[observable-from.any.html] [from(): Observable.from() is a function] expected: FAIL [from(): Failed conversions] expected: FAIL [from(): Given an observable, it returns that exact observable] expected: FAIL [from(): Given an array] expected: FAIL [from(): Iterable converts to Observable] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] side-effects (one observable)] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] side-effects (many observables)] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] next() throws error] expected: FAIL [from(): Converts Promise to Observable] expected: FAIL [from(): Converts rejected Promise to Observable. No `unhandledrejection` event when error is handled by subscription] expected: FAIL [from(): Rejections not handled by subscription are reported to the global, and still not sent as an unhandledrejection event] expected: FAIL [from(): Observable that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted as an Observable, not iterator] expected: FAIL [from(): Promise that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted as an iterable, not Promise] expected: FAIL [observable-from.any.worker.html] [from(): Observable.from() is a function] expected: FAIL [from(): Failed conversions] expected: FAIL [from(): Given an observable, it returns that exact observable] expected: FAIL [from(): Given an array] expected: FAIL [from(): Iterable converts to Observable] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] side-effects (one observable)] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] side-effects (many observables)] expected: FAIL [from(): [Symbol.iterator\] next() throws error] expected: FAIL [from(): Converts Promise to Observable] expected: FAIL [from(): Converts rejected Promise to Observable. No `unhandledrejection` event when error is handled by subscription] expected: FAIL [from(): Rejections not handled by subscription are reported to the global, and still not sent as an unhandledrejection event] expected: FAIL [from(): Observable that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted as an Observable, not iterator] expected: FAIL [from(): Promise that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted as an iterable, not Promise] expected: FAIL