#!/usr/bin/python3 -u # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import argparse import bz2 import concurrent.futures import contextlib import datetime import gzip import hashlib import io import json import lzma import multiprocessing import os import pathlib import random import re import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import time import urllib.parse import urllib.request import zipfile try: import zstandard except ImportError: zstandard = None try: import certifi except ImportError: certifi = None CONCURRENCY = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def log(msg): print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() class IntegrityError(Exception): """Represents an integrity error when downloading a URL.""" def ZstdCompressor(*args, **kwargs): if not zstandard: raise ValueError("zstandard Python package not available") return zstandard.ZstdCompressor(*args, **kwargs) def ZstdDecompressor(*args, **kwargs): if not zstandard: raise ValueError("zstandard Python package not available") return zstandard.ZstdDecompressor(*args, **kwargs) @contextlib.contextmanager def rename_after_close(fname, *args, **kwargs): """ Context manager that opens a temporary file to use as a writer, and closes the file on context exit, renaming it to the expected file name in case of success, or removing it in case of failure. Takes the same options as open(), but must be used as a context manager. """ path = pathlib.Path(fname) tmp = path.with_name("%s.tmp" % path.name) try: with tmp.open(*args, **kwargs) as fh: yield fh except Exception: tmp.unlink() raise else: tmp.rename(fname) # The following is copied from # https://github.com/mozilla-releng/redo/blob/6d07678a014e0c525e54a860381a165d34db10ff/redo/__init__.py#L15-L85 def retrier(attempts=5, sleeptime=10, max_sleeptime=300, sleepscale=1.5, jitter=1): """ A generator function that sleeps between retries, handles exponential backoff and jitter. The action you are retrying is meant to run after retrier yields. At each iteration, we sleep for sleeptime + random.randint(-jitter, jitter). Afterwards sleeptime is multiplied by sleepscale for the next iteration. Args: attempts (int): maximum number of times to try; defaults to 5 sleeptime (float): how many seconds to sleep between tries; defaults to 60s (one minute) max_sleeptime (float): the longest we'll sleep, in seconds; defaults to 300s (five minutes) sleepscale (float): how much to multiply the sleep time by each iteration; defaults to 1.5 jitter (int): random jitter to introduce to sleep time each iteration. the amount is chosen at random between [-jitter, +jitter] defaults to 1 Yields: None, a maximum of `attempts` number of times Example: >>> n = 0 >>> for _ in retrier(sleeptime=0, jitter=0): ... if n == 3: ... # We did the thing! ... break ... n += 1 >>> n 3 >>> n = 0 >>> for _ in retrier(sleeptime=0, jitter=0): ... if n == 6: ... # We did the thing! ... break ... n += 1 ... else: ... print("max tries hit") max tries hit """ jitter = jitter or 0 # py35 barfs on the next line if jitter is None if jitter > sleeptime: # To prevent negative sleep times raise Exception( "jitter ({}) must be less than sleep time ({})".format(jitter, sleeptime) ) sleeptime_real = sleeptime for _ in range(attempts): log("attempt %i/%i" % (_ + 1, attempts)) yield sleeptime_real if jitter: sleeptime_real = sleeptime + random.randint(-jitter, jitter) # our jitter should scale along with the sleeptime jitter = int(jitter * sleepscale) else: sleeptime_real = sleeptime sleeptime *= sleepscale if sleeptime_real > max_sleeptime: sleeptime_real = max_sleeptime # Don't need to sleep the last time if _ < attempts - 1: log( "sleeping for %.2fs (attempt %i/%i)" % (sleeptime_real, _ + 1, attempts) ) time.sleep(sleeptime_real) def stream_download(url, sha256=None, size=None): """Download a URL to a generator, optionally with content verification. If ``sha256`` or ``size`` are defined, the downloaded URL will be validated against those requirements and ``IntegrityError`` will be raised if expectations do not match. Because verification cannot occur until the file is completely downloaded it is recommended for consumers to not do anything meaningful with the data if content verification is being used. To securely handle retrieved content, it should be streamed to a file or memory and only operated on after the generator is exhausted without raising. """ log("Downloading %s" % url) h = hashlib.sha256() length = 0 t0 = time.time() with urllib.request.urlopen( url, timeout=60, cafile=certifi.where() ) if certifi else urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=60) as fh: if not url.endswith(".gz") and fh.info().get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip": fh = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fh) while True: chunk = fh.read(65536) if not chunk: break h.update(chunk) length += len(chunk) yield chunk duration = time.time() - t0 digest = h.hexdigest() log( "%s resolved to %d bytes with sha256 %s in %.3fs" % (url, length, digest, duration) ) if size: if size == length: log("Verified size of %s" % url) else: raise IntegrityError( "size mismatch on %s: wanted %d; got %d" % (url, size, length) ) if sha256: if digest == sha256: log("Verified sha256 integrity of %s" % url) else: raise IntegrityError( "sha256 mismatch on %s: wanted %s; got %s" % (url, sha256, digest) ) def download_to_path(url, path, sha256=None, size=None): """Download a URL to a filesystem path, possibly with verification.""" # We download to a temporary file and rename at the end so there's # no chance of the final file being partially written or containing # bad data. try: path.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass for _ in retrier(attempts=5, sleeptime=60): try: log("Downloading %s to %s" % (url, path)) with rename_after_close(path, "wb") as fh: for chunk in stream_download(url, sha256=sha256, size=size): fh.write(chunk) return except IntegrityError: raise except Exception as e: log("Download failed: {}".format(e)) continue raise Exception("Download failed, no more retries!") def download_to_memory(url, sha256=None, size=None): """Download a URL to memory, possibly with verification.""" data = b"" for _ in retrier(attempts=5, sleeptime=60): try: log("Downloading %s" % (url)) for chunk in stream_download(url, sha256=sha256, size=size): data += chunk return data except IntegrityError: raise except Exception as e: log("Download failed: {}".format(e)) continue raise Exception("Download failed, no more retries!") def gpg_verify_path(path: pathlib.Path, public_key_data: bytes, signature_data: bytes): """Verify that a filesystem path verifies using GPG. Takes a Path defining a file to verify. ``public_key_data`` contains bytes with GPG public key data. ``signature_data`` contains a signed GPG document to use with ``gpg --verify``. """ log("Validating GPG signature of %s" % path) log("GPG key data:\n%s" % public_key_data.decode("ascii")) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: try: # --batch since we're running unattended. gpg_args = ["gpg", "--homedir", td, "--batch"] log("Importing GPG key...") subprocess.run(gpg_args + ["--import"], input=public_key_data, check=True) log("Verifying GPG signature...") subprocess.run( gpg_args + ["--verify", "-", "%s" % path], input=signature_data, check=True, ) log("GPG signature verified!") finally: # There is a race between the agent self-terminating and # shutil.rmtree() from the temporary directory cleanup that can # lead to exceptions. Kill the agent before cleanup to prevent this. env = dict(os.environ) env["GNUPGHOME"] = td subprocess.run(["gpgconf", "--kill", "gpg-agent"], env=env) class ArchiveTypeNotSupported(Exception): def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path): super(Exception, self).__init__("Archive type not supported for %s" % path) def open_stream(path: pathlib.Path): """Attempt to identify a path as an extractable archive by looking at its content.""" fh = path.open(mode="rb") magic = fh.read(6) fh.seek(0) if magic[:2] == b"PK": return "zip", fh if magic[:2] == b"\x1f\x8b": fh = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fh) elif magic[:3] == b"BZh": fh = bz2.BZ2File(fh) elif magic == b"\xfd7zXZ\x00": fh = lzma.LZMAFile(fh) elif magic[:4] == b"\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd": fh = ZstdDecompressor().stream_reader(fh) fh = io.BufferedReader(fh) try: # A full tar info header is 512 bytes. headers = fh.peek(512) # 257 is the offset of the ustar magic. magic = headers[257 : 257 + 8] # For older unix tar, rely on TarInfo.frombuf's checksum check if magic in (b"ustar\x0000", b"ustar \x00") or tarfile.TarInfo.frombuf( headers[:512], tarfile.ENCODING, "surrogateescape" ): return "tar", fh except Exception as e: pass raise ArchiveTypeNotSupported(path) def archive_type(path: pathlib.Path): """Attempt to identify a path as an extractable archive.""" if path.suffixes[-2:-1] == [".tar"] or path.suffixes[-1:] == [".tgz"]: return "tar" elif path.suffix == ".zip": return "zip" else: return None def extract_archive(path, dest_dir): """Extract an archive to a destination directory.""" # Resolve paths to absolute variants. path = path.resolve() dest_dir = dest_dir.resolve() log("Extracting %s to %s" % (path, dest_dir)) t0 = time.time() # We pipe input to the decompressor program so that we can apply # custom decompressors that the program may not know about. typ, ifh = open_stream(path) if typ == "tar": # On Windows, the tar program doesn't support things like symbolic # links, while Windows actually support them. The tarfile module in # python does. So use that. But since it's significantly slower than # the tar program on Linux, only use tarfile on Windows (tarfile is # also not much slower on Windows, presumably because of the # notoriously bad I/O). if sys.platform == "win32": tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=ifh, mode="r|") tar.extractall(str(dest_dir)) args = [] else: args = ["tar", "xf", "-"] pipe_stdin = True elif typ == "zip": # unzip from stdin has wonky behavior. We don't use a pipe for it. ifh = open(os.devnull, "rb") args = ["unzip", "-o", str(path)] pipe_stdin = False else: raise ValueError("unknown archive format: %s" % path) if args: with ifh, subprocess.Popen( args, cwd=str(dest_dir), bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) as p: while True: if not pipe_stdin: break chunk = ifh.read(131072) if not chunk: break p.stdin.write(chunk) if p.returncode: raise Exception("%r exited %d" % (args, p.returncode)) log("%s extracted in %.3fs" % (path, time.time() - t0)) def repack_archive( orig: pathlib.Path, dest: pathlib.Path, strip_components=0, prefix="" ): assert orig != dest log("Repacking as %s" % dest) orig_typ, ifh = open_stream(orig) typ = archive_type(dest) if not typ: raise Exception("Archive type not supported for %s" % dest.name) if dest.suffixes[-2:] != [".tar", ".zst"]: raise Exception("Only producing .tar.zst archives is supported.") if strip_components or prefix: def filter(name): if strip_components: stripped = "/".join(name.split("/")[strip_components:]) if not stripped: raise Exception( "Stripping %d components would remove files" % strip_components ) name = stripped return prefix + name else: filter = None with rename_after_close(dest, "wb") as fh: ctx = ZstdCompressor() if orig_typ == "zip": assert typ == "tar" zip = zipfile.ZipFile(ifh) # Convert the zip stream to a tar on the fly. with ctx.stream_writer(fh) as compressor, tarfile.open( fileobj=compressor, mode="w:" ) as tar: for zipinfo in zip.infolist(): if zipinfo.is_dir(): continue tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo() filename = zipinfo.filename tarinfo.name = filter(filename) if filter else filename tarinfo.size = zipinfo.file_size # Zip files don't have any knowledge of the timezone # they were created in. Which is not really convenient to # reliably convert to a timestamp. But we don't really # care about accuracy, but rather about reproducibility, # so we pick UTC. time = datetime.datetime( *zipinfo.date_time, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc ) tarinfo.mtime = time.timestamp() # 0 is MS-DOS, 3 is UNIX. Only in the latter case do we # get anything useful for the tar file mode. if zipinfo.create_system == 3: mode = zipinfo.external_attr >> 16 else: mode = 0o0644 tarinfo.mode = stat.S_IMODE(mode) if stat.S_ISLNK(mode): tarinfo.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE tarinfo.linkname = zip.read(filename).decode() tar.addfile(tarinfo, zip.open(filename)) elif stat.S_ISREG(mode) or stat.S_IFMT(mode) == 0: tar.addfile(tarinfo, zip.open(filename)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported file mode %o" % stat.S_IFMT(mode)) elif orig_typ == "tar": if typ == "zip": raise Exception("Repacking a tar to zip is not supported") assert typ == "tar" if filter: # To apply the filter, we need to open the tar stream and # tweak it. origtar = tarfile.open(fileobj=ifh, mode="r|") with ctx.stream_writer(fh) as compressor, tarfile.open( fileobj=compressor, mode="w:", format=origtar.format, ) as tar: for tarinfo in origtar: if tarinfo.isdir(): continue tarinfo.name = filter(tarinfo.name) if "path" in tarinfo.pax_headers: tarinfo.pax_headers["path"] = filter( tarinfo.pax_headers["path"] ) if tarinfo.isfile(): tar.addfile(tarinfo, origtar.extractfile(tarinfo)) else: tar.addfile(tarinfo) else: # We only change compression here. The tar stream is unchanged. ctx.copy_stream(ifh, fh) def fetch_and_extract(url, dest_dir, extract=True, sha256=None, size=None): """Fetch a URL and extract it to a destination path. If the downloaded URL is an archive, it is extracted automatically and the archive is deleted. Otherwise the file remains in place in the destination directory. """ basename = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.split("/")[-1] dest_path = dest_dir / basename download_to_path(url, dest_path, sha256=sha256, size=size) if not extract: return try: extract_archive(dest_path, dest_dir) log("Removing %s" % dest_path) dest_path.unlink() except ArchiveTypeNotSupported: pass def fetch_urls(downloads): """Fetch URLs pairs to a pathlib.Path.""" with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(CONCURRENCY) as e: fs = [] for download in downloads: fs.append(e.submit(fetch_and_extract, *download)) for f in fs: f.result() def _git_checkout_github_archive(dest_path: pathlib.Path, repo: str, commit: str, prefix: str): 'Use github archive generator to speed up github git repo cloning' repo = repo.rstrip('/') github_url = '{repo}/archive/{commit}.tar.gz'.format(**locals()) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(td) dl_dest = temp_dir / 'archive.tar.gz' download_to_path(github_url, dl_dest) repack_archive(dl_dest, dest_path, strip_components=1, prefix=prefix + '/') def _github_submodule_required(repo: str, commit: str): 'Use github API to check if submodules are used' url = '{repo}/blob/{commit}/.gitmodules'.format(**locals()) try: status_code = urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() return status_code == 200 except: return False def git_checkout_archive( dest_path: pathlib.Path, repo: str, commit: str, prefix=None, ssh_key=None, include_dot_git=False, ): """Produce an archive of the files comprising a Git checkout.""" dest_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not prefix: prefix = repo.rstrip("/").rsplit("/", 1)[-1] if dest_path.suffixes[-2:] != [".tar", ".zst"]: raise Exception("Only producing .tar.zst archives is supported.") if repo.startswith('https://github.com/'): if not include_dot_git and not _github_submodule_required(repo, commit): log("Using github archive service to speedup archive creation") # Always log sha1 info, either from commit or resolved from repo. if re.match(r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", commit): revision = commit else: ref_output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "ls-remote", repo, 'refs/heads/' + commit]) revision, _ = ref_output.decode().split(maxsplit=1) log("Fetching revision {}".format(revision)) return _git_checkout_github_archive(dest_path, repo, commit, prefix) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(td) git_dir = temp_dir / prefix # This could be faster with a shallow clone. However, Git requires a ref # to initiate a clone. Since the commit-ish may not refer to a ref, we # simply perform a full clone followed by a checkout. print("cloning %s to %s" % (repo, git_dir)) env = os.environ.copy() keypath = "" if ssh_key: taskcluster_secret_url = api( os.environ.get("TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL"), "secrets", "v1", "secret/{keypath}".format(keypath=ssh_key), ) taskcluster_secret = b"".join(stream_download(taskcluster_secret_url)) taskcluster_secret = json.loads(taskcluster_secret) sshkey = taskcluster_secret["secret"]["ssh_privkey"] keypath = temp_dir.joinpath("ssh-key") keypath.write_text(sshkey) keypath.chmod(0o600) env = { "GIT_SSH_COMMAND": "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i {keypath}".format( keypath=keypath ) } subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "-n", repo, str(git_dir)], check=True, env=env) # Always use a detached head so that git prints out what it checked out. subprocess.run( ["git", "checkout", "--detach", commit], cwd=str(git_dir), check=True ) # When including the .git, we want --depth 1, but a direct clone would not # necessarily be able to give us the right commit. if include_dot_git: initial_clone = git_dir.with_name(git_dir.name + ".orig") git_dir.rename(initial_clone) subprocess.run( [ "git", "clone", "file://" + str(initial_clone), str(git_dir), "--depth", "1", ], check=True, ) subprocess.run( ["git", "remote", "set-url", "origin", repo], cwd=str(git_dir), check=True, ) # --depth 1 can induce more work on the server side, so only use it for # submodule initialization when we want to keep the .git directory. depth = ["--depth", "1"] if include_dot_git else [] subprocess.run( ["git", "submodule", "update", "--init"] + depth, cwd=str(git_dir), check=True, ) if keypath: os.remove(keypath) print("creating archive %s of commit %s" % (dest_path, commit)) exclude_dot_git = [] if include_dot_git else ["--exclude=.git"] proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "tar", "cf", "-", ] + exclude_dot_git + [ "-C", str(temp_dir), prefix, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) with rename_after_close(dest_path, "wb") as out: ctx = ZstdCompressor() ctx.copy_stream(proc.stdout, out) proc.wait() def command_git_checkout_archive(args): dest = pathlib.Path(args.dest) try: git_checkout_archive( dest, args.repo, args.commit, prefix=args.path_prefix, ssh_key=args.ssh_key_secret, include_dot_git=args.include_dot_git, ) except Exception: try: dest.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass raise def command_static_url(args): gpg_sig_url = args.gpg_sig_url gpg_env_key = args.gpg_key_env if bool(gpg_sig_url) != bool(gpg_env_key): print("--gpg-sig-url and --gpg-key-env must both be defined") return 1 if gpg_sig_url: gpg_signature = b"".join(stream_download(gpg_sig_url)) gpg_key = os.environb[gpg_env_key.encode("ascii")] dest = pathlib.Path(args.dest) dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) basename = urllib.parse.urlparse(args.url).path.split("/")[-1] if basename.endswith("".join(dest.suffixes)): dl_dest = dest else: dl_dest = dest.parent / basename try: download_to_path(args.url, dl_dest, sha256=args.sha256, size=args.size) if gpg_sig_url: gpg_verify_path(dl_dest, gpg_key, gpg_signature) if dl_dest != dest or args.strip_components or args.add_prefix: repack_archive(dl_dest, dest, args.strip_components, args.add_prefix) except Exception: try: dl_dest.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass raise if dl_dest != dest: log("Removing %s" % dl_dest) dl_dest.unlink() def api(root_url, service, version, path): # taskcluster-lib-urls is not available when this script runs, so # simulate its behavior: return "{root_url}/api/{service}/{version}/{path}".format( root_url=root_url, service=service, version=version, path=path ) def get_hash(fetch, root_url): path = "task/{task}/artifacts/{artifact}".format( task=fetch["task"], artifact="public/chain-of-trust.json" ) url = api(root_url, "queue", "v1", path) cot = json.loads(download_to_memory(url)) return cot["artifacts"][fetch["artifact"]]["sha256"] def command_task_artifacts(args): start = time.monotonic() fetches = json.loads(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES"]) downloads = [] for fetch in fetches: extdir = pathlib.Path(args.dest) if "dest" in fetch: # Note: normpath doesn't like pathlib.Path in python 3.5 extdir = pathlib.Path(os.path.normpath(str(extdir.joinpath(fetch["dest"])))) extdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) root_url = os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL"] sha256 = None if fetch.get("verify-hash"): sha256 = get_hash(fetch, root_url) if fetch["artifact"].startswith("public/"): path = "task/{task}/artifacts/{artifact}".format( task=fetch["task"], artifact=fetch["artifact"] ) url = api(root_url, "queue", "v1", path) else: url = ("{proxy_url}/api/queue/v1/task/{task}/artifacts/{artifact}").format( proxy_url=os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL"], task=fetch["task"], artifact=fetch["artifact"], ) downloads.append((url, extdir, fetch["extract"], sha256)) fetch_urls(downloads) end = time.monotonic() perfherder_data = { "framework": {"name": "build_metrics"}, "suites": [ { "name": "fetch_content", "value": end - start, "lowerIsBetter": True, "shouldAlert": False, "subtests": [], } ], } print("PERFHERDER_DATA: {}".format(json.dumps(perfherder_data)), file=sys.stderr) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="sub commands") git_checkout = subparsers.add_parser( "git-checkout-archive", help="Obtain an archive of files from a Git repository checkout", ) git_checkout.set_defaults(func=command_git_checkout_archive) git_checkout.add_argument( "--path-prefix", help="Prefix for paths in produced archive" ) git_checkout.add_argument("repo", help="URL to Git repository to be cloned") git_checkout.add_argument("commit", help="Git commit to check out") git_checkout.add_argument("dest", help="Destination path of archive") git_checkout.add_argument( "--ssh-key-secret", help="The scope path of the ssh key to used for checkout" ) git_checkout.add_argument( "--include-dot-git", action="store_true", help="Include the .git directory" ) url = subparsers.add_parser("static-url", help="Download a static URL") url.set_defaults(func=command_static_url) url.add_argument("--sha256", required=True, help="SHA-256 of downloaded content") url.add_argument( "--size", required=True, type=int, help="Size of downloaded content, in bytes" ) url.add_argument( "--gpg-sig-url", help="URL containing signed GPG document validating " "URL to fetch", ) url.add_argument( "--gpg-key-env", help="Environment variable containing GPG key to validate" ) url.add_argument( "--strip-components", type=int, default=0, help="Number of leading components to strip from file " "names in the downloaded archive", ) url.add_argument( "--add-prefix", default="", help="Prefix to add to file names in the downloaded " "archive", ) url.add_argument("url", help="URL to fetch") url.add_argument("dest", help="Destination path") artifacts = subparsers.add_parser("task-artifacts", help="Fetch task artifacts") artifacts.set_defaults(func=command_task_artifacts) artifacts.add_argument( "-d", "--dest", default=os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"), help="Destination directory which will contain all " "artifacts (defaults to $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR)", ) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.dest: parser.error( "no destination directory specified, either pass in --dest " "or set $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" ) return args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())