# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import fnmatch import glob import gzip import json import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import mozlog.structured from marionette_driver import Wait from marionette_driver.errors import JavascriptException, ScriptTimeoutException from marionette_driver.keys import Keys from marionette_harness import MarionetteTestCase AWSY_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if AWSY_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(AWSY_PATH) from awsy import ( ITERATIONS, MAX_TABS, PER_TAB_PAUSE, SETTLE_WAIT_TIME, process_perf_data, ) class AwsyTestCase(MarionetteTestCase): """ Base test case for AWSY tests. """ def urls(self): raise NotImplementedError() def perf_suites(self): raise NotImplementedError() def perf_checkpoints(self): raise NotImplementedError() def perf_extra_opts(self): return None def iterations(self): return self._iterations def pages_to_load(self): return self._pages_to_load if self._pages_to_load else len(self.urls()) def settle(self): """ Pauses for the settle time. """ time.sleep(self._settleWaitTime) def setUp(self): MarionetteTestCase.setUp(self) self.logger = mozlog.structured.structuredlog.get_default_logger() self.marionette.set_context("chrome") self._resultsDir = self.testvars["resultsDir"] self._binary = self.testvars["bin"] self._run_local = self.testvars.get("run_local", False) # Cleanup our files from previous runs. for patt in ( "memory-report-*.json.gz", "perfherder-data.json", "dmd-*.json.gz", ): for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._resultsDir, patt)): os.unlink(f) # Optional testvars. self._pages_to_load = self.testvars.get("entities", 0) self._iterations = self.testvars.get("iterations", ITERATIONS) self._perTabPause = self.testvars.get("perTabPause", PER_TAB_PAUSE) self._settleWaitTime = self.testvars.get("settleWaitTime", SETTLE_WAIT_TIME) self._maxTabs = self.testvars.get("maxTabs", MAX_TABS) self._dmd = self.testvars.get("dmd", False) self.logger.info( "areweslimyet run by %d pages, %d iterations," " %d perTabPause, %d settleWaitTime" % ( self._pages_to_load, self._iterations, self._perTabPause, self._settleWaitTime, ) ) self.reset_state() def tearDown(self): MarionetteTestCase.tearDown(self) try: self.logger.info("processing data in %s!" % self._resultsDir) perf_blob = process_perf_data.create_perf_data( self._resultsDir, self.perf_suites(), self.perf_checkpoints(), self.perf_extra_opts(), ) self.logger.info("PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(perf_blob)) perf_file = os.path.join(self._resultsDir, "perfherder-data.json") with open(perf_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(perf_blob, fp, indent=2) self.logger.info("Perfherder data written to %s" % perf_file) except Exception: raise finally: # Make sure we cleanup and upload any existing files even if there # were errors processing the perf data. if self._dmd: self.cleanup_dmd() # copy it to moz upload dir if set if "MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR" in os.environ: for file in os.listdir(self._resultsDir): file = os.path.join(self._resultsDir, file) if os.path.isfile(file): shutil.copy2(file, os.environ["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) def cleanup_dmd(self): """ Handles moving DMD reports from the temp dir to our resultsDir. """ from dmd import fixStackTraces # Move DMD files from temp dir to resultsDir. tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_files = os.listdir(tmpdir) for f in fnmatch.filter(tmp_files, "dmd-*.json.gz"): f = os.path.join(tmpdir, f) # We don't fix stacks on Windows, even though we could, due to the # tale of woe in bug 1626272. if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): self.logger.info("Fixing stacks for %s, this may take a while" % f) isZipped = True fixStackTraces(f, isZipped, gzip.open) shutil.move(f, self._resultsDir) # Also attempt to cleanup the unified memory reports. for f in fnmatch.filter(tmp_files, "unified-memory-report-*.json.gz"): try: os.remove(f) except OSError: self.logger.info("Unable to remove %s" % f) def reset_state(self): self._pages_loaded = 0 # Close all tabs except one for x in self.marionette.window_handles[1:]: self.logger.info("closing window: %s" % x) self.marionette.switch_to_window(x) self.marionette.close() self._tabs = self.marionette.window_handles self.marionette.switch_to_window(self._tabs[0]) def do_memory_report(self, checkpointName, iteration, minimize=False): """Creates a memory report for all processes and and returns the checkpoint. This will block until all reports are retrieved or a timeout occurs. Returns the checkpoint or None on error. :param checkpointName: The name of the checkpoint. :param minimize: If true, minimize memory before getting the report. """ self.logger.info("starting checkpoint %s..." % checkpointName) checkpoint_file = "memory-report-%s-%d.json.gz" % (checkpointName, iteration) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self._resultsDir, checkpoint_file) # On Windows, replace / with the Windows directory # separator \ and escape it to prevent it from being # interpreted as an escape character. if sys.platform.startswith("win"): checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("/", "\\\\") checkpoint_script = r""" let [resolve] = arguments; let dumper = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-info-dumper;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMemoryInfoDumper); dumper.dumpMemoryReportsToNamedFile( "%s", () => resolve("memory report done!"), null, /* anonymize */ false, /* minimize memory usage */ %s); """ % ( checkpoint_path, "true" if minimize else "false", ) checkpoint = None try: finished = self.marionette.execute_async_script( checkpoint_script, script_timeout=60000 ) if finished: checkpoint = checkpoint_path except JavascriptException as e: self.logger.error("Checkpoint JavaScript error: %s" % e) except ScriptTimeoutException: self.logger.error("Memory report timed out") except Exception: self.logger.error("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) else: self.logger.info("checkpoint created, stored in %s" % checkpoint_path) # Now trigger a DMD report if requested. if self._dmd: self.do_dmd(checkpointName, iteration) return checkpoint def do_dmd(self, checkpointName, iteration): """ Triggers DMD reports that are used to help identify sources of 'heap-unclassified'. NB: This will dump DMD reports to the temp dir. Unfortunately it also dumps memory reports, but that's all we have to work with right now. """ self.logger.info("Starting %s DMD reports..." % checkpointName) ident = "%s-%d" % (checkpointName, iteration) # TODO(ER): This actually takes a minimize argument. We could use that # rather than have a separate `do_gc` function. Also it generates a # memory report so we could combine this with `do_checkpoint`. The main # issue would be moving everything out of the temp dir. # # Generated files have the form: # dmd---pid.json.gz, ie: # dmd-TabsOpenForceGC-0-10885.json.gz # # and for the memory report: # unified-memory-report--.json.gz dmd_script = ( r""" let dumper = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-info-dumper;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMemoryInfoDumper); dumper.dumpMemoryInfoToTempDir( "%s", /* anonymize = */ false, /* minimize = */ false); """ % ident ) try: # This is async and there's no callback so we use the existence # of an incomplete memory report to check if it hasn't finished yet. self.marionette.execute_script(dmd_script, script_timeout=60000) tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() prefix = "incomplete-unified-memory-report-%s-%d-*" % ( checkpointName, iteration, ) max_wait = 240 elapsed = 0 while fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(tmpdir), prefix) and elapsed < max_wait: self.logger.info("Waiting for memory report to finish") time.sleep(1) elapsed += 1 incomplete = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(tmpdir), prefix) if incomplete: # The memory reports never finished. self.logger.error("Incomplete memory reports leftover.") for f in incomplete: os.remove(os.path.join(tmpdir, f)) except JavascriptException as e: self.logger.error("DMD JavaScript error: %s" % e) except ScriptTimeoutException: self.logger.error("DMD timed out") except Exception: self.logger.error("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) else: self.logger.info("DMD started, prefixed with %s" % ident) def open_and_focus(self): """Opens the next URL in the list and focuses on the tab it is opened in. A new tab will be opened if |_maxTabs| has not been exceeded, otherwise the URL will be loaded in the next tab. """ page_to_load = self.urls()[self._pages_loaded % len(self.urls())] tabs_loaded = len(self._tabs) open_tab_script = r""" gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", { inBackground: false, triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }); """ if tabs_loaded < self._maxTabs and tabs_loaded <= self._pages_loaded: full_tab_list = self.marionette.window_handles self.marionette.execute_script(open_tab_script, script_timeout=60000) Wait(self.marionette).until( lambda mn: len(mn.window_handles) == tabs_loaded + 1, message="No new tab has been opened", ) # NB: The tab list isn't sorted, so we do a set diff to determine # which is the new tab new_tab_list = self.marionette.window_handles new_tabs = list(set(new_tab_list) - set(full_tab_list)) self._tabs.append(new_tabs[0]) tabs_loaded += 1 tab_idx = self._pages_loaded % self._maxTabs tab = self._tabs[tab_idx] # Tell marionette which tab we're on # NB: As a work-around for an e10s marionette bug, only select the tab # if we're really switching tabs. if tabs_loaded > 1: self.logger.info("switching to tab") self.marionette.switch_to_window(tab) self.logger.info("switched to tab") with self.marionette.using_context("content"): self.logger.info("loading %s" % page_to_load) self.marionette.navigate(page_to_load) self.logger.info("loaded!") # The tab handle can change after actually loading content # First build a set up w/o the current tab old_tabs = set(self._tabs) old_tabs.remove(tab) # Perform a set diff to get the (possibly) new handle new_tabs = set(self.marionette.window_handles) - old_tabs # Update the tab list at the current index to preserve the tab # ordering if new_tabs: self._tabs[tab_idx] = list(new_tabs)[0] # give the page time to settle time.sleep(self._perTabPause) self._pages_loaded += 1 def signal_user_active(self): """Signal to the browser that the user is active. Normally when being driven by marionette the browser thinks the user is inactive the whole time because user activity is detected by looking at key and mouse events. This would be a problem for this test because user inactivity is used to schedule some GCs (in particular shrinking GCs), so it would make this unrepresentative of real use. Instead we manually cause some inconsequential activity (a press and release of the shift key) to make the browser think the user is active. Then when we sleep to allow things to settle the browser will see the user as becoming inactive and trigger appropriate GCs, as would have happened in real use. """ try: action = self.marionette.actions.sequence("key", "keyboard_id") action.key_down(Keys.SHIFT) action.key_up(Keys.SHIFT) action.perform() finally: self.marionette.actions.release() def open_pages(self): """ Opens all pages with our given configuration. """ for _ in range(self.pages_to_load()): self.open_and_focus() self.signal_user_active()