """query { repository(owner:"%(owner)s", name:"%(repo)s") { object(expression: "master:%(file)s") { ... on Blob { text } } } } """ # Example response: # { # "data": { # "repository": { # "object": { # "text": "\n\n " + # "\n " + # "\n\n " + # "\n \n \n\n" # } # } # } # } # Returns the contents of desktop/*/repack.cfg for a partner repository REPACK_CFG_QUERY = """query{ repository(owner:"%(owner)s", name:"%(repo)s") { object(expression: "%(revision)s:desktop/"){ ... on Tree { entries { name object { ... on Tree { entries { name object { ... on Blob { text } } } } } } } } } } """ # Example response: # { # "data": { # "repository": { # "object": { # "entries": [ # { # "name": "mozilla-EME-free", # "object": { # "entries": [ # { # "name": "distribution", # "object": {} # }, # { # "name": "repack.cfg", # "object": { # "text": "aus=\"mozilla-EMEfree\"\ndist_id=\"mozilla-EMEfree\"\n" + # "dist_version=\"1.0\"\nlinux-i686=true\nlinux-x86_64=true\n" + # " locales=\"ach af de en-US\"\nmac=true\nwin32=true\nwin64=true\n" + # "output_dir=\"%(platform)s-EME-free/%(locale)s\"\n\n" + # "# Upload params\nbucket=\"net-mozaws-prod-delivery-firefox\"\n" + # "upload_to_candidates=true\n" # } # } # ] # } # } # ] # } # } # } # } # Map platforms in repack.cfg into their equivalents in taskcluster TC_PLATFORM_PER_FTP = { "linux-i686": "linux-shippable", "linux-x86_64": "linux64-shippable", "mac": "macosx64-shippable", "win32": "win32-shippable", "win64": "win64-shippable", "win64-aarch64": "win64-aarch64-shippable", } TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_SECRET_ROOT = "http://taskcluster/secrets/v1/secret" LOCALES_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))), "browser", "locales", "l10n-changesets.json", ) # cache data at the module level partner_configs = {} def get_token(params): """We use a Personal Access Token from Github to lookup partner config. No extra scopes are needed on the token to read public repositories, but need the 'repo' scope to see private repositories. This is not fine grained and also grants r/w access, but is revoked at the repo level. """ # Allow for local taskgraph debugging if os.environ.get("GITHUB_API_TOKEN"): return os.environ["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"] # The 'usual' method - via taskClusterProxy for decision tasks url = "{secret_root}/project/releng/gecko/build/level-{level}/partner-github-api".format( secret_root=TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_SECRET_ROOT, **params ) try: resp = retry( requests.get, attempts=2, sleeptime=10, args=(url,), kwargs={"timeout": 60, "headers": ""}, ) j = resp.json() return j["secret"]["key"] except (requests.ConnectionError, ValueError, KeyError): raise RuntimeError("Could not get Github API token to lookup partner data") def query_api(query, token): """Make a query with a Github auth header, returning the json""" headers = {"Authorization": "bearer %s" % token} r = requests.post(GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT, json={"query": query}, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() j = r.json() if "errors" in j: raise RuntimeError("Github query error - %s", j["errors"]) return j def check_login(token): log.debug("Checking we have a valid login") query_api(LOGIN_QUERY, token) def get_repo_params(repo): """Parse the organisation and repo name from an https or git url for a repo""" if repo.startswith("https"): # eg https://github.com/mozilla-partners/mozilla-EME-free return repo.rsplit("/", 2)[-2:] if repo.startswith("git@"): # eg git@github.com:mozilla-partners/mailru.git repo = repo.replace(".git", "") return repo.split(":")[-1].split("/") def get_partners(manifestRepo, token): """Given the url to a manifest repository, retrieve the default.xml and parse it into a list of partner repos. """ log.debug("Querying for manifest default.xml in %s", manifestRepo) owner, repo = get_repo_params(manifestRepo) query = MANIFEST_QUERY % {"owner": owner, "repo": repo, "file": "default.xml"} raw_manifest = query_api(query, token) log.debug("Raw manifest: %s", raw_manifest) if not raw_manifest["data"]["repository"]: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't load partner manifest at %s, insufficient permissions ?" % manifestRepo ) e = ET.fromstring(raw_manifest["data"]["repository"]["object"]["text"]) remotes = {} partners = {} for child in e: if child.tag == "remote": name = child.attrib["name"] url = child.attrib["fetch"] remotes[name] = url log.debug("Added remote %s at %s", name, url) elif child.tag == "project": # we don't need to check any code repos if "scripts" in child.attrib["path"]: continue owner, _ = get_repo_params(remotes[child.attrib["remote"]] + "_") partner_url = { "owner": owner, "repo": child.attrib["name"], "revision": child.attrib["revision"], } partners[child.attrib["name"]] = partner_url log.debug( "Added partner %s at revision %s" % (partner_url["repo"], partner_url["revision"]) ) return partners def parse_config(data): """Parse a single repack.cfg file into a python dictionary. data is contents of the file, in "foo=bar\nbaz=buzz" style. We do some translation on locales and platforms data, otherwise passthrough """ ALLOWED_KEYS = ( "locales", "platforms", "upload_to_candidates", "repack_stub_installer", "publish_to_releases", ) config = {"platforms": []} for l in data.splitlines(): if "=" in l: l = str(l) key, value = l.split("=", 1) value = value.strip("'\"").rstrip("'\"") if key in TC_PLATFORM_PER_FTP.keys(): if value.lower() == "true": config["platforms"].append(TC_PLATFORM_PER_FTP[key]) continue if key not in ALLOWED_KEYS: continue if key == "locales": # a list please value = value.split(" ") config[key] = value return config def get_repack_configs(repackRepo, token): """For a partner repository, retrieve all the repack.cfg files and parse them into a dict""" log.debug("Querying for configs in %s", repackRepo) query = REPACK_CFG_QUERY % repackRepo raw_configs = query_api(query, token) raw_configs = raw_configs["data"]["repository"]["object"]["entries"] configs = {} for sub_config in raw_configs: name = sub_config["name"] for file in sub_config["object"].get("entries", []): if file["name"] != "repack.cfg": continue configs[name] = parse_config(file["object"]["text"]) return configs def get_attribution_config(manifestRepo, token): log.debug("Querying for manifest attribution_config.yml in %s", manifestRepo) owner, repo = get_repo_params(manifestRepo) query = MANIFEST_QUERY % { "owner": owner, "repo": repo, "file": "attribution_config.yml", } raw_manifest = query_api(query, token) if not raw_manifest["data"]["repository"]: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't load partner manifest at %s, insufficient permissions ?" % manifestRepo ) # no file has been set up, gracefully continue if raw_manifest["data"]["repository"]["object"] is None: log.debug("No attribution_config.yml file found") return {} return yaml.safe_load(raw_manifest["data"]["repository"]["object"]["text"]) def get_partner_config_by_url(manifest_url, kind, token, partner_subset=None): """Retrieve partner data starting from the manifest url, which points to a repository containing a default.xml that is intended to be drive the Google tool 'repo'. It descends into each partner repo to lookup and parse the repack.cfg file(s). If partner_subset is a list of sub_config names only return data for those. Supports caching data by kind to avoid repeated requests, relying on the related kinds for partner repacking, signing, repackage, repackage signing all having the same kind prefix. """ if not manifest_url: raise RuntimeError(f"Manifest url for {kind} not defined") if kind not in partner_configs: log.info("Looking up data for %s from %s", kind, manifest_url) check_login(token) if kind == "release-partner-attribution": partner_configs[kind] = get_attribution_config(manifest_url, token) else: partners = get_partners(manifest_url, token) partner_configs[kind] = {} for partner, partner_url in partners.items(): if partner_subset and partner not in partner_subset: continue partner_configs[kind][partner] = get_repack_configs(partner_url, token) return partner_configs[kind] def check_if_partners_enabled(config, tasks): if ( ( config.params["release_enable_partner_repack"] and config.kind.startswith("release-partner-repack") ) or ( config.params["release_enable_partner_attribution"] and config.kind.startswith("release-partner-attribution") ) or ( config.params["release_enable_emefree"] and config.kind.startswith("release-eme-free-") ) ): yield from tasks def get_partner_config_by_kind(config, kind): """Retrieve partner data starting from the manifest url, which points to a repository containing a default.xml that is intended to be drive the Google tool 'repo'. It descends into each partner repo to lookup and parse the repack.cfg file(s). Supports caching data by kind to avoid repeated requests, relying on the related kinds for partner repacking, signing, repackage, repackage signing all having the same kind prefix. """ partner_subset = config.params["release_partners"] partner_configs = config.params["release_partner_config"] or {} # TODO eme-free should be a partner; we shouldn't care about per-kind for k in partner_configs: if kind.startswith(k): kind_config = partner_configs[k] break else: return {} # if we're only interested in a subset of partners we remove the rest if partner_subset: if kind.startswith("release-partner-repack"): # TODO - should be fatal to have an unknown partner in partner_subset for partner in [p for p in kind_config.keys() if p not in partner_subset]: del kind_config[partner] elif kind.startswith("release-partner-attribution") and isinstance( kind_config, dict ): all_configs = copy_task(kind_config.get("configs", [])) kind_config["configs"] = [] for this_config in all_configs: if this_config["campaign"] in partner_subset: kind_config["configs"].append(this_config) return kind_config def _fix_subpartner_locales(orig_config, all_locales): subpartner_config = copy_task(orig_config) # Get an ordered list of subpartner locales that is a subset of all_locales subpartner_config["locales"] = sorted( list(set(orig_config["locales"]) & set(all_locales)) ) return subpartner_config def fix_partner_config(orig_config): pc = {} with open(LOCALES_FILE) as fh: all_locales = list(json.load(fh).keys()) # l10n-changesets.json doesn't include en-US, but the repack list does if "en-US" not in all_locales: all_locales.append("en-US") for kind, kind_config in orig_config.items(): if kind == "release-partner-attribution": pc[kind] = {} if kind_config: pc[kind] = {"defaults": kind_config["defaults"]} for config in kind_config["configs"]: # Make sure our locale list is a subset of all_locales pc[kind].setdefault("configs", []).append( _fix_subpartner_locales(config, all_locales) ) else: for partner, partner_config in kind_config.items(): for subpartner, subpartner_config in partner_config.items(): # get rid of empty subpartner configs if not subpartner_config: continue # Make sure our locale list is a subset of all_locales pc.setdefault(kind, {}).setdefault(partner, {})[ subpartner ] = _fix_subpartner_locales(subpartner_config, all_locales) return pc # seems likely this exists elsewhere already def get_ftp_platform(platform): if platform.startswith("win32"): return "win32" if platform.startswith("win64-aarch64"): return "win64-aarch64" if platform.startswith("win64"): return "win64" if platform.startswith("macosx"): return "mac" if platform.startswith("linux-"): return "linux-i686" if platform.startswith("linux64"): return "linux-x86_64" raise ValueError(f"Unimplemented platform {platform}") # Ugh def locales_per_build_platform(build_platform, locales): if build_platform.startswith("mac"): exclude = ["ja"] else: exclude = ["ja-JP-mac"] return [locale for locale in locales if locale not in exclude] def get_partner_url_config(parameters, graph_config): partner_url_config = copy_task(graph_config["partner-urls"]) substitutions = { "release-product": parameters["release_product"], "release-level": release_level(parameters["project"]), "release-type": parameters["release_type"], } resolve_keyed_by( partner_url_config, "release-eme-free-repack", "eme-free manifest_url", **substitutions, ) resolve_keyed_by( partner_url_config, "release-partner-repack", "partner manifest url", **substitutions, ) resolve_keyed_by( partner_url_config, "release-partner-attribution", "partner attribution url", **substitutions, ) return partner_url_config def get_repack_ids_by_platform(config, build_platform): partner_config = get_partner_config_by_kind(config, config.kind) combinations = [] for partner, subconfigs in partner_config.items(): for sub_config_name, sub_config in subconfigs.items(): if build_platform not in sub_config.get("platforms", []): continue locales = locales_per_build_platform( build_platform, sub_config.get("locales", []) ) for locale in locales: combinations.append(f"{partner}/{sub_config_name}/{locale}") return sorted(combinations) def get_partners_to_be_published(config): # hardcoded kind because release-bouncer-aliases doesn't match otherwise partner_config = get_partner_config_by_kind(config, "release-partner-repack") partners = [] for partner, subconfigs in partner_config.items(): for sub_config_name, sub_config in subconfigs.items(): if sub_config.get("publish_to_releases"): partners.append((partner, sub_config_name, sub_config["platforms"])) return partners def apply_partner_priority(config, jobs): priority = None # Reduce the priority of the partner repack jobs because they don't block QE. Meanwhile # leave EME-free jobs alone because they do, and they'll get the branch priority like the rest # of the release. Only bother with this in production, not on staging releases on try. # medium is the same as mozilla-central, see taskcluster/config.yml. ie higher than # integration branches because we don't want to wait a lot for the graph to be done, but # for multiple releases the partner tasks always wait for non-partner. if ( config.kind.startswith( ("release-partner-repack", "release-partner-attribution") ) and release_level(config.params["project"]) == "production" ): priority = "medium" for job in jobs: if priority: job["priority"] = priority yield job def generate_attribution_code(defaults, partner): params = { "medium": defaults["medium"], "source": defaults["source"], "campaign": partner["campaign"], "content": partner["content"], } if partner.get("variation"): params["variation"] = partner["variation"] if partner.get("experiment"): params["experiment"] = partner["experiment"] code = urlencode(params) return code