# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os import sys from argparse import Namespace from mach.decorators import Command here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) parser = None logger = None def run_gtest(context, **kwargs): from mozlog.commandline import setup_logging if not kwargs.get("log"): kwargs["log"] = setup_logging("gtest", kwargs, {"mach": sys.stdout}) global logger logger = kwargs["log"] args = Namespace(**kwargs) import mozinfo if mozinfo.info.get("buildapp") == "mobile/android": return run_gtest_android(context, args) return run_gtest_desktop(context, args) def run_gtest_desktop(context, args): prog = context.firefox_bin xre_path = os.path.dirname(context.firefox_bin) if sys.platform == "darwin": xre_path = os.path.join(xre_path, "Resources") utility_path = context.bin_dir cwd = os.path.join(context.package_root, "gtest") logger.info( "mach calling run_gtest with prog=%s xre_path=%s cwd=%s utility_path=%s" % (prog, xre_path, cwd, utility_path) ) # The gtest option parser ignores some options normally passed to the mozharness # command, so some hacking is required, for now: extra_args = [arg for arg in args.args if not arg.startswith("-")] if extra_args: os.environ["GTEST_FILTER"] = extra_args[0] logger.info("GTEST_FILTER=%s" % extra_args[0]) import rungtests tester = rungtests.GTests() return tester.run_gtest(prog, xre_path, cwd, utility_path=utility_path) def run_gtest_android(context, args): config = context.mozharness_config if config: args.adb_path = config["exes"]["adb"] % { "abs_work_dir": context.mozharness_workdir } cwd = os.path.join(context.package_root, "gtest") libxul_path = os.path.join(cwd, "gtest_bin", "gtest", "libxul.so") logger.info( "mach calling android run_gtest with package=%s cwd=%s libxul=%s" % (args.package, cwd, libxul_path) ) # The remote gtest option parser ignores some options normally passed to the mozharness # command, so some hacking is required, for now: extra_args = [arg for arg in args.args if not arg.startswith("-")] test_filter = extra_args[0] if extra_args else None logger.info("test filter=%s" % test_filter) import remotegtests tester = remotegtests.RemoteGTests() return tester.run_gtest( cwd, args.shuffle, test_filter, args.package, args.adb_path, args.device_serial, args.remote_test_root, libxul_path, args.symbols_path, ) def setup_argument_parser(): import mozinfo mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json(here) global parser if mozinfo.info.get("buildapp") == "mobile/android": import remotegtests parser = remotegtests.remoteGtestOptions() else: import rungtests parser = rungtests.gtestOptions() return parser @Command( "gtest", category="testing", description="Run the gtest harness.", parser=setup_argument_parser, ) def gtest(command_context, **kwargs): command_context._mach_context.activate_mozharness_venv() result = run_gtest(command_context._mach_context, **kwargs) return 0 if result else 1