[getComputedStyle-pseudo.html] bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1396844 [Item-based blockification of nonexistent pseudo-elements] expected: FAIL [display: contents on pseudo-elements] expected: FAIL [Dynamically change to display: contents on pseudo-elements] expected: FAIL [Pseudo-elements can use the full range of CSS syntax] expected: FAIL [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: grammar-error] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: spelling-error] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: view-transition] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: view-transition-image-pair(name)] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: view-transition-group(name)] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: view-transition-old(name)] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED [Unknown pseudo-element with a known identifier: view-transition-new(name)] expected: PRECONDITION_FAILED