[compute_pressure_timestamp.https.any.sharedworker.html] [Faster collector: Timestamp difference between two changes should be higher or equal to the observer sample rate] expected: FAIL [disconnect() should update [[LastRecordMap\]\]] expected: FAIL [Timestamp from update should be greater than timeOrigin] expected: FAIL [Timestamp difference between two changes should be continuously increasing] expected: FAIL [compute_pressure_timestamp.https.any.html] [Faster collector: Timestamp difference between two changes should be higher or equal to the observer sample rate] expected: FAIL [disconnect() should update [[LastRecordMap\]\]] expected: FAIL [Timestamp from update should be greater than timeOrigin] expected: FAIL [Timestamp difference between two changes should be continuously increasing] expected: FAIL [compute_pressure_timestamp.https.any.worker.html] [Faster collector: Timestamp difference between two changes should be higher or equal to the observer sample rate] expected: FAIL [disconnect() should update [[LastRecordMap\]\]] expected: FAIL [Timestamp from update should be greater than timeOrigin] expected: FAIL [Timestamp difference between two changes should be continuously increasing] expected: FAIL