#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import csv import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from talos.xtalos import xtalos EVENTNAME_INDEX = 0 PROCESS_INDEX = 2 THREAD_ID_INDEX = 3 PARENT_PID_INDEX = 3 DISKBYTES_COL = "Size" FNAME_COL = "FileName" IMAGEFUNC_COL = "Image!Function" EVENTGUID_COL = "EventGuid" ACTIVITY_ID_COL = "etw:ActivityId" NUMBYTES_COL = "NumBytes" BYTESSENT_COL = "BytesSent" CEVT_WINDOWS_RESTORED = "{917b96b1-ecad-4dab-a760-8d49027748ae}" CEVT_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN = "{26d1e091-0ae7-4f49-a554-4214445c505c}" NAME_SUBSTITUTIONS = [ # Careful with your regex! # Substitution happens after combinations like \t \s \n ... are replaced # with their real representations. So, prepend them with extra backslash. # Read more: https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/re.html#re.sub (re.compile(r"{\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}}"), "{uuid}"), (re.compile(r"talos\\tests\\tp5n\\.*"), r"talos\\tests\{tp5n_files}"), (re.compile(r"nvidia corporation\\3d vision\\.*"), "{nvidia_3d_vision}"), (re.compile(r"cltbld\.t-w732-ix-\d+\.\d+"), "{cltbld}"), ( re.compile(r"venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pip\\_vendor\\.*"), r"venv\\lib\\site-packages\\{pip_vendor}", ), ] stages = ["startup", "normal", "shutdown"] net_events = { "TcpDataTransferReceive": "recv", "UdpEndpointReceiveMessages": "recv", "TcpDataTransferSend": "send", "UdpEndpointSendMessages": "send", } gThreads = {} gConnectionIDs = {} gHeaders = {} gBrowserPID = None def uploadFile(filename): mud = os.environ.get("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR", None) if mud: print("uploading raw file %s via blobber" % filename) mud_filename = os.path.join(mud, filename) shutil.copyfile(filename, "%s.log" % mud_filename) def filterOutHeader(data): # -1 means we have not yet found the header # 0 means we are in the header # 1+ means that we are past the header state = -1 done = False while not done: try: row = next(data) except StopIteration: done = True break except UnicodeDecodeError: continue except csv.Error: continue if not len(row): continue if state < 0: # Keep looking for the header (denoted by "BeginHeader"). if row[0] == "BeginHeader": state = 0 continue if state == 0: # Eventually, we'll find the end (denoted by "EndHeader"). if row[0] == "EndHeader": state = 1 continue gHeaders[row[EVENTNAME_INDEX]] = row continue if state >= 1: state = state + 1 # The line after "EndHeader" is also not useful, so we want to strip # that in addition to the header. if state > 2: yield row def getIndex(eventName, *colNames): eventHeader = gHeaders[eventName] for colName in colNames: try: return eventHeader.index(colName) except ValueError: pass return None def readFile(filename): data = csv.reader( open(filename, "r", encoding="cp1252"), delimiter=",", quotechar='"', skipinitialspace=True, ) data = filterOutHeader(data) return data def fileSummary(row, stage, retVal): event = row[EVENTNAME_INDEX] # TODO: do we care about the other events? if event not in ("FileIoRead", "FileIoWrite"): return fname_index = getIndex(event, FNAME_COL) # We only care about events that have a file name. if fname_index is None: return # Some data rows are missing the filename? if len(row) <= fname_index: return thread_extra = "" if gThreads[row[THREAD_ID_INDEX]] == "main": thread_extra = " (main)" key_tuple = ( row[fname_index], "%s%s" % (row[THREAD_ID_INDEX], thread_extra), stages[stage], ) total_tuple = ( row[fname_index], "%s%s" % (row[THREAD_ID_INDEX], thread_extra), "all", ) if key_tuple not in retVal: retVal[key_tuple] = { "DiskReadBytes": 0, "DiskReadCount": 0, "DiskWriteBytes": 0, "DiskWriteCount": 0, } retVal[total_tuple] = retVal[key_tuple] if event == "FileIoRead": retVal[key_tuple]["DiskReadCount"] += 1 retVal[total_tuple]["DiskReadCount"] += 1 idx = getIndex(event, DISKBYTES_COL) retVal[key_tuple]["DiskReadBytes"] += int(row[idx], 16) retVal[total_tuple]["DiskReadBytes"] += int(row[idx], 16) elif event == "FileIoWrite": retVal[key_tuple]["DiskWriteCount"] += 1 retVal[total_tuple]["DiskWriteCount"] += 1 idx = getIndex(event, DISKBYTES_COL) retVal[key_tuple]["DiskWriteBytes"] += int(row[idx], 16) retVal[total_tuple]["DiskWriteBytes"] += int(row[idx], 16) def etl2csv(xperf_path, etl_filename, debug=False): """ Convert etl_filename to etl_filename.csv (temp file) which is the .csv representation of the .etl file Etlparser will read this .csv and parse the information we care about into the final output. This is done to keep things simple and to preserve resources on talos machines (large files == high memory + cpu) """ xperf_cmd = [ xperf_path, "-merge", "%s.user" % etl_filename, "%s.kernel" % etl_filename, etl_filename, ] if debug: print("executing '%s'" % subprocess.list2cmdline(xperf_cmd)) subprocess.call(xperf_cmd) csv_filename = "%s.csv" % etl_filename xperf_cmd = [xperf_path, "-i", etl_filename, "-o", csv_filename] if debug: print("executing '%s'" % subprocess.list2cmdline(xperf_cmd)) subprocess.call(xperf_cmd) return csv_filename def trackProcess(row, firstFirefoxPID): global gBrowserPID if gBrowserPID: return # Without the launcher, the initial Firefox process *is* the browser # process. OTOH, with the launcher process enabled, the browser is actually # the first child process of the first Firefox process. parentPID = int(row[PARENT_PID_INDEX]) if parentPID == firstFirefoxPID: proc = row[PROCESS_INDEX] gBrowserPID = int(re.search(r"^.* \(\s*(\d+)\)$", proc).group(1)) def getBrowserPID(): global gBrowserPID return gBrowserPID def trackThread(row, browserPID): event, proc, tid = row[EVENTNAME_INDEX], row[PROCESS_INDEX], row[THREAD_ID_INDEX] if event in ["T-DCStart", "T-Start"]: procName, procID = re.search(r"^(.*) \(\s*(\d+)\)$", proc).group(1, 2) if procID == str(browserPID): imgIdx = getIndex(event, IMAGEFUNC_COL) img = re.match("([^!]+)!", row[imgIdx]).group(1) if img == procName: gThreads[tid] = "main" else: gThreads[tid] = "nonmain" elif event in ["T-DCEnd", "T-End"] and tid in gThreads: del gThreads[tid] def trackThreadFileIO(row, io, stage): event, tid = row[EVENTNAME_INDEX], row[THREAD_ID_INDEX] opType = {"FileIoWrite": "write", "FileIoRead": "read"}[event] th, stg = gThreads[tid], stages[stage] sizeIdx = getIndex(event, DISKBYTES_COL) bytes = int(row[sizeIdx], 16) io[(th, stg, "file_%s_ops" % opType)] = ( io.get((th, stg, "file_%s_ops" % opType), 0) + 1 ) io[(th, stg, "file_%s_bytes" % opType)] = ( io.get((th, stg, "file_%s_bytes" % opType), 0) + bytes ) io[(th, stg, "file_io_bytes")] = io.get((th, stg, "file_io_bytes"), 0) + bytes def trackThreadNetIO(row, io, stage): event, tid = row[EVENTNAME_INDEX], row[THREAD_ID_INDEX] connIdIdx = getIndex(event, ACTIVITY_ID_COL) connID = row[connIdIdx] if connID not in gConnectionIDs: gConnectionIDs[connID] = tid origThread = gConnectionIDs[connID] if origThread in gThreads: match = re.match(r"[\w-]+\/([\w-]+)?", event) if not match: raise xtalos.XTalosError( "Could not find a regular expression match for event: {}".format(event) ) netEvt = match.group(1) if netEvt in net_events: opType = net_events[netEvt] th, stg = gThreads[origThread], stages[stage] # On newer versions of Windows, some net I/O events have switched to # using BYTESSENT_COL, so we try both lenIdx = getIndex(event, NUMBYTES_COL, BYTESSENT_COL) bytes = int(row[lenIdx]) io[(th, stg, "net_%s_bytes" % opType)] = ( io.get((th, stg, "net_%s_bytes" % opType), 0) + bytes ) io[(th, stg, "net_io_bytes")] = io.get((th, stg, "net_io_bytes"), 0) + bytes def updateStage(row, stage): guidIdx = getIndex(row[EVENTNAME_INDEX], EVENTGUID_COL) if row[guidIdx] == CEVT_WINDOWS_RESTORED and stage == 0: stage = 1 elif row[guidIdx] == CEVT_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN and stage == 1: stage = 2 return stage def loadAllowlist(filename): if not filename: return if not os.path.exists(filename): print("Warning: xperf allowlist %s was not found" % filename) return lines = open(filename).readlines() # Expand paths lines = [os.path.expandvars(elem.strip()) for elem in lines] files = set() dirs = set() recur = set() for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): continue elif line.endswith("\\*\\*"): recur.add(line[:-4]) elif line.endswith("\\*"): dirs.add(line[:-2]) else: files.add(line) return (files, dirs, recur) def checkAllowlist(filename, allowlist): if not allowlist: return False if filename in allowlist[0]: return True if os.path.dirname(filename) in allowlist[1]: return True head = filename while len(head) > 3: # Length 3 implies root directory, e.g. C:\ head, tail = os.path.split(head) if head in allowlist[2]: return True return False def etlparser( xperf_path, etl_filename, processID, approot=None, configFile=None, outputFile=None, allowlist_file=None, error_filename=None, all_stages=False, all_threads=False, debug=False, ): global NAME_SUBSTITUTIONS # setup output file if outputFile: outFile = open(outputFile, "w") else: outFile = sys.stdout files = {} io = {} stage = 0 csvname = etl2csv(xperf_path, etl_filename, debug=debug) for row in readFile(csvname): event = row[EVENTNAME_INDEX] if event == "P-Start": trackProcess(row, processID) elif event in ["T-DCStart", "T-Start", "T-DCEnd", "T-End"]: trackThread(row, getBrowserPID()) elif ( event in ["FileIoRead", "FileIoWrite"] and row[THREAD_ID_INDEX] in gThreads ): fileSummary(row, stage, files) trackThreadFileIO(row, io, stage) elif event.endswith("Event/Classic") and row[THREAD_ID_INDEX] in gThreads: stage = updateStage(row, stage) elif event.startswith("Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP"): trackThreadNetIO(row, io, stage) if debug: uploadFile(csvname) output = "thread, stage, counter, value\n" for cntr in sorted(io.keys()): output += "%s, %s\n" % (", ".join(cntr), str(io[cntr])) if outputFile: fname = "%s_thread_stats%s" % os.path.splitext(outputFile) with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(output) if debug: uploadFile(fname) else: print(output) allowlist = loadAllowlist(allowlist_file) header = "filename, tid, stage, readcount, readbytes, writecount," " writebytes" outFile.write(header + "\n") # Filter out stages, threads, and allowlisted files that we're not # interested in filekeys = [ x for x in files.keys() if (all_stages or x[2] == stages[0]) and (all_threads or x[1].endswith("(main)")) and (all_stages and x[2] != stages[0] or not checkAllowlist(x[0], allowlist)) ] if debug: # in debug, we want stages = [startup+normal] and all threads, not just (main) # we will use this data to upload fileIO info to blobber only for debug mode outputData = [ x for x in files.keys() if (all_stages or x[2] in [stages[0], stages[1]]) and ( all_stages and x[2] not in [stages[0], stages[1]] or not checkAllowlist(x[0], allowlist) ) ] else: outputData = filekeys # output data for row in outputData: output = "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" % ( row[0], row[1], row[2], files[row]["DiskReadCount"], files[row]["DiskReadBytes"], files[row]["DiskWriteCount"], files[row]["DiskWriteBytes"], ) outFile.write(output) if outputFile: # close the file handle outFile.close() if debug: uploadFile(outputFile) # We still like to have the outputfile to record the raw data, now # filter out acceptable files/ranges allowlist_path = None wl_temp = {} dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "xperf_allowlist.json")): allowlist_path = os.path.join(dirname, "xperf_allowlist.json") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "xtalos")) and os.path.exists( os.path.join(dirname, "xtalos", "xperf_allowlist.json") ): allowlist_path = os.path.join(dirname, "xtalos", "xperf_allowlist.json") wl_temp = {} if allowlist_path: with open(allowlist_path, "r") as fHandle: wl_temp = json.load(fHandle) # Approot is the full path where the application is located at # We depend on it for dependentlibs.list to ignore files required for # normal startup. if approot: if os.path.exists("%s\\dependentlibs.list" % approot): with open("%s\\dependentlibs.list" % approot, "r") as fhandle: libs = fhandle.readlines() for lib in libs: wl_temp["{firefox}\\%s" % lib.strip()] = {"ignore": True} # Windows isn't case sensitive, this protects us against mismatched # systems. wl = {} for item in wl_temp: wl[item.lower()] = wl_temp[item] errors = [] for row in filekeys: filename = original_filename = row[0] filename = filename.lower() # take care of 'program files (x86)' matching 'program files' filename = filename.replace(" (x86)", "") paths = ["profile", "firefox", "desktop", "talos"] for path in paths: pathname = "%s\\" % path parts = filename.split(pathname) if len(parts) >= 2: filename = "{%s}\\%s" % (path, pathname.join(parts[1:])) parts = filename.split("\\installtime") if len(parts) >= 2: filename = "%s\\{time}" % parts[0] # NOTE: this is Prefetch or prefetch, not case sensitive operating # system parts = filename.split("refetch") if len(parts) >= 2: filename = "%srefetch\\{prefetch}.pf" % parts[0] for pattern, substitution in NAME_SUBSTITUTIONS: filename = re.sub(pattern, substitution, filename) if filename in wl: if "ignore" in wl[filename] and wl[filename]["ignore"]: continue # too noisy # if wl[filename]['minbytes'] > (files[row]['DiskReadBytes'] +\ # files[row]['DiskWriteBytes']): # print "%s: read %s bytes, less than expected minimum: %s" # % (filename, (files[row]['DiskReadBytes'] + # files[row]['DiskWriteBytes']), # wl[filename]['minbytes']) # don't report in first round # elif wl[filename]['maxbytes'] < (files[row]['DiskReadBytes'] +\ # files[row]['DiskWriteBytes']): # errors.append("%s: read %s bytes, more than expected maximum:" # " %s" # % (filename, (files[row]['DiskReadBytes'] + # files[row]['DiskWriteBytes']), # wl[filename]['maxbytes'])) # too noisy # elif wl[filename]['mincount'] > (files[row]['DiskReadCount'] +\ # files[row]['DiskWriteCount']): # print "%s: %s accesses, less than expected minimum: %s" # % (filename, (files[row]['DiskReadCount'] + # files[row]['DiskWriteCount']), # wl[filename]['mincount']) # don't report in first round # elif wl[filename]['maxcount'] < (files[row]['DiskReadCount'] +\ # files[row]['DiskWriteCount']): # errors.append("%s: %s accesses, more than expected maximum:" # " %s" # % (filename, (files[row]['DiskReadCount'] + # files[row]['DiskWriteCount']), # wl[filename]['maxcount'])) else: errors.append( "File '%s' (normalized from '%s') was accessed and we were not expecting" " it. DiskReadCount: %s, DiskWriteCount: %s," " DiskReadBytes: %s, DiskWriteBytes: %s" % ( filename, original_filename, files[row]["DiskReadCount"], files[row]["DiskWriteCount"], files[row]["DiskReadBytes"], files[row]["DiskWriteBytes"], ) ) if errors: # output specific errors to be picked up by tbpl parser for error in errors: # NOTE: the ' :' is intentional, without the space before the :, # some parser will translate this print("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL : xperf: %s" % error) # We detect if browser_failures.txt exists to exit and turn the job # orange if error_filename: with open(error_filename, "w") as errorFile: errorFile.write("\n".join(errors)) if debug: uploadFile(etl_filename) def etlparser_from_config(config_file, **kwargs): """start from a YAML config file""" # option defaults args = { "xperf_path": "xperf.exe", "etl_filename": "test.etl", "outputFile": "etl_output.csv", "processID": None, "approot": None, "allowlist_file": None, "error_filename": None, "all_stages": False, "all_threads": False, } args.update(kwargs) # override from YAML config file args = xtalos.options_from_config(args, config_file) # ensure process ID is given if not args.get("processID"): raise xtalos.XTalosError("No process ID option given") # ensure path to xperf given if not os.path.exists(args["xperf_path"]): raise xtalos.XTalosError( "ERROR: xperf_path '%s' does not exist" % args["xperf_path"] ) # update args with config file args["configFile"] = config_file # call etlparser etlparser(**args) def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): # parse command line arguments parser = xtalos.XtalosOptions() args = parser.parse_args(args) args = parser.verifyOptions(args) if args is None: parser.error("Unable to verify arguments") if not args.processID: parser.error("No process ID argument given") # call API etlparser( args.xperf_path, args.etl_filename, args.processID, args.approot, args.configFile, args.outputFile, args.allowlist_file, args.error_filename, args.all_stages, args.all_threads, debug=args.debug_level >= xtalos.DEBUG_INFO, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()