[observable-some.any.html] [some(): subscriber is inactive after the first value that passes the predicate, because the source was unsubscribed from] expected: FAIL [observable-some] expected: FAIL [observable-some 1] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise rejects with an error if the predicate errors] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise rejects with an error if the source observable errors] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise resolves as false if the source observable completes without emitting a value] expected: FAIL [some(): The return promise rejects with a DOMException if the signal is aborted] expected: FAIL [observable-some.any.worker.html] [some(): subscriber is inactive after the first value that passes the predicate, because the source was unsubscribed from] expected: FAIL [observable-some] expected: FAIL [observable-some 1] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise rejects with an error if the predicate errors] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise rejects with an error if the source observable errors] expected: FAIL [some(): The returned promise resolves as false if the source observable completes without emitting a value] expected: FAIL [some(): The return promise rejects with a DOMException if the signal is aborted] expected: FAIL