# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ # The content of this file comes orginally from automationutils.py # and *should* be revised. import re from operator import itemgetter RE_DOCSHELL = re.compile("I\/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ([+\-]{2})DOCSHELL") RE_DOMWINDOW = re.compile("I\/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ([+\-]{2})DOMWINDOW") class ShutdownLeaks(object): """ Parses the mochitest run log when running a debug build, assigns all leaked DOM windows (that are still around after test suite shutdown, despite running the GC) to the tests that created them and prints leak statistics. """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.tests = [] self.leakedWindows = {} self.hiddenWindowsCount = 0 self.leakedDocShells = set() self.hiddenDocShellsCount = 0 self.numDocShellCreatedLogsSeen = 0 self.numDocShellDestroyedLogsSeen = 0 self.numDomWindowCreatedLogsSeen = 0 self.numDomWindowDestroyedLogsSeen = 0 self.currentTest = None self.seenShutdown = set() def log(self, message): action = message["action"] # Remove 'log' when clipboard is gone and/or structured. if action in ("log", "process_output"): line = message["message"] if action == "log" else message["data"] m = RE_DOMWINDOW.search(line) if m: self._logWindow(line, m.group(1) == "++") return m = RE_DOCSHELL.search(line) if m: self._logDocShell(line, m.group(1) == "++") return if line.startswith("Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process"): pid = int(line.split()[-1]) self.seenShutdown.add(pid) elif action == "test_start": fileName = message["test"].replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/", "" ) self.currentTest = { "fileName": fileName, "windows": set(), "docShells": set(), } elif action == "test_end": # don't track a test if no windows or docShells leaked if self.currentTest and ( self.currentTest["windows"] or self.currentTest["docShells"] ): self.tests.append(self.currentTest) self.currentTest = None def process(self): failures = 0 if not self.seenShutdown: self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ShutdownLeaks | process() called before end of test suite" ) failures += 1 if ( self.numDocShellCreatedLogsSeen == 0 or self.numDocShellDestroyedLogsSeen == 0 ): self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | did not see DOCSHELL log strings." " this occurs if the DOCSHELL logging gets disabled by" " something. %d created seen %d destroyed seen" % (self.numDocShellCreatedLogsSeen, self.numDocShellDestroyedLogsSeen) ) failures += 1 else: self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw %d DOCSHELL created and %d destroyed log" " strings." % (self.numDocShellCreatedLogsSeen, self.numDocShellDestroyedLogsSeen) ) if ( self.numDomWindowCreatedLogsSeen == 0 or self.numDomWindowDestroyedLogsSeen == 0 ): self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | did not see DOMWINDOW log strings." " this occurs if the DOMWINDOW logging gets disabled by" " something%d created seen %d destroyed seen" % (self.numDomWindowCreatedLogsSeen, self.numDomWindowDestroyedLogsSeen) ) failures += 1 else: self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw %d DOMWINDOW created and %d destroyed log" " strings." % (self.numDomWindowCreatedLogsSeen, self.numDomWindowDestroyedLogsSeen) ) errors = [] for test in self._parseLeakingTests(): for url, count in self._zipLeakedWindows(test["leakedWindows"]): errors.append( { "test": test["fileName"], "msg": "leaked %d window(s) until shutdown [url = %s]" % (count, url), } ) failures += 1 if test["leakedWindowsString"]: self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | %s | windows(s) leaked: %s" % (test["fileName"], test["leakedWindowsString"]) ) if test["leakedDocShells"]: errors.append( { "test": test["fileName"], "msg": "leaked %d docShell(s) until shutdown" % (len(test["leakedDocShells"])), } ) failures += 1 self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | %s | docShell(s) leaked: %s" % ( test["fileName"], ", ".join( [ "[pid = %s] [id = %s]" % x for x in test["leakedDocShells"] ] ), ) ) if test["hiddenWindowsCount"] > 0: # Note: to figure out how many hidden windows were created, we divide # this number by 2, because 1 hidden window creation implies in # 1 outer window + 1 inner window. # pylint --py3k W1619 self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | %s | This test created %d hidden window(s)" % (test["fileName"], test["hiddenWindowsCount"] / 2) ) if test["hiddenDocShellsCount"] > 0: self.logger.info( "TEST-INFO | %s | This test created %d hidden docshell(s)" % (test["fileName"], test["hiddenDocShellsCount"]) ) return failures, errors def _logWindow(self, line, created): pid = self._parseValue(line, "pid") serial = self._parseValue(line, "serial") self.numDomWindowCreatedLogsSeen += 1 if created else 0 self.numDomWindowDestroyedLogsSeen += 0 if created else 1 # log line has invalid format if not pid or not serial: self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ShutdownLeaks | failed to parse line" ) self.logger.error("TEST-INFO | ShutdownLeaks | Unparsable line <%s>" % line) return key = (pid, serial) if self.currentTest: windows = self.currentTest["windows"] if created: windows.add(key) else: windows.discard(key) elif int(pid) in self.seenShutdown and not created: url = self._parseValue(line, "url") if not self._isHiddenWindowURL(url): self.leakedWindows[key] = url else: self.hiddenWindowsCount += 1 def _logDocShell(self, line, created): pid = self._parseValue(line, "pid") id = self._parseValue(line, "id") self.numDocShellCreatedLogsSeen += 1 if created else 0 self.numDocShellDestroyedLogsSeen += 0 if created else 1 # log line has invalid format if not pid or not id: self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ShutdownLeaks | failed to parse line" ) self.logger.error("TEST-INFO | ShutdownLeaks | Unparsable line <%s>" % line) return key = (pid, id) if self.currentTest: docShells = self.currentTest["docShells"] if created: docShells.add(key) else: docShells.discard(key) elif int(pid) in self.seenShutdown and not created: url = self._parseValue(line, "url") if not self._isHiddenWindowURL(url): self.leakedDocShells.add(key) else: self.hiddenDocShellsCount += 1 def _parseValue(self, line, name): match = re.search("\[%s = (.+?)\]" % name, line) if match: return match.group(1) return None def _parseLeakingTests(self): leakingTests = [] for test in self.tests: leakedWindows = [id for id in test["windows"] if id in self.leakedWindows] test["leakedWindows"] = [self.leakedWindows[id] for id in leakedWindows] test["hiddenWindowsCount"] = self.hiddenWindowsCount test["leakedWindowsString"] = ", ".join( ["[pid = %s] [serial = %s]" % x for x in leakedWindows] ) test["leakedDocShells"] = [ id for id in test["docShells"] if id in self.leakedDocShells ] test["hiddenDocShellsCount"] = self.hiddenDocShellsCount test["leakCount"] = len(test["leakedWindows"]) + len( test["leakedDocShells"] ) if ( test["leakCount"] or test["hiddenWindowsCount"] or test["hiddenDocShellsCount"] ): leakingTests.append(test) return sorted(leakingTests, key=itemgetter("leakCount"), reverse=True) def _zipLeakedWindows(self, leakedWindows): counts = [] counted = set() for url in leakedWindows: if url not in counted: counts.append((url, leakedWindows.count(url))) counted.add(url) return sorted(counts, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) def _isHiddenWindowURL(self, url): return ( url == "resource://gre-resources/hiddenWindow.html" or url == "chrome://browser/content/hiddenWindowMac.xhtml" # Win / Linux ) # Mac class LSANLeaks(object): """ Parses the log when running an LSAN build, looking for interesting stack frames in allocation stacks, and prints out reports. """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.inReport = False self.fatalError = False self.symbolizerError = False self.foundFrames = set([]) self.recordMoreFrames = None self.currStack = None self.maxNumRecordedFrames = 4 # Don't various allocation-related stack frames, as they do not help much to # distinguish different leaks. unescapedSkipList = [ "malloc", "js_malloc", "js_arena_malloc", "malloc_", "__interceptor_malloc", "moz_xmalloc", "calloc", "js_calloc", "js_arena_calloc", "calloc_", "__interceptor_calloc", "moz_xcalloc", "realloc", "js_realloc", "js_arena_realloc", "realloc_", "__interceptor_realloc", "moz_xrealloc", "new", "js::MallocProvider", ] self.skipListRegExp = re.compile( "^" + "|".join([re.escape(f) for f in unescapedSkipList]) + "$" ) self.startRegExp = re.compile( "==\d+==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks" ) self.fatalErrorRegExp = re.compile( "==\d+==LeakSanitizer has encountered a fatal error." ) self.symbolizerOomRegExp = re.compile( "LLVMSymbolizer: error reading file: Cannot allocate memory" ) self.stackFrameRegExp = re.compile(" #\d+ 0x[0-9a-f]+ in ([^(= self.maxNumRecordedFrames: self.recordMoreFrames = False