#!/bin/bash # cctools sometimes needs to be rebuilt when clang is modified. # Until bug 1471905 is addressed, increase the following number # when a forced rebuild of cctools is necessary: 1 set -x -e -v # This script is for building cctools (Apple's binutils) for Linux using # cctools-port (https://github.com/tpoechtrager/cctools-port). WORKSPACE=$HOME/workspace # Set some crosstools-port and libtapi directories CROSSTOOLS_SOURCE_DIR=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/cctools-port CROSSTOOLS_CCTOOLS_DIR=$CROSSTOOLS_SOURCE_DIR/cctools CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR=$WORKSPACE/cctools LIBTAPI_SOURCE_DIR=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/apple-libtapi LIBTAPI_BUILD_DIR=$WORKSPACE/libtapi-build LDID_SOURCE_DIR=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/ldid CLANG_DIR=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/clang # Create our directories mkdir -p $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR $LIBTAPI_BUILD_DIR cd $GECKO_PATH # Common setup for libtapi and cctools export CC=$CLANG_DIR/bin/clang export CXX=$CLANG_DIR/bin/clang++ # We also need this LD_LIBRARY_PATH at build time, since tapi builds bits of # clang build tools, and then executes those tools. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CLANG_DIR/lib # Build libtapi; the included build.sh is not sufficient for our purposes. cd $LIBTAPI_BUILD_DIR # Values taken from build.sh TAPI_REPOSITORY=tapi-1000.10.8 TAPI_VERSION=10.0.0 INCLUDE_FIX="-I $LIBTAPI_SOURCE_DIR/src/llvm/projects/clang/include -I $PWD/projects/clang/include" cmake $LIBTAPI_SOURCE_DIR/src/llvm \ -GNinja \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$INCLUDE_FIX" \ -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR \ -DCMAKE_SYSROOT=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/sysroot \ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-fuse-ld=lld \ -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-fuse-ld=lld \ -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86;ARM;AArch64" \ -DTAPI_REPOSITORY_STRING=$TAPI_REPOSITORY \ -DTAPI_FULL_VERSION=$TAPI_VERSION ninja clangBasic -v ninja libtapi install-libtapi install-tapi-headers -v # Setup LDFLAGS late so run-at-build-time tools in the basic clang build don't # pick up the possibly-incompatible libstdc++ from clang. # Also set it up such that loading libtapi doesn't require a LD_LIBRARY_PATH. # (this requires two dollars and extra backslashing because it's used verbatim # via a Makefile) export LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld -lpthread -Wl,-rpath-link,$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/sysroot/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -Wl,-rpath-link,$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -Wl,-rpath,\\\$\$ORIGIN/../lib,-rpath,\\\$\$ORIGIN/../../clang/lib" export CC="$CC --sysroot=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/sysroot" export CXX="$CXX --sysroot=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/sysroot" # Configure crosstools-port cd $CROSSTOOLS_CCTOOLS_DIR patch -p2 < $GECKO_PATH/taskcluster/scripts/misc/cctools.patch # Force re-libtoolization to overwrite files with the new libtool bits. perl -pi -e 's/(LIBTOOLIZE -c)/\1 -f/' autogen.sh ./autogen.sh ./configure \ --prefix=$CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR \ --target=x86_64-apple-darwin \ --with-llvm-config=$CLANG_DIR/bin/llvm-config \ --enable-lto-support \ --enable-tapi-support \ --with-libtapi=$CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR # Build cctools make -j `nproc --all` install # Build ldid cd $LDID_SOURCE_DIR # The crypto library in the sysroot cannot be linked in a PIE executable so we use -no-pie make -j `nproc --all` install INSTALLPREFIX=$CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR LDFLAGS="-no-pie -Wl,-Bstatic -lcrypto -Wl,-Bdynamic -ldl -pthread" strip $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR/bin/* # various build scripts based on cmake want to find `lipo` without a prefix cp $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin-lipo $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR/bin/lipo (cd $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR/bin/; for i in x86_64-apple-darwin-*; do ln $i aarch64${i#x86_64} done) # Put a tarball in the artifacts dir mkdir -p $UPLOAD_DIR tar caf $UPLOAD_DIR/cctools.tar.zst -C $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR/.. `basename $CROSSTOOLS_BUILD_DIR`