#!/bin/bash set -x -e -v source ${GECKO_PATH}/taskcluster/scripts/misc/wr-macos-cross-build-setup.sh # The osmesa-src build which we do as part of the headless build below # doesn't seem to always use CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS where expected. Instead we # just squash those flags into CC/CXX and everything works out. # Export HOST_CC and HOST_CXX without the squashed flags, so that host # builds use them and don't see the target flags. export HOST_CC="${CC}" export HOST_CXX="${CXX}" CFLAGS_VAR="CFLAGS_${TARGET_TRIPLE//-/_}" CXXFLAGS_VAR="CXXFLAGS_${TARGET_TRIPLE//-/_}" export CC="${CC} ${!CFLAGS_VAR}" export ${CFLAGS_VAR}= export CXX="${CXX} ${!CXXFLAGS_VAR}" export ${CXXFLAGS_VAR}= export MESON_CROSSFILE=${GECKO_PATH}/gfx/wr/ci-scripts/etc/wr-darwin.meson export UPLOAD_DIR="${HOME}/artifacts" mkdir -p "${UPLOAD_DIR}" # Do a cross-build without the `headless` feature pushd "${GECKO_PATH}/gfx/wr/wrench" python3 -m pip install -r ../ci-scripts/requirements.txt cargo build --release -vv --frozen --target=${TARGET_TRIPLE} # Package up the resulting wrench binary cd "../target/${TARGET_TRIPLE}" mkdir -p wrench-macos/bin mv release/wrench wrench-macos/bin/ tar cjf wrench-macos.tar.bz2 wrench-macos mv wrench-macos.tar.bz2 "${UPLOAD_DIR}" # Clean the build cd "${GECKO_PATH}/gfx/wr" rm -rf target popd # Do a cross-build with the `headless` feature pushd "${GECKO_PATH}/gfx/wr/wrench" cargo build --release -vv --frozen --target=${TARGET_TRIPLE} --features headless # Package up the wrench binary and some libraries that we will need cd "../target/${TARGET_TRIPLE}" # Copy the native macOS libLLVM as dynamic dependency cp "${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang-mac/clang/lib/libLLVM.dylib" release/build/osmesa-src*/out/mesa/src/gallium/targets/osmesa/ mkdir wrench-macos-headless mv release wrench-macos-headless/ tar cjf wrench-macos-headless.tar.bz2 \ wrench-macos-headless/release/wrench \ wrench-macos-headless/release/build/osmesa-src*/out/mesa/src/gallium/targets/osmesa \ wrench-macos-headless/release/build/osmesa-src*/out/mesa/src/mapi/shared-glapi mv wrench-macos-headless.tar.bz2 "${UPLOAD_DIR}" # Clean the build cd "${GECKO_PATH}/gfx/wr" rm -rf target popd