/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! Gecko-esque logger implementation for the [`log`] crate. //! //! The [`log`] crate provides a single logging API that abstracts over the //! actual logging implementation. This module uses the logging API //! to provide a log implementation that shares many aesthetical traits with //! [Log.sys.mjs] from Gecko. //! //! Using the [`error!`], [`warn!`], [`info!`], [`debug!`], and //! [`trace!`] macros from `log` will output a timestamp field, followed by the //! log level, and then the message. The fields are separated by a tab //! character, making the output suitable for further text processing with //! `awk(1)`. //! //! This module shares the same API as `log`, except it provides additional //! entry functions [`init`] and [`init_with_level`] and additional log levels //! `Level::Fatal` and `Level::Config`. Converting these into the //! [`log::Level`] is lossy so that `Level::Fatal` becomes `log::Level::Error` //! and `Level::Config` becomes `log::Level::Debug`. //! //! [`log`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/ //! [Log.sys.mjs]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/modules/Log.sys.mjs //! [`error!`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/macro.error.html //! [`warn!`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/macro.warn.html //! [`info!`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/macro.info.html //! [`debug!`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/macro.debug.html //! [`trace!`]: https://docs.rs/log/newest/log/macro.trace.html //! [`init`]: fn.init.html //! [`init_with_level`]: fn.init_with_level.html use icu_segmenter::GraphemeClusterSegmenter; use std::fmt; use std::io; use std::io::Write; use std::str; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use mozprofile::preferences::Pref; static LOG_TRUNCATE: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); static MAX_LOG_LEVEL: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); const MAX_STRING_LENGTH: usize = 250; const LOGGED_TARGETS: &[&str] = &[ "geckodriver", "mozdevice", "mozprofile", "mozrunner", "mozversion", "webdriver", ]; /// Logger levels from [Log.sys.mjs]. /// /// [Log.sys.mjs]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/modules/Log.sys.mjs #[repr(usize)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Debug, Hash, PartialEq)] pub enum Level { Fatal = 70, Error = 60, Warn = 50, Info = 40, Config = 30, Debug = 20, Trace = 10, } impl From<usize> for Level { fn from(n: usize) -> Level { use self::Level::*; match n { 70 => Fatal, 60 => Error, 50 => Warn, 40 => Info, 30 => Config, 20 => Debug, 10 => Trace, _ => Info, } } } impl fmt::Display for Level { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use self::Level::*; let s = match *self { Fatal => "FATAL", Error => "ERROR", Warn => "WARN", Info => "INFO", Config => "CONFIG", Debug => "DEBUG", Trace => "TRACE", }; write!(f, "{}", s) } } impl str::FromStr for Level { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Level, ()> { use self::Level::*; match s.to_lowercase().as_ref() { "fatal" => Ok(Fatal), "error" => Ok(Error), "warn" => Ok(Warn), "info" => Ok(Info), "config" => Ok(Config), "debug" => Ok(Debug), "trace" => Ok(Trace), _ => Err(()), } } } impl From<Level> for log::Level { fn from(level: Level) -> log::Level { use self::Level::*; match level { Fatal | Error => log::Level::Error, Warn => log::Level::Warn, Info => log::Level::Info, Config | Debug => log::Level::Debug, Trace => log::Level::Trace, } } } impl From<Level> for Pref { fn from(level: Level) -> Pref { use self::Level::*; Pref::new(match level { Fatal => "Fatal", Error => "Error", Warn => "Warn", Info => "Info", Config => "Config", Debug => "Debug", Trace => "Trace", }) } } impl From<log::Level> for Level { fn from(log_level: log::Level) -> Level { use log::Level::*; match log_level { Error => Level::Error, Warn => Level::Warn, Info => Level::Info, Debug => Level::Debug, Trace => Level::Trace, } } } struct Logger; impl log::Log for Logger { fn enabled(&self, meta: &log::Metadata) -> bool { LOGGED_TARGETS.iter().any(|&x| meta.target().starts_with(x)) && meta.level() <= log::max_level() } fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { if let Some((s1, s2)) = truncate_message(record.args()) { println!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{} ... {}", format_ts(chrono::Local::now()), record.target(), record.level(), s1, s2 ); } else { println!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}", format_ts(chrono::Local::now()), record.target(), record.level(), record.args() ) } } } fn flush(&self) { io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); } } /// Initialises the logging subsystem with the default log level. pub fn init(truncate: bool) -> Result<(), log::SetLoggerError> { init_with_level(Level::Info, truncate) } /// Initialises the logging subsystem. pub fn init_with_level(level: Level, truncate: bool) -> Result<(), log::SetLoggerError> { let logger = Logger {}; set_max_level(level); set_truncate(truncate); log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger))?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the current maximum log level. pub fn max_level() -> Level { MAX_LOG_LEVEL.load(Ordering::Relaxed).into() } /// Sets the global maximum log level. pub fn set_max_level(level: Level) { MAX_LOG_LEVEL.store(level as usize, Ordering::SeqCst); let slevel: log::Level = level.into(); log::set_max_level(slevel.to_level_filter()) } /// Sets the global maximum log level. pub fn set_truncate(truncate: bool) { LOG_TRUNCATE.store(truncate, Ordering::SeqCst); } /// Returns the truncation flag. pub fn truncate() -> bool { LOG_TRUNCATE.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Produces a 13-digit Unix Epoch timestamp similar to Gecko. fn format_ts(ts: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Local>) -> String { format!("{}{:03}", ts.timestamp(), ts.timestamp_subsec_millis()) } /// Truncate a log message if it's too long fn truncate_message(args: &fmt::Arguments) -> Option<(String, String)> { // Don't truncate the message if requested. if !truncate() { return None; } let message = format!("{}", args); if message.is_empty() || message.len() < MAX_STRING_LENGTH { return None; } let chars = GraphemeClusterSegmenter::new() .segment_str(&message) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .windows(2) .map(|i| &message[i[0]..i[1]]) .collect::<Vec<&str>>(); if chars.len() > MAX_STRING_LENGTH { let middle: usize = MAX_STRING_LENGTH / 2; let s1 = chars[0..middle].concat(); let s2 = chars[chars.len() - middle..].concat(); Some((s1, s2)) } else { None } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Mutex; use mozprofile::preferences::{Pref, PrefValue}; lazy_static! { static ref LEVEL_MUTEX: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); } #[test] fn test_level_repr() { assert_eq!(Level::Fatal as usize, 70); assert_eq!(Level::Error as usize, 60); assert_eq!(Level::Warn as usize, 50); assert_eq!(Level::Info as usize, 40); assert_eq!(Level::Config as usize, 30); assert_eq!(Level::Debug as usize, 20); assert_eq!(Level::Trace as usize, 10); } #[test] fn test_level_from_log() { assert_eq!(Level::from(log::Level::Error), Level::Error); assert_eq!(Level::from(log::Level::Warn), Level::Warn); assert_eq!(Level::from(log::Level::Info), Level::Info); assert_eq!(Level::from(log::Level::Debug), Level::Debug); assert_eq!(Level::from(log::Level::Trace), Level::Trace); } #[test] fn test_level_into_log() { assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Fatal), log::Level::Error); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Error), log::Level::Error); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Warn), log::Level::Warn); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Info), log::Level::Info); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Config), log::Level::Debug); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Debug), log::Level::Debug); assert_eq!(Into::<log::Level>::into(Level::Trace), log::Level::Trace); } #[test] fn test_level_into_pref() { let tests = [ (Level::Fatal, "Fatal"), (Level::Error, "Error"), (Level::Warn, "Warn"), (Level::Info, "Info"), (Level::Config, "Config"), (Level::Debug, "Debug"), (Level::Trace, "Trace"), ]; for &(lvl, s) in tests.iter() { let expected = Pref { value: PrefValue::String(s.to_string()), sticky: false, }; assert_eq!(Into::<Pref>::into(lvl), expected); } } #[test] fn test_level_from_str() { assert_eq!(Level::from_str("fatal"), Ok(Level::Fatal)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("error"), Ok(Level::Error)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("warn"), Ok(Level::Warn)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("info"), Ok(Level::Info)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("config"), Ok(Level::Config)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("debug"), Ok(Level::Debug)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("trace"), Ok(Level::Trace)); assert_eq!(Level::from_str("INFO"), Ok(Level::Info)); assert!(Level::from_str("foo").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_level_to_str() { assert_eq!(Level::Fatal.to_string(), "FATAL"); assert_eq!(Level::Error.to_string(), "ERROR"); assert_eq!(Level::Warn.to_string(), "WARN"); assert_eq!(Level::Info.to_string(), "INFO"); assert_eq!(Level::Config.to_string(), "CONFIG"); assert_eq!(Level::Debug.to_string(), "DEBUG"); assert_eq!(Level::Trace.to_string(), "TRACE"); } #[test] fn test_max_level() { let _guard = LEVEL_MUTEX.lock(); set_max_level(Level::Info); assert_eq!(max_level(), Level::Info); } #[test] fn test_set_max_level() { let _guard = LEVEL_MUTEX.lock(); set_max_level(Level::Error); assert_eq!(max_level(), Level::Error); set_max_level(Level::Fatal); assert_eq!(max_level(), Level::Fatal); } #[test] fn test_init_with_level() { let _guard = LEVEL_MUTEX.lock(); init_with_level(Level::Debug, false).unwrap(); assert_eq!(max_level(), Level::Debug); assert!(init_with_level(Level::Warn, false).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_format_ts() { let ts = chrono::Local::now(); let s = format_ts(ts); assert_eq!(s.len(), 13); } #[test] fn test_truncate() { let short_message = (0..MAX_STRING_LENGTH).map(|_| "x").collect::<String>(); // A message up to MAX_STRING_LENGTH is not truncated assert_eq!(truncate_message(&format_args!("{}", short_message)), None); let long_message = (0..MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1).map(|_| "x").collect::<String>(); let part = (0..MAX_STRING_LENGTH / 2).map(|_| "x").collect::<String>(); // A message longer than MAX_STRING_LENGTH is not truncated if requested set_truncate(false); assert_eq!(truncate_message(&format_args!("{}", long_message)), None); // A message longer than MAX_STRING_LENGTH is truncated if requested set_truncate(true); assert_eq!( truncate_message(&format_args!("{}", long_message)), Some((part.to_owned(), part)) ); } }