#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os import sys import traceback import mozinfo # need this so raptor imports work both from /raptor and via mach here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject build = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here) except ImportError: build = None from browsertime import BrowsertimeAndroid, BrowsertimeDesktop from cmdline import DESKTOP_APPS, parse_args from logger.logger import RaptorLogger from manifest import get_raptor_test_list from mozlog import commandline from mozprofile.cli import parse_key_value, parse_preferences from signal_handler import SignalHandler from utils import view_gecko_profile_from_raptor LOG = RaptorLogger(component="raptor-main") def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): args = parse_args() args.extra_prefs = parse_preferences(args.extra_prefs or []) if args.enable_marionette_trace: args.extra_prefs.update( { "remote.log.level": "Trace", } ) args.environment = dict(parse_key_value(args.environment or [], context="--setenv")) commandline.setup_logging("raptor", args, {"tbpl": sys.stdout}) LOG.info("Python version: %s" % sys.version) LOG.info("raptor-start") if args.debug_mode: LOG.info("debug-mode enabled") LOG.info("received command line arguments: %s" % str(args)) # if a test name specified on command line, and it exists, just run that one # otherwise run all available raptor tests that are found for this browser raptor_test_list = get_raptor_test_list(args, mozinfo.os) raptor_test_names = [raptor_test["name"] for raptor_test in raptor_test_list] # ensure we have at least one valid test to run if len(raptor_test_list) == 0: LOG.critical("test '{}' could not be found for {}".format(args.test, args.app)) sys.exit(1) LOG.info("raptor tests scheduled to run:") for next_test in raptor_test_list: LOG.info(next_test["name"]) def raptor_class(*inner_args, **inner_kwargs): outer_kwargs = vars(args) # peel off arguments that are specific to browsertime for key in outer_kwargs.keys(): if key.startswith("browsertime_"): inner_kwargs[key] = outer_kwargs.get(key) if args.app in DESKTOP_APPS: klass = BrowsertimeDesktop else: klass = BrowsertimeAndroid return klass(*inner_args, **inner_kwargs) try: raptor = raptor_class( args.app, args.binary, run_local=args.run_local, noinstall=args.noinstall, installerpath=args.installerpath, obj_path=args.obj_path, gecko_profile=args.gecko_profile, gecko_profile_interval=args.gecko_profile_interval, gecko_profile_entries=args.gecko_profile_entries, gecko_profile_extra_threads=args.gecko_profile_extra_threads, gecko_profile_threads=args.gecko_profile_threads, gecko_profile_features=args.gecko_profile_features, extra_profiler_run=args.extra_profiler_run, symbols_path=args.symbols_path, host=args.host, live_sites=args.live_sites, cold=args.cold, is_release_build=args.is_release_build, debug_mode=args.debug_mode, post_startup_delay=args.post_startup_delay, activity=args.activity, intent=args.intent, interrupt_handler=SignalHandler(), extra_prefs=args.extra_prefs or {}, environment=args.environment or {}, device_name=args.device_name, disable_perf_tuning=args.disable_perf_tuning, conditioned_profile=args.conditioned_profile, test_bytecode_cache=args.test_bytecode_cache, chimera=args.chimera, project=args.project, verbose=args.verbose, fission=args.fission, extra_summary_methods=args.extra_summary_methods, benchmark_repository=args.benchmark_repository, benchmark_revision=args.benchmark_revision, benchmark_branch=args.benchmark_branch, page_timeout=args.page_timeout, clean=args.clean, screenshot_on_failure=args.screenshot_on_failure, ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() LOG.critical( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL: could not initialize the raptor test runner" ) os.sys.exit(1) raptor.results_handler.use_existing_results(args.browsertime_existing_results) success = raptor.run_tests(raptor_test_list, raptor_test_names) if not success: # if we have results but one test page timed out (i.e. one tp6 test page didn't load # but others did) we still dumped PERFHERDER_DATA for the successfull pages but we # want the overall test job to marked as a failure pages_that_timed_out = raptor.get_page_timeout_list() if pages_that_timed_out: for _page in pages_that_timed_out: message = [ ("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL", "test '%s'" % _page["test_name"]), ("timed out loading test page", "waiting for pending metrics"), ] if _page.get("pending_metrics") is not None: LOG.warning( "page cycle {} has pending metrics: {}".format( _page["page_cycle"], _page["pending_metrics"] ) ) LOG.critical( " ".join("%s: %s" % (subject, msg) for subject, msg in message) ) else: # we want the job to fail when we didn't get any test results # (due to test timeout/crash/etc.) LOG.critical( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL: no raptor test results were found for %s" % ", ".join(raptor_test_names) ) os.sys.exit(1) # if we're running browsertime in the CI, we want to zip the result dir if args.browsertime and not args.run_local: result_dir = raptor.results_handler.result_dir() if os.path.exists(result_dir): is_profiling_job = True if args.gecko_profile else False raptor.results_handler.archive_raptor_artifacts(is_profiling_job) # when running raptor locally with gecko profiling on, use the view-gecko-profile # tool to automatically load the latest gecko profile in profiler.firefox.com if args.gecko_profile and args.run_local: if os.environ.get("DISABLE_PROFILE_LAUNCH", "0") == "1": LOG.info( "Not launching profiler.firefox.com because DISABLE_PROFILE_LAUNCH=1" ) else: view_gecko_profile_from_raptor() if __name__ == "__main__": main()