#!/usr/bin/env python import io import os import re import shutil import tempfile import threading import time import unittest from unittest import mock import mozunit import requests import six from mozgeckoprofiler import view_gecko_profile if six.PY2: # Import for Python 2 from urllib import unquote else: # Import for Python 3 from urllib.parse import unquote def access_profiler_link(file_url, response): """Attempts to access the profile in a loop for 5 seconds. This is run from a separate thread. """ timeout = 5 # seconds start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: # Poll the server to try and get a response. result = requests.get(url=file_url) if result.ok: # Return the text back in a list. response[0] = result.text return time.sleep(0.1) response[0] = "Accessing the profiler link timed out after %s seconds" % timeout class TestViewGeckoProfile(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the opening local profiles in the Firefox Profiler.""" def setUp(self): self.firefox_profiler_url = None self.thread = None self.response = [None] def test_view_gecko_profile(self): # Create a temporary fake performance profile. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() profile_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "fakeprofile.json") with io.open(profile_path, "w") as f: f.write("FAKE_PROFILE") # Mock the open_new_tab function so that we know when the view_gecko_profile # function has done all of its work, and we can assert ressult of the # user behavior. def mocked_open_new_tab(firefox_profiler_url): self.firefox_profiler_url = firefox_profiler_url encoded_file_url = firefox_profiler_url.split("/")[-1] decoded_file_url = unquote(encoded_file_url) # Extract the actual file from the path. self.thread = threading.Thread( target=access_profiler_link, args=(decoded_file_url, self.response) ) print("firefox_profiler_url %s" % firefox_profiler_url) print("encoded_file_url %s" % encoded_file_url) print("decoded_file_url %s" % decoded_file_url) self.thread.start() with mock.patch("webbrowser.open_new_tab", new=mocked_open_new_tab): # Run the test view_gecko_profile(profile_path) self.thread.join() # Compare the URLs, but replace the PORT value supplied, as that is dynamic. expected_url = ( "https://profiler.firefox.com/from-url/" "http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A{PORT}%2Ffakeprofile.json" ) actual_url = re.sub(r"%3A\d+%2F", "%3A{PORT}%2F", self.firefox_profiler_url) self.assertEqual( actual_url, expected_url, "The URL generated was correct for the Firefox Profiler.", ) self.assertEqual( self.response[0], "FAKE_PROFILE", "The response from the serve provided the profile contents.", ) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": mozunit.main()