# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import gzip import io import json import logging import os import os.path import pprint import re import sys import tempfile import urllib.parse from copy import deepcopy from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from statistics import median from xmlrpc.client import Fault from yaml import load try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader import bugzilla import mozci.push import requests from manifestparser import ManifestParser from manifestparser.toml import add_skip_if, alphabetize_toml_str, sort_paths from mozci.task import TestTask from mozci.util.taskcluster import get_task from taskcluster.exceptions import TaskclusterRestFailure TASK_LOG = "live_backing.log" TASK_ARTIFACT = "public/logs/" + TASK_LOG ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION = "Compressed " + TASK_ARTIFACT + " for task " ATTACHMENT_REGEX = ( r".*Created attachment ([0-9]+)\n.*" + ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION + "([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\n.*" ) BUGZILLA_AUTHENTICATION_HELP = "Must create a Bugzilla API key per https://github.com/mozilla/mozci-tools/blob/main/citools/test_triage_bug_filer.py" MS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000 # ms per minute DEBUG_THRESHOLD = 40 * MS_PER_MINUTE # 40 minutes in ms OPT_THRESHOLD = 20 * MS_PER_MINUTE # 20 minutes in ms ANYJS = "anyjs" CC = "classification" DEF = "DEFAULT" DURATIONS = "durations" FAILED_RUNS = "runs_failed" FAILURE_RATIO = 0.4 # more than this fraction of failures will disable LL = "label" MEDIAN_DURATION = "duration_median" MINIMUM_RUNS = 3 # mininum number of runs to consider success/failure MOCK_BUG_DEFAULTS = {"blocks": [], "comments": []} MOCK_TASK_DEFAULTS = {"extra": {}, "failure_types": {}, "results": []} MOCK_TASK_INITS = ["results"] OPT = "opt" PP = "path" QUERY = "query" RR = "result" RUNS = "runs" SUM_BY_LABEL = "sum_by_label" TOTAL_DURATION = "duration_total" TOTAL_RUNS = "runs_total" WP = "testing/web-platform/" WPT = "wpt" WPT0 = WP + "tests/infrastructure" WPT_META0 = WP + "tests/infrastructure/metadata" WPT_META0_CLASSIC = WP + "meta/infrastructure" WPT1 = WP + "tests" WPT_META1 = WPT1.replace("tests", "meta") WPT2 = WP + "mozilla/tests" WPT_META2 = WPT2.replace("tests", "meta") WPT_MOZILLA = "/_mozilla" class Mock(object): def __init__(self, data, defaults={}, inits=[]): self._data = data self._defaults = defaults for name in inits: values = self._data.get(name, []) # assume type is an array values = [Mock(value, defaults, inits) for value in values] self._data[name] = values def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._data: return self._data[name] if name in self._defaults: return self._defaults[name] return "" class Classification(object): "Classification of the failure (not the task result)" DISABLE_MANIFEST = "disable_manifest" # crash found DISABLE_RECOMMENDED = "disable_recommended" # disable first failing path DISABLE_TOO_LONG = "disable_too_long" # runtime threshold exceeded INTERMITTENT = "intermittent" SECONDARY = "secondary" # secondary failing path SUCCESS = "success" # path always succeeds UNKNOWN = "unknown" class Run(Enum): """ constant indexes for attributes of a run """ MANIFEST = 0 TASK_ID = 1 TASK_LABEL = 2 RESULT = 3 CLASSIFICATION = 4 class Skipfails(object): "mach manifest skip-fails implementation: Update manifests to skip failing tests" REPO = "repo" REVISION = "revision" TREEHERDER = "treeherder.mozilla.org" BUGZILLA_SERVER_DEFAULT = "bugzilla.allizom.org" def __init__( self, command_context=None, try_url="", verbose=False, bugzilla=None, dry_run=False, turbo=False, ): self.command_context = command_context if self.command_context is not None: self.topsrcdir = self.command_context.topsrcdir else: self.topsrcdir = Path(__file__).parent.parent self.topsrcdir = os.path.normpath(self.topsrcdir) if isinstance(try_url, list) and len(try_url) == 1: self.try_url = try_url[0] else: self.try_url = try_url self.dry_run = dry_run self.verbose = verbose self.turbo = turbo if bugzilla is not None: self.bugzilla = bugzilla elif "BUGZILLA" in os.environ: self.bugzilla = os.environ["BUGZILLA"] else: self.bugzilla = Skipfails.BUGZILLA_SERVER_DEFAULT if self.bugzilla == "disable": self.bugzilla = None # Bug filing disabled self.component = "skip-fails" self._bzapi = None self._attach_rx = None self.variants = {} self.tasks = {} self.pp = None self.headers = {} # for Treeherder requests self.headers["Accept"] = "application/json" self.headers["User-Agent"] = "treeherder-pyclient" self.jobs_url = "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/jobs/" self.push_ids = {} self.job_ids = {} self.extras = {} self.bugs = [] # preloaded bugs, currently not an updated cache def _initialize_bzapi(self): """Lazily initializes the Bugzilla API (returns True on success)""" if self._bzapi is None and self.bugzilla is not None: self._bzapi = bugzilla.Bugzilla(self.bugzilla) self._attach_rx = re.compile(ATTACHMENT_REGEX, flags=re.M) return self._bzapi is not None def pprint(self, obj): if self.pp is None: self.pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, stream=sys.stderr) self.pp.pprint(obj) sys.stderr.flush() def error(self, e): if self.command_context is not None: self.command_context.log( logging.ERROR, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "ERROR: {error}" ) else: print(f"ERROR: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) def warning(self, e): if self.command_context is not None: self.command_context.log( logging.WARNING, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "WARNING: {error}" ) else: print(f"WARNING: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) def info(self, e): if self.command_context is not None: self.command_context.log( logging.INFO, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "INFO: {error}" ) else: print(f"INFO: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) def vinfo(self, e): if self.verbose: self.info(e) def full_path(self, filename): """Returns full path for the relative filename""" return os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, os.path.normpath(filename)) def isdir(self, filename): """Returns True if filename is a directory""" return os.path.isdir(self.full_path(filename)) def exists(self, filename): """Returns True if filename exists""" return os.path.exists(self.full_path(filename)) def run( self, meta_bug_id=None, save_tasks=None, use_tasks=None, save_failures=None, use_failures=None, max_failures=-1, ): "Run skip-fails on try_url, return True on success" try_url = self.try_url revision, repo = self.get_revision(try_url) if use_tasks is not None: tasks = self.read_tasks(use_tasks) self.vinfo(f"use tasks: {use_tasks}") else: tasks = self.get_tasks(revision, repo) if use_failures is not None: failures = self.read_failures(use_failures) self.vinfo(f"use failures: {use_failures}") else: failures = self.get_failures(tasks) if save_failures is not None: self.write_json(save_failures, failures) self.vinfo(f"save failures: {save_failures}") if save_tasks is not None: self.write_tasks(save_tasks, tasks) self.vinfo(f"save tasks: {save_tasks}") num_failures = 0 for manifest in failures: if manifest.endswith(".toml") or manifest.startswith(WP): wpt = failures[manifest][WPT] for label in failures[manifest][LL]: for path in failures[manifest][LL][label][PP]: classification = failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][CC] if classification.startswith("disable_") or ( self.turbo and classification == Classification.SECONDARY ): anyjs = {} # anyjs alternate basename = False for task_id in failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][ RUNS ]: if not wpt: break # just use the first task_id filename = os.path.basename(path) anyjs[filename] = False if ( QUERY in failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][RUNS][ task_id ] ): query = failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][ RUNS ][task_id][QUERY] anyjs[filename + query] = False else: query = None if ( ANYJS in failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][RUNS][ task_id ] ): any_filename = os.path.basename( failures[manifest][LL][label][PP][path][RUNS][ task_id ][ANYJS] ) anyjs[any_filename] = False if query is not None: anyjs[any_filename + query] = False self.skip_failure( manifest, path, anyjs, label, classification, task_id, try_url, revision, repo, meta_bug_id, ) num_failures += 1 if max_failures >= 0 and num_failures >= max_failures: self.warning( f"max_failures={max_failures} threshold reached. stopping." ) return True elif manifest.endswith(".ini"): self.warning(f"cannot process skip-fails on INI manifest: {manifest}") elif manifest.endswith(".list"): self.warning(f"cannot process skip-fails on LIST manifest: {manifest}") else: self.warning( f"cannot process skip-fails on unknown manifest: {manifest}" ) return True def get_revision(self, url): parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme != "https": raise ValueError("try_url scheme not https") if parsed.netloc != Skipfails.TREEHERDER: raise ValueError(f"try_url server not {Skipfails.TREEHERDER}") if len(parsed.query) == 0: raise ValueError("try_url query missing") query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query) if Skipfails.REVISION not in query: raise ValueError("try_url query missing revision") revision = query[Skipfails.REVISION][0] if Skipfails.REPO in query: repo = query[Skipfails.REPO][0] else: repo = "try" self.vinfo(f"considering {repo} revision={revision}") return revision, repo def get_tasks(self, revision, repo): push = mozci.push.Push(revision, repo) return push.tasks def get_failures(self, tasks): """ find failures and create structure comprised of runs by path: result: * False (failed) * True (passed) classification: Classification * unknown (default) < 3 runs * intermittent (not enough failures) * disable_recommended (enough repeated failures) >3 runs >= 4 * disable_manifest (disable DEFAULT if no other failures) * secondary (not first failure in group) * success """ ff = {} manifest_paths = {} manifest_ = { WPT: False, LL: {}, } label_ = { DURATIONS: {}, MEDIAN_DURATION: 0, OPT: False, PP: {}, SUM_BY_LABEL: { Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST: 0, Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED: 0, Classification.DISABLE_TOO_LONG: 0, Classification.INTERMITTENT: 0, Classification.SECONDARY: 0, Classification.SUCCESS: 0, Classification.UNKNOWN: 0, }, TOTAL_DURATION: 0, } path_ = { CC: Classification.UNKNOWN, FAILED_RUNS: 0, RUNS: {}, TOTAL_RUNS: 0, } run_ = { RR: False, } for task in tasks: # add explicit failures try: if len(task.results) == 0: continue # ignore aborted tasks for manifest in task.failure_types: mm = manifest ll = task.label wpt = False if mm.endswith(".ini"): self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on INI manifests: {mm}" ) continue elif mm.endswith(".list"): self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on LIST manifests: {mm}" ) continue elif not mm.endswith(".toml"): path, mm, _query, _anyjs = self.wpt_paths(mm) if path is None: # not WPT self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on unknown manifest type: {manifest}" ) continue wpt = True if not wpt: if mm not in manifest_paths: manifest_paths[mm] = [] if mm not in ff: ff[mm] = deepcopy(manifest_) ff[mm][WPT] = wpt if ll not in ff[mm][LL]: ff[mm][LL][ll] = deepcopy(label_) for path_type in task.failure_types[manifest]: path, _type = path_type if wpt: path, mmpath, query, anyjs = self.wpt_paths(path) if path is None: self.warning( f"non existant failure path: {path_type[0]}" ) break mm = os.path.dirname(mmpath) if mm not in manifest_paths: manifest_paths[mm] = [] if mm not in ff: ff[mm] = deepcopy(manifest_) ff[mm][WPT] = wpt if ll not in ff[mm][LL]: ff[mm][LL][ll] = deepcopy(label_) else: query = None anyjs = None if not wpt and path == mm: path = DEF # refers to the manifest itself if path not in manifest_paths[mm]: manifest_paths[mm].append(path) if path not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path] = deepcopy(path_) if task.id not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id] = deepcopy(run_) ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id][RR] = False if query is not None: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id][QUERY] = query if anyjs is not None: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id][ANYJS] = anyjs ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][TOTAL_RUNS] += 1 ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][FAILED_RUNS] += 1 except AttributeError as ae: self.warning(f"unknown attribute in task (#1): {ae}") for task in tasks: # add results try: if len(task.results) == 0: continue # ignore aborted tasks for result in task.results: wpt = False mm = result.group if mm.endswith(".ini"): self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on INI manifests: {mm}" ) continue elif mm.endswith(".list"): self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on LIST manifests: {mm}" ) continue elif not mm.endswith(".toml"): path, mm, _query, _anyjs = self.wpt_paths(mm) if path is None: # not WPT self.warning( f"cannot analyze skip-fails on unknown manifest type: {result.group}" ) continue wpt = True if mm not in manifest_paths: continue if mm not in ff: ff[mm] = deepcopy(manifest_) ll = task.label if ll not in ff[mm][LL]: ff[mm][LL][ll] = deepcopy(label_) if task.id not in ff[mm][LL][ll][DURATIONS]: # duration may be None !!! ff[mm][LL][ll][DURATIONS][task.id] = result.duration or 0 if ff[mm][LL][ll][OPT] is None: ff[mm][LL][ll][OPT] = self.get_opt_for_task(task.id) for path in manifest_paths[mm]: # all known paths if path not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path] = deepcopy(path_) if task.id not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id] = deepcopy(run_) ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id][RR] = result.ok ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][TOTAL_RUNS] += 1 if not result.ok: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][FAILED_RUNS] += 1 except AttributeError as ae: self.warning(f"unknown attribute in task (#2): {ae}") for mm in ff: # determine classifications wpt = ff[mm][WPT] for label in ff[mm][LL]: ll = label opt = ff[mm][LL][ll][OPT] durations = [] # summarize durations for task_id in ff[mm][LL][ll][DURATIONS]: duration = ff[mm][LL][ll][DURATIONS][task_id] durations.append(duration) if len(durations) > 0: total_duration = sum(durations) median_duration = median(durations) ff[mm][LL][ll][TOTAL_DURATION] = total_duration ff[mm][LL][ll][MEDIAN_DURATION] = median_duration if (opt and median_duration > OPT_THRESHOLD) or ( (not opt) and median_duration > DEBUG_THRESHOLD ): if wpt: paths = ff[mm][LL][ll][PP].keys() else: paths = [DEF] for path in paths: if path not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path] = deepcopy(path_) if task_id not in ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS]: ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id] = deepcopy(run_) ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][RUNS][task.id][RR] = False ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][TOTAL_RUNS] += 1 ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][FAILED_RUNS] += 1 ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][ CC ] = Classification.DISABLE_TOO_LONG primary = True # we have not seen the first failure for path in sort_paths(ff[mm][LL][ll][PP]): classification = ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][CC] if classification == Classification.UNKNOWN: failed_runs = ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][FAILED_RUNS] total_runs = ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][TOTAL_RUNS] if total_runs >= MINIMUM_RUNS: if failed_runs / total_runs < FAILURE_RATIO: if failed_runs == 0: classification = Classification.SUCCESS else: classification = Classification.INTERMITTENT elif primary: if path == DEF: classification = Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST else: classification = Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED primary = False else: classification = Classification.SECONDARY ff[mm][LL][ll][PP][path][CC] = classification ff[mm][LL][ll][SUM_BY_LABEL][classification] += 1 return ff def _get_os_version(self, os, platform): """Return the os_version given the label platform string""" i = platform.find(os) j = i + len(os) yy = platform[j : j + 2] mm = platform[j + 2 : j + 4] return yy + "." + mm def get_bug_by_id(self, id): """Get bug by bug id""" bug = None for b in self.bugs: if b.id == id: bug = b break if bug is None and self._initialize_bzapi(): bug = self._bzapi.getbug(id) return bug def get_bugs_by_summary(self, summary): """Get bug by bug summary""" bugs = [] for b in self.bugs: if b.summary == summary: bugs.append(b) if len(bugs) > 0: return bugs if self._initialize_bzapi(): query = self._bzapi.build_query(short_desc=summary) query["include_fields"] = [ "id", "product", "component", "status", "resolution", "summary", "blocks", ] bugs = self._bzapi.query(query) return bugs def create_bug( self, summary="Bug short description", description="Bug description", product="Testing", component="General", version="unspecified", bugtype="task", ): """Create a bug""" bug = None if self._initialize_bzapi(): if not self._bzapi.logged_in: self.error( "Must create a Bugzilla API key per https://github.com/mozilla/mozci-tools/blob/main/citools/test_triage_bug_filer.py" ) raise PermissionError(f"Not authenticated for Bugzilla {self.bugzilla}") createinfo = self._bzapi.build_createbug( product=product, component=component, summary=summary, version=version, description=description, ) createinfo["type"] = bugtype bug = self._bzapi.createbug(createinfo) return bug def add_bug_comment(self, id, comment, meta_bug_id=None): """Add a comment to an existing bug""" if self._initialize_bzapi(): if not self._bzapi.logged_in: self.error(BUGZILLA_AUTHENTICATION_HELP) raise PermissionError("Not authenticated for Bugzilla") if meta_bug_id is not None: blocks_add = [meta_bug_id] else: blocks_add = None updateinfo = self._bzapi.build_update( comment=comment, blocks_add=blocks_add ) self._bzapi.update_bugs([id], updateinfo) def skip_failure( self, manifest, path, anyjs, label, classification, task_id, try_url, revision, repo, meta_bug_id=None, ): """ Skip a failure (for TOML and WPT manifests) For wpt anyjs is a dictionary mapping from alternate basename to a boolean (indicating if the basename has been handled in the manifest) """ if manifest.endswith(".toml"): wpt = False filename = DEF else: wpt = True _path, manifest, _query, _anyjs = self.wpt_paths(path) filename = os.path.basename(path) self.vinfo(f"===== Skip failure in manifest: {manifest} =====") if task_id is None: skip_if = "true" else: skip_if = self.task_to_skip_if(task_id, wpt) if skip_if is None: self.warning( f"Unable to calculate skip-if condition from manifest={manifest} from failure label={label}" ) return bug_reference = "" if classification == Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST: comment = "Disabled entire manifest due to crash result" elif classification == Classification.DISABLE_TOO_LONG: comment = "Disabled entire manifest due to excessive run time" else: if not wpt: filename = self.get_filename_in_manifest(manifest, path) comment = f'Disabled test due to failures in test file: "{filename}"' if classification == Classification.SECONDARY: comment += " (secondary)" if not wpt: bug_reference = " (secondary)" if wpt and len(anyjs) > 1: comment += "\nAdditional WPT wildcard paths:" for p in sorted(anyjs.keys()): if p != filename: comment += f'\n "{p}"' platform, testname = self.label_to_platform_testname(label) if platform is not None: comment += "\nCommand line to reproduce (experimental):\n" comment += f" \"mach try fuzzy -q '{platform}' {testname}\"\n" comment += f"\nTry URL = {try_url}" comment += f"\nrevision = {revision}" comment += f"\nrepo = {repo}" comment += f"\nlabel = {label}" if task_id is not None: comment += f"\ntask_id = {task_id}" push_id = self.get_push_id(revision, repo) if push_id is not None: comment += f"\npush_id = {push_id}" job_id = self.get_job_id(push_id, task_id) if job_id is not None: comment += f"\njob_id = {job_id}" ( suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url, ) = self.get_bug_suggestions(repo, job_id, path, anyjs) if log_url is not None: comment += f"\nBug suggestions: {suggestions_url}" comment += f"\nSpecifically see at line {line_number} in the attached log: {log_url}" comment += f'\n\n "{line}"\n' bug_summary = f"MANIFEST {manifest}" attachments = {} bugid = "TBD" if self.bugzilla is None: self.warning("Bugzilla has been disabled: no bugs created or updated") else: bugs = self.get_bugs_by_summary(bug_summary) if len(bugs) == 0: description = ( f"This bug covers excluded failing tests in the MANIFEST {manifest}" ) description += "\n(generated by `mach manifest skip-fails`)" product, component = self.get_file_info(path) if self.dry_run: self.warning( f'Dry-run NOT creating bug: {product}::{component} "{bug_summary}"' ) else: bug = self.create_bug(bug_summary, description, product, component) bugid = bug.id self.vinfo( f'Created Bug {bugid} {product}::{component} : "{bug_summary}"' ) elif len(bugs) == 1: bugid = bugs[0].id product = bugs[0].product component = bugs[0].component self.vinfo(f'Found Bug {bugid} {product}::{component} "{bug_summary}"') if meta_bug_id is not None: if meta_bug_id in bugs[0].blocks: self.vinfo( f" Bug {bugid} already blocks meta bug {meta_bug_id}" ) meta_bug_id = None # no need to add again comments = bugs[0].getcomments() for i in range(len(comments)): text = comments[i]["text"] m = self._attach_rx.findall(text) if len(m) == 1: a_task_id = m[0][1] attachments[a_task_id] = m[0][0] if a_task_id == task_id: self.vinfo( f" Bug {bugid} already has the compressed log attached for this task" ) else: self.error(f'More than one bug found for summary: "{bug_summary}"') return bug_reference = f"Bug {bugid}" + bug_reference comment += f"\nskip-if condition: {skip_if} # {bug_reference}" if self.dry_run: self.warning(f"Dry-run NOT adding comment to Bug {bugid}:\n{comment}") self.info(f'Dry-run NOT editing ["{filename}"] manifest: "{manifest}"') self.info(f'would add skip-if condition: "{skip_if}" # {bug_reference}') if task_id is not None and task_id not in attachments: self.info("would add compressed log for this task") return elif self.bugzilla is None: self.warning(f"NOT adding comment to Bug {bugid}:\n{comment}") else: self.add_bug_comment(bugid, comment, meta_bug_id) self.info(f"Added comment to Bug {bugid}:\n{comment}") if meta_bug_id is not None: self.info(f" Bug {bugid} blocks meta Bug: {meta_bug_id}") if task_id is not None and task_id not in attachments: self.add_attachment_log_for_task(bugid, task_id) self.info("Added compressed log for this task") manifest_path = self.full_path(manifest) if wpt: if os.path.exists(manifest_path): manifest_str = io.open(manifest_path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read() else: manifest_str = "" # ensure parent directories exist os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(manifest_path), exist_ok=True) manifest_str = self.wpt_add_skip_if( manifest_str, anyjs, skip_if, bug_reference ) else: mp = ManifestParser(use_toml=True, document=True) mp.read(manifest_path) document = mp.source_documents[manifest_path] add_skip_if(document, filename, skip_if, bug_reference) manifest_str = alphabetize_toml_str(document) fp = io.open(manifest_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") fp.write(manifest_str) fp.close() self.info(f'Edited ["{filename}"] in manifest: "{manifest}"') self.info(f'added skip-if condition: "{skip_if}" # {bug_reference}') def get_variants(self): """Get mozinfo for each test variants""" if len(self.variants) == 0: variants_file = "taskcluster/kinds/test/variants.yml" variants_path = self.full_path(variants_file) fp = io.open(variants_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") raw_variants = load(fp, Loader=Loader) fp.close() for k, v in raw_variants.items(): mozinfo = k if "mozinfo" in v: mozinfo = v["mozinfo"] self.variants[k] = mozinfo return self.variants def get_task_details(self, task_id): """Download details for task task_id""" if task_id in self.tasks: # if cached task = self.tasks[task_id] else: try: task = get_task(task_id) except TaskclusterRestFailure: self.warning(f"Task {task_id} no longer exists.") return None self.tasks[task_id] = task return task def get_extra(self, task_id): """Calculate extra for task task_id""" if task_id in self.extras: # if cached extra = self.extras[task_id] else: self.get_variants() task = self.get_task_details(task_id) or {} arch = None bits = None build = None build_types = [] display = None os = None os_version = None runtimes = [] test_setting = task.get("extra", {}).get("test-setting", {}) platform = test_setting.get("platform", {}) platform_os = platform.get("os", {}) opt = False debug = False if "name" in platform_os: os = platform_os["name"] if os == "windows": os = "win" if os == "macosx": os = "mac" if "version" in platform_os: os_version = platform_os["version"] if len(os_version) == 4: os_version = os_version[0:2] + "." + os_version[2:4] if "build" in platform_os: build = platform_os["build"] if "arch" in platform: arch = platform["arch"] if arch == "x86" or arch.find("32") >= 0: bits = "32" arch = "x86" else: bits = "64" if arch != "aarch64" and arch != "ppc": arch = "x86_64" if "display" in platform: display = platform["display"] if "runtime" in test_setting: for k in test_setting["runtime"]: if k in self.variants: runtimes.append(self.variants[k]) # adds mozinfo if "build" in test_setting: tbuild = test_setting["build"] for k in tbuild: if k == "type": if tbuild[k] == "opt": opt = True elif tbuild[k] == "debug": debug = True build_types.append(tbuild[k]) else: build_types.append(k) unknown = None extra = { "arch": arch or unknown, "bits": bits or unknown, "build": build or unknown, "build_types": build_types, "debug": debug, "display": display or unknown, "opt": opt, "os": os or unknown, "os_version": os_version or unknown, "runtimes": runtimes, } self.extras[task_id] = extra return extra def get_opt_for_task(self, task_id): extra = self.get_extra(task_id) return extra["opt"] def task_to_skip_if(self, task_id, wpt=False): """Calculate the skip-if condition for failing task task_id""" if wpt: qq = '"' aa = " and " nn = "not " else: qq = "'" aa = " && " nn = "!" eq = " == " arch = "processor" version = "os_version" extra = self.get_extra(task_id) skip_if = None if extra["os"] is not None: if extra["os_version"] is not None: skip_if = "os" + eq + qq + extra["os"] + qq if ( extra["build"] is not None and extra["os"] == "win" and extra["os_version"] == "11" and extra["build"] == "2009" ): skip_if = "win11_2009" # mozinfo.py:137 else: skip_if += aa + version + eq + qq + extra["os_version"] + qq if extra["arch"] is not None: skip_if += aa + arch + eq + qq + extra["arch"] + qq # since we always give arch/processor, bits are not required # if extra["bits"] is not None: # skip_if += aa + "bits" + eq + extra["bits"] if extra["debug"]: skip_if += aa + "debug" else: skip_if += aa + nn + "debug" if extra["display"] is not None: skip_if += aa + "display" + eq + qq + extra["display"] + qq for runtime in extra["runtimes"]: skip_if += aa + runtime for build_type in extra["build_types"]: # note: lite will not evaluate on non-android platforms if build_type not in ["debug", "lite", "opt", "shippable"]: skip_if += aa + build_type return skip_if def get_file_info(self, path, product="Testing", component="General"): """ Get bugzilla product and component for the path. Provide defaults (in case command_context is not defined or there isn't file info available). """ if path != DEF and self.command_context is not None: reader = self.command_context.mozbuild_reader(config_mode="empty") info = reader.files_info([path]) cp = info[path]["BUG_COMPONENT"] product = cp.product component = cp.component return product, component def get_filename_in_manifest(self, manifest, path): """return relative filename for path in manifest""" filename = os.path.basename(path) if filename == DEF: return filename manifest_dir = os.path.dirname(manifest) i = 0 j = min(len(manifest_dir), len(path)) while i < j and manifest_dir[i] == path[i]: i += 1 if i < len(manifest_dir): for _ in range(manifest_dir.count("/", i) + 1): filename = "../" + filename elif i < len(path): filename = path[i + 1 :] return filename def get_push_id(self, revision, repo): """Return the push_id for revision and repo (or None)""" self.vinfo(f"Retrieving push_id for {repo} revision: {revision} ...") if revision in self.push_ids: # if cached push_id = self.push_ids[revision] else: push_id = None push_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/project/{repo}/push/" params = {} params["full"] = "true" params["count"] = 10 params["revision"] = revision r = requests.get(push_url, headers=self.headers, params=params) if r.status_code != 200: self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}") else: response = r.json() if "results" in response: results = response["results"] if len(results) > 0: r0 = results[0] if "id" in r0: push_id = r0["id"] self.push_ids[revision] = push_id return push_id def get_job_id(self, push_id, task_id): """Return the job_id for push_id, task_id (or None)""" self.vinfo(f"Retrieving job_id for push_id: {push_id}, task_id: {task_id} ...") k = f"{push_id}:{task_id}" if k in self.job_ids: # if cached job_id = self.job_ids[k] else: job_id = None params = {} params["push_id"] = push_id r = requests.get(self.jobs_url, headers=self.headers, params=params) if r.status_code != 200: self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}") else: response = r.json() if "results" in response: results = response["results"] if len(results) > 0: for result in results: if len(result) > 14: if result[14] == task_id: job_id = result[1] break self.job_ids[k] = job_id return job_id def get_bug_suggestions(self, repo, job_id, path, anyjs=None): """ Return the (suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url) for the given repo and job_id """ self.vinfo( f"Retrieving bug_suggestions for {repo} job_id: {job_id}, path: {path} ..." ) suggestions_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/project/{repo}/jobs/{job_id}/bug_suggestions/" line_number = None line = None log_url = None r = requests.get(suggestions_url, headers=self.headers) if r.status_code != 200: self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}") else: if anyjs is not None: pathdir = os.path.dirname(path) + "/" paths = [pathdir + f for f in anyjs.keys()] else: paths = [path] response = r.json() if len(response) > 0: for sugg in response: for p in paths: path_end = sugg.get("path_end", None) # handles WPT short paths if path_end is not None and p.endswith(path_end): line_number = sugg["line_number"] + 1 line = sugg["search"] log_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer?repo={repo}&job_id={job_id}&lineNumber={line_number}" break rv = (suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url) return rv def read_json(self, filename): """read data as JSON from filename""" fp = io.open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") data = json.load(fp) fp.close() return data def read_tasks(self, filename): """read tasks as JSON from filename""" if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = f"use-tasks JSON file does not exist: {filename}" raise OSError(2, msg, filename) tasks = self.read_json(filename) tasks = [Mock(task, MOCK_TASK_DEFAULTS, MOCK_TASK_INITS) for task in tasks] for task in tasks: if len(task.extra) > 0: # pre-warm cache for extra information self.extras[task.id] = task.extra return tasks def read_failures(self, filename): """read failures as JSON from filename""" if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = f"use-failures JSON file does not exist: {filename}" raise OSError(2, msg, filename) failures = self.read_json(filename) return failures def read_bugs(self, filename): """read bugs as JSON from filename""" if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = f"bugs JSON file does not exist: {filename}" raise OSError(2, msg, filename) bugs = self.read_json(filename) bugs = [Mock(bug, MOCK_BUG_DEFAULTS) for bug in bugs] return bugs def write_json(self, filename, data): """saves data as JSON to filename""" fp = io.open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") json.dump(data, fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True) fp.close() def write_tasks(self, save_tasks, tasks): """saves tasks as JSON to save_tasks""" jtasks = [] for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, TestTask): continue jtask = {} jtask["id"] = task.id jtask["label"] = task.label jtask["duration"] = task.duration jtask["result"] = task.result jtask["state"] = task.state jtask["extra"] = self.get_extra(task.id) jtags = {} for k, v in task.tags.items(): if k == "createdForUser": jtags[k] = "ci@mozilla.com" else: jtags[k] = v jtask["tags"] = jtags jtask["tier"] = task.tier jtask["results"] = [ {"group": r.group, "ok": r.ok, "duration": r.duration} for r in task.results ] jtask["errors"] = None # Bug with task.errors property?? jft = {} for k in task.failure_types: jft[k] = [[f[0], f[1].value] for f in task.failure_types[k]] jtask["failure_types"] = jft jtasks.append(jtask) self.write_json(save_tasks, jtasks) def label_to_platform_testname(self, label): """convert from label to platform, testname for mach command line""" platform = None testname = None platform_details = label.split("/") if len(platform_details) == 2: platform, details = platform_details words = details.split("-") if len(words) > 2: platform += "/" + words.pop(0) # opt or debug try: _chunk = int(words[-1]) words.pop() except ValueError: pass words.pop() # remove test suffix testname = "-".join(words) else: platform = None return platform, testname def add_attachment_log_for_task(self, bugid, task_id): """Adds compressed log for this task to bugid""" log_url = f"https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/{task_id}/artifacts/public/logs/live_backing.log" r = requests.get(log_url, headers=self.headers) if r.status_code != 200: self.error(f"Unable get log for task: {task_id}") return attach_fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() fp = gzip.open(attach_fp, "wb") fp.write(r.text.encode("utf-8")) fp.close() if self._initialize_bzapi(): description = ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION + task_id file_name = TASK_LOG + ".gz" comment = "Added compressed log" content_type = "application/gzip" try: self._bzapi.attachfile( [bugid], attach_fp.name, description, file_name=file_name, comment=comment, content_type=content_type, is_private=False, ) except Fault: pass # Fault expected: Failed to fetch key 9372091 from network storage: The specified key does not exist. def get_wpt_path_meta(self, shortpath): if shortpath.startswith(WPT0): path = shortpath meta = shortpath.replace(WPT0, WPT_META0, 1) elif shortpath.startswith(WPT1): path = shortpath meta = shortpath.replace(WPT1, WPT_META1, 1) elif shortpath.startswith(WPT2): path = shortpath meta = shortpath.replace(WPT2, WPT_META2, 1) elif shortpath.startswith(WPT_MOZILLA): shortpath = shortpath[len(WPT_MOZILLA) :] path = WPT2 + shortpath meta = WPT_META2 + shortpath else: path = WPT1 + shortpath meta = WPT_META1 + shortpath return (path, meta) def wpt_paths(self, shortpath): """ Analyzes the WPT short path for a test and returns (path, manifest, query, anyjs) where path is the relative path to the test file manifest is the relative path to the file metadata query is the test file query paramters (or None) anyjs is the html test file as reported by mozci (or None) """ query = None anyjs = None i = shortpath.find("?") if i > 0: query = shortpath[i:] shortpath = shortpath[0:i] path, manifest = self.get_wpt_path_meta(shortpath) failure_type = not self.isdir(path) if failure_type: i = path.find(".any.") if i > 0: anyjs = path # orig path manifest = manifest.replace(path[i:], ".any.js") path = path[0:i] + ".any.js" else: i = path.find(".window.") if i > 0: anyjs = path # orig path manifest = manifest.replace(path[i:], ".window.js") path = path[0:i] + ".window.js" else: i = path.find(".worker.") if i > 0: anyjs = path # orig path manifest = manifest.replace(path[i:], ".worker.js") path = path[0:i] + ".worker.js" manifest += ".ini" manifest_classic = "" if manifest.startswith(WPT_META0): manifest_classic = manifest.replace(WPT_META0, WPT_META0_CLASSIC, 1) if self.exists(manifest_classic): if self.exists(manifest): self.warning( f"Both classic {manifest_classic} and metadata {manifest} manifests exist" ) else: self.warning( f"Using the classic {manifest_classic} manifest as the metadata manifest {manifest} does not exist" ) manifest = manifest_classic if not self.exists(path): return (None, None, None, None) return (path, manifest, query, anyjs) def wpt_add_skip_if(self, manifest_str, anyjs, skip_if, bug_reference): """ Edits a WPT manifest string to add disabled condition anyjs is a dictionary mapping from filename and any alternate basenames to a boolean (indicating if the file has been handled in the manifest) """ disabled_key = False disabled = " disabled:" condition_start = " if " condition = condition_start + skip_if + ": " + bug_reference lines = manifest_str.splitlines() section = None # name of the section i = 0 n = len(lines) while i < n: line = lines[i] if line.startswith("["): if section is not None and not anyjs[section]: # not yet handled if not disabled_key: lines.insert(i, disabled) i += 1 lines.insert(i, condition) lines.insert(i + 1, "") # blank line after condition i += 2 n += 2 anyjs[section] = True section = line[1:-1] if section in anyjs and not anyjs[section]: disabled_key = False else: section = None # ignore section we are not interested in elif section is not None: if line == disabled: disabled_key = True elif line.startswith(" ["): if i > 0 and i - 1 < n and lines[i - 1] == "": del lines[i - 1] i -= 1 n -= 1 if not disabled_key: lines.insert(i, disabled) i += 1 n += 1 lines.insert(i, condition) lines.insert(i + 1, "") # blank line after condition i += 2 n += 2 anyjs[section] = True section = None elif line.startswith(" ") and not line.startswith(" "): if disabled_key: # insert condition above new key lines.insert(i, condition) i += 1 n += 1 anyjs[section] = True section = None disabled_key = False elif line.startswith(" "): if disabled_key and line == condition: anyjs[section] = True # condition already present section = None i += 1 if section is not None and not anyjs[section]: # not yet handled if i > 0 and i - 1 < n and lines[i - 1] == "": del lines[i - 1] if not disabled_key: lines.append(disabled) i += 1 n += 1 lines.append(condition) lines.append("") # blank line after condition i += 2 n += 2 anyjs[section] = True for section in anyjs: if not anyjs[section]: if i > 0 and i - 1 < n and lines[i - 1] != "": lines.append("") # blank line before condition i += 1 n += 1 lines.append("[" + section + "]") lines.append(disabled) lines.append(condition) lines.append("") # blank line after condition i += 4 n += 4 manifest_str = "\n".join(lines) + "\n" return manifest_str