# Any copyright is dedicated to the public domain. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ import pytest from gecko_taskgraph.util.bugbug import push_schedules from gecko_taskgraph.util.chunking import BugbugLoader from mozunit import main from tryselect.selectors.auto import TRY_AUTO_PARAMETERS pytestmark = pytest.mark.slow PARAMS = TRY_AUTO_PARAMETERS.copy() PARAMS.update( { "files_changed": [ "dom/html/HTMLDetailsElement.cpp", "gfx/thebes/gfxUserFontSet.cpp", ], "head_repository": "https://hg.mozilla.org/try", "project": "try", "target_kind": "test", # These ensure this isn't considered a backstop. The pushdate must # be slightly higher than the one in data/pushes.json, and # pushlog_id must not be a multiple of 10. "pushdate": 1593029536, "pushlog_id": "2", } ) def test_generate_graph(optimized_task_graph): """Simply tests that generating the graph does not fail.""" assert len(optimized_task_graph.tasks) > 0 def test_only_important_manifests(params, full_task_graph, filter_tasks): data = push_schedules(params["project"], params["head_rev"]) important_manifests = { m for m, c in data.get("groups", {}).items() if c >= BugbugLoader.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD } # Ensure we don't schedule unimportant manifests. for task in filter_tasks(full_task_graph, lambda t: t.kind == "test"): attr = task.attributes.get if "test_manifests" in task.attributes: unimportant = [ t for t in attr("test_manifests") if t not in important_manifests ] # Manifest scheduling is disabled for mochitest-ally. if attr("unittest_suite") == "mochitest-a11y": assert len(unimportant) > 0 else: assert unimportant == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func,min_expected", ( pytest.param( lambda t: ( t.kind == "test" and t.attributes["unittest_suite"] == "mochitest-browser-chrome" ), 5, id="mochitest-browser-chrome", ), ), ) def test_tasks_are_scheduled(optimized_task_graph, filter_tasks, func, min_expected): """Ensure the specified tasks are scheduled on mozilla-central.""" tasks = [t.label for t in filter_tasks(optimized_task_graph, func)] assert len(tasks) >= min_expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func", ( pytest.param( lambda t: t.kind == "build" and "shippable" in t.attributes["build_platform"], id="no shippable builds", ), pytest.param( lambda t: t.kind == "build" and "fuzzing" in t.attributes["build_platform"], id="no fuzzing builds", ), pytest.param( lambda t: t.kind == "build" and "ccov" in t.attributes["build_platform"], id="no ccov builds", ), # We should only assert that we have no signed builds on platforms that don't run # xpcshell tests. pytest.param( lambda t: t.kind == "build-signing", id="no build-signing", marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="some xpcshell tests require signed builds"), ), pytest.param( lambda t: t.kind == "upload-symbols", id="no upload-symbols", ), ), ) def test_tasks_are_not_scheduled( optimized_task_graph, filter_tasks, print_dependents, func ): tasks = [t.label for t in filter_tasks(optimized_task_graph, func)] for t in tasks: print_dependents(optimized_task_graph, t) assert tasks == [] if __name__ == "__main__": main()