# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import math import os import pprint import re import sys from looseversion import LooseVersion from mozilla_version.gecko import GeckoVersion from mozilla_version.version import VersionType from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, FATAL, INFO, WARNING from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript # ensure all versions are 3 part (i.e. 99.1.0) # ensure all text (i.e. 'esr') is in the last part class CompareVersion(LooseVersion): version = "" def __init__(self, versionMap): parts = versionMap.split(".") # assume version is 99.9.0, look for 99.0 if len(parts) == 2: intre = re.compile("([0-9.]+)(.*)") match = intre.match(parts[-1]) if match: parts[-1] = match.group(1) parts.append("0%s" % match.group(2)) else: parts.append("0") self.version = ".".join(parts) LooseVersion(versionMap) def is_triangualar(x): """Check if a number is triangular (0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...) see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number#Triangular_roots_and_tests_for_triangular_numbers # noqa >>> is_triangualar(0) True >>> is_triangualar(1) True >>> is_triangualar(2) False >>> is_triangualar(3) True >>> is_triangualar(4) False >>> all(is_triangualar(x) for x in [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105]) True >>> all(not is_triangualar(x) for x in [4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 17, 25, 29, 39, 44, 59, 61, 72, 98, 112]) True """ # pylint --py3k W1619 n = (math.sqrt(8 * x + 1) - 1) / 2 return n == int(n) class UpdateVerifyConfigCreator(BaseScript): config_options = [ [ ["--product"], { "dest": "product", "help": "Product being tested, as used in the update URL and filenames. Eg: firefox", # NOQA: E501 }, ], [ ["--stage-product"], { "dest": "stage_product", "help": "Product being tested, as used in stage directories and ship it" "If not passed this is assumed to be the same as product.", }, ], [ ["--app-name"], { "dest": "app_name", "help": "App name being tested. Eg: browser", }, ], [ ["--branch-prefix"], { "dest": "branch_prefix", "help": "Prefix of release branch names. Eg: mozilla, comm", }, ], [ ["--channel"], { "dest": "channel", "help": "Channel to run update verify against", }, ], [ ["--aus-server"], { "dest": "aus_server", "default": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", "help": "AUS server to run update verify against", }, ], [ ["--to-version"], { "dest": "to_version", "help": "The version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0b5", }, ], [ ["--to-app-version"], { "dest": "to_app_version", "help": "The in-app version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0", }, ], [ ["--to-display-version"], { "dest": "to_display_version", "help": "The human-readable version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0 Beta 9", # NOQA: E501 }, ], [ ["--to-build-number"], { "dest": "to_build_number", "help": "The build number of the release being updated to", }, ], [ ["--to-buildid"], { "dest": "to_buildid", "help": "The buildid of the release being updated to", }, ], [ ["--to-revision"], { "dest": "to_revision", "help": "The revision that the release being updated to was built against", }, ], [ ["--partial-version"], { "dest": "partial_versions", "default": [], "action": "append", "help": "A previous release version that is expected to receive a partial update. " "Eg: 59.0b4. May be specified multiple times.", }, ], [ ["--last-watershed"], { "dest": "last_watershed", "help": "The earliest version to include in the update verify config. Eg: 57.0b10", }, ], [ ["--include-version"], { "dest": "include_versions", "default": [], "action": "append", "help": "Only include versions that match one of these regexes. " "May be passed multiple times", }, ], [ ["--mar-channel-id-override"], { "dest": "mar_channel_id_options", "default": [], "action": "append", "help": "A version regex and channel id string to override those versions with." "Eg: ^\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$,firefox-mozilla-beta,firefox-mozilla-release " "will set accepted mar channel ids to 'firefox-mozilla-beta' and " "'firefox-mozilla-release for x.y and x.y.z versions. " "May be passed multiple times", }, ], [ ["--override-certs"], { "dest": "override_certs", "default": None, "help": "Certs to override the updater with prior to running update verify." "If passed, should be one of: dep, nightly, release" "If not passed, no certificate overriding will be configured", }, ], [ ["--platform"], { "dest": "platform", "help": "The platform to generate the update verify config for, in FTP-style", }, ], [ ["--updater-platform"], { "dest": "updater_platform", "help": "The platform to run the updater on, in FTP-style." "If not specified, this is assumed to be the same as platform", }, ], [ ["--archive-prefix"], { "dest": "archive_prefix", "help": "The server/path to pull the current release from. " "Eg: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", }, ], [ ["--previous-archive-prefix"], { "dest": "previous_archive_prefix", "help": "The server/path to pull the previous releases from" "If not specified, this is assumed to be the same as --archive-prefix", }, ], [ ["--repo-path"], { "dest": "repo_path", "help": ( "The repository (relative to the hg server root) that the current " "release was built from Eg: releases/mozilla-beta" ), }, ], [ ["--output-file"], { "dest": "output_file", "help": "Where to write the update verify config to", }, ], [ ["--product-details-server"], { "dest": "product_details_server", "default": "https://product-details.mozilla.org", "help": "Product Details server to pull previous release info from. " "Using anything other than the production server is likely to " "cause issues with update verify.", }, ], [ ["--hg-server"], { "dest": "hg_server", "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org", "help": "Mercurial server to pull various previous and current version info from", }, ], [ ["--full-check-locale"], { "dest": "full_check_locales", "default": ["de", "en-US", "ru"], "action": "append", "help": "A list of locales to generate full update verify checks for", }, ], ] def __init__(self): BaseScript.__init__( self, config_options=self.config_options, config={}, all_actions=[ "gather-info", "create-config", "write-config", ], default_actions=[ "gather-info", "create-config", "write-config", ], ) def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): super(UpdateVerifyConfigCreator, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) if "updater_platform" not in self.config: self.config["updater_platform"] = self.config["platform"] if "stage_product" not in self.config: self.config["stage_product"] = self.config["product"] if "previous_archive_prefix" not in self.config: self.config["previous_archive_prefix"] = self.config["archive_prefix"] self.config["archive_prefix"].rstrip("/") self.config["previous_archive_prefix"].rstrip("/") self.config["mar_channel_id_overrides"] = {} for override in self.config["mar_channel_id_options"]: pattern, override_str = override.split(",", 1) self.config["mar_channel_id_overrides"][pattern] = override_str def _get_branch_url(self, branch_prefix, version): version = GeckoVersion.parse(version) branch = None if version.version_type == VersionType.BETA: branch = "releases/{}-beta".format(branch_prefix) elif version.version_type == VersionType.ESR: branch = "releases/{}-esr{}".format(branch_prefix, version.major_number) elif version.version_type == VersionType.RELEASE: if branch_prefix == "comm": # Thunderbird does not have ESR releases, regular releases # go in an ESR branch branch = "releases/{}-esr{}".format(branch_prefix, version.major_number) else: branch = "releases/{}-release".format(branch_prefix) if not branch: raise Exception("Cannot determine branch, cannot continue!") return branch def _get_update_paths(self): from mozrelease.l10n import getPlatformLocales from mozrelease.paths import getCandidatesDir from mozrelease.platforms import ftp2infoFile from mozrelease.versions import MozillaVersion self.update_paths = {} ret = self._retry_download( "{}/1.0/{}.json".format( self.config["product_details_server"], self.config["stage_product"], ), "WARNING", ) releases = json.load(ret)["releases"] for release_name, release_info in reversed( sorted(releases.items(), key=lambda x: MozillaVersion(x[1]["version"])) ): # we need to use releases_name instead of release_info since esr # string is included in the name. later we rely on this. product, version = release_name.split("-", 1) tag = "{}_{}_RELEASE".format(product.upper(), version.replace(".", "_")) # Exclude any releases that don't match one of our include version # regexes. This is generally to avoid including versions from other # channels. Eg: including betas when testing releases for v in self.config["include_versions"]: if re.match(v, version): break else: self.log( "Skipping release whose version doesn't match any " "include_version pattern: %s" % release_name, level=INFO, ) continue # We also have to trim out previous releases that aren't in the same # product line, too old, etc. if self.config["stage_product"] != product: self.log( "Skipping release that doesn't match product name: %s" % release_name, level=INFO, ) continue if MozillaVersion(version) < MozillaVersion(self.config["last_watershed"]): self.log( "Skipping release that's behind the last watershed: %s" % release_name, level=INFO, ) continue if version == self.config["to_version"]: self.log( "Skipping release that is the same as to version: %s" % release_name, level=INFO, ) continue if MozillaVersion(version) > MozillaVersion(self.config["to_version"]): self.log( "Skipping release that's newer than to version: %s" % release_name, level=INFO, ) continue if version in self.update_paths: raise Exception("Found duplicate release for version: %s", version) # This is a crappy place to get buildids from, but we don't have a better one. # This will start to fail if old info files are deleted. info_file_url = "{}{}/{}_info.txt".format( self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], getCandidatesDir( self.config["stage_product"], version, release_info["build_number"], ), ftp2infoFile(self.config["platform"]), ) self.log( "Retrieving buildid from info file: %s" % info_file_url, level=DEBUG ) ret = self._retry_download(info_file_url, "WARNING") buildID = ret.read().split(b"=")[1].strip().decode("utf-8") branch = self._get_branch_url(self.config["branch_prefix"], version) shipped_locales_url = urljoin( self.config["hg_server"], "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/locales/shipped-locales".format( branch, tag, self.config["app_name"], ), ) ret = self._retry_download(shipped_locales_url, "WARNING") shipped_locales = ret.read().strip().decode("utf-8") app_version_url = urljoin( self.config["hg_server"], "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/config/version.txt".format( branch, tag, self.config["app_name"], ), ) app_version = ( self._retry_download(app_version_url, "WARNING") .read() .strip() .decode("utf-8") ) self.log("Adding {} to update paths".format(version), level=INFO) self.update_paths[version] = { "appVersion": app_version, "locales": getPlatformLocales(shipped_locales, self.config["platform"]), "buildID": buildID, } for pattern, mar_channel_ids in self.config[ "mar_channel_id_overrides" ].items(): if re.match(pattern, version): self.update_paths[version]["marChannelIds"] = mar_channel_ids def gather_info(self): from mozilla_version.gecko import GeckoVersion self._get_update_paths() if self.update_paths: self.log("Found update paths:", level=DEBUG) self.log(pprint.pformat(self.update_paths), level=DEBUG) elif GeckoVersion.parse(self.config["to_version"]) <= GeckoVersion.parse( self.config["last_watershed"] ): self.log( "Didn't find any update paths, but to_version {} is before the last_" "watershed {}, generating empty config".format( self.config["to_version"], self.config["last_watershed"], ), level=WARNING, ) else: self.log("Didn't find any update paths, cannot continue", level=FATAL) def create_config(self): from mozrelease.l10n import getPlatformLocales from mozrelease.paths import ( getCandidatesDir, getReleaseInstallerPath, getReleasesDir, ) from mozrelease.platforms import ftp2updatePlatforms from mozrelease.update_verify import UpdateVerifyConfig from mozrelease.versions import getPrettyVersion candidates_dir = getCandidatesDir( self.config["stage_product"], self.config["to_version"], self.config["to_build_number"], ) to_ = getReleaseInstallerPath( self.config["product"], self.config["product"].title(), self.config["to_version"], self.config["platform"], locale="%locale%", ) to_path = "{}/{}".format(candidates_dir, to_) to_display_version = self.config.get("to_display_version") if not to_display_version: to_display_version = getPrettyVersion(self.config["to_version"]) self.update_verify_config = UpdateVerifyConfig( product=self.config["product"].title(), channel=self.config["channel"], aus_server=self.config["aus_server"], to=to_path, to_build_id=self.config["to_buildid"], to_app_version=self.config["to_app_version"], to_display_version=to_display_version, override_certs=self.config.get("override_certs"), ) to_shipped_locales_url = urljoin( self.config["hg_server"], "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/locales/shipped-locales".format( self.config["repo_path"], self.config["to_revision"], self.config["app_name"], ), ) to_shipped_locales = ( self._retry_download(to_shipped_locales_url, "WARNING") .read() .strip() .decode("utf-8") ) to_locales = set( getPlatformLocales(to_shipped_locales, self.config["platform"]) ) completes_only_index = 0 for fromVersion in reversed(sorted(self.update_paths, key=CompareVersion)): from_ = self.update_paths[fromVersion] locales = sorted(list(set(from_["locales"]).intersection(to_locales))) appVersion = from_["appVersion"] build_id = from_["buildID"] mar_channel_IDs = from_.get("marChannelIds") # Use new build targets for Windows, but only on compatible # versions (42+). See bug 1185456 for additional context. if self.config["platform"] not in ("win32", "win64") or LooseVersion( fromVersion ) < LooseVersion("42.0"): update_platform = ftp2updatePlatforms(self.config["platform"])[0] else: update_platform = ftp2updatePlatforms(self.config["platform"])[1] release_dir = getReleasesDir(self.config["stage_product"], fromVersion) path_ = getReleaseInstallerPath( self.config["product"], self.config["product"].title(), fromVersion, self.config["platform"], locale="%locale%", ) from_path = "{}/{}".format(release_dir, path_) updater_package = "{}/{}".format( release_dir, getReleaseInstallerPath( self.config["product"], self.config["product"].title(), fromVersion, self.config["updater_platform"], locale="%locale%", ), ) # Exclude locales being full checked quick_check_locales = [ l for l in locales if l not in self.config["full_check_locales"] ] # Get the intersection of from and to full_check_locales this_full_check_locales = [ l for l in self.config["full_check_locales"] if l in locales ] if fromVersion in self.config["partial_versions"]: self.info( "Generating configs for partial update checks for %s" % fromVersion ) self.update_verify_config.addRelease( release=appVersion, build_id=build_id, locales=locales, patch_types=["complete", "partial"], from_path=from_path, ftp_server_from=self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], ftp_server_to=self.config["archive_prefix"], mar_channel_IDs=mar_channel_IDs, platform=update_platform, updater_package=updater_package, ) else: if this_full_check_locales and is_triangualar(completes_only_index): self.info("Generating full check configs for %s" % fromVersion) self.update_verify_config.addRelease( release=appVersion, build_id=build_id, locales=this_full_check_locales, from_path=from_path, ftp_server_from=self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], ftp_server_to=self.config["archive_prefix"], mar_channel_IDs=mar_channel_IDs, platform=update_platform, updater_package=updater_package, ) # Quick test for other locales, no download if len(quick_check_locales) > 0: self.info("Generating quick check configs for %s" % fromVersion) if not is_triangualar(completes_only_index): # Assuming we skipped full check locales, using all locales _locales = locales else: # Excluding full check locales from the quick check _locales = quick_check_locales self.update_verify_config.addRelease( release=appVersion, build_id=build_id, locales=_locales, platform=update_platform, ) completes_only_index += 1 def write_config(self): # Needs to be opened in "bytes" mode because we perform relative seeks on it with open(self.config["output_file"], "wb+") as fh: self.update_verify_config.write(fh) if __name__ == "__main__": UpdateVerifyConfigCreator().run_and_exit()