[observable-find.any.worker.html] [find(): Promise resolves with the first value that passes the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise resolves with undefined if no value passes the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise rejects with the error emitted from the source Observable] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise rejects with any error thrown from the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Passes the index of the value to the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Rejects with AbortError when the signal is aborted] expected: FAIL [observable-find.any.html] [find(): Promise resolves with the first value that passes the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise resolves with undefined if no value passes the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise rejects with the error emitted from the source Observable] expected: FAIL [find(): Promise rejects with any error thrown from the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Passes the index of the value to the predicate] expected: FAIL [find(): Rejects with AbortError when the signal is aborted] expected: FAIL