[XMLSerializer-serializeToString.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Check if generated prefixes match to "ns${index}".] expected: FAIL [Check if "ns1" is generated even if the element already has xmlns:ns1.] expected: FAIL [Check if attribute serialization takes into account of following xmlns:* attributes] expected: FAIL [Check if attribute serialization takes into account of the same prefix declared in an ancestor element] expected: FAIL [Check if inconsistent xmlns="..." is dropped.] expected: FAIL [Check if start tag serialization drops element prefix if the namespace is same as inherited default namespace.] expected: FAIL [Check if no special handling for XLink namespace unlike HTML serializer.] expected: FAIL [Check if the prefix of an attribute is NOT preserved in a case where neither its prefix nor its namespace URI is not already used.] expected: FAIL [Check if the prefix of an attribute is replaced with a generated one in a case where the prefix is already mapped to a different namespace URI.] expected: FAIL [Check if start tag serialization applied the original prefix even if it is declared in an ancestor element.] expected: FAIL [Check if start tag serialization takes into account of its xmlns:* attributes] expected: FAIL [Check if an attribute with namespace and no prefix is serialized with the nearest-declared prefix even if the prefix is assigned to another namespace.] expected: FAIL [Check if redundant xmlns="..." is dropped.] expected: FAIL [Check if start tag serialization does NOT apply the default namespace if its namespace is declared in an ancestor.] expected: FAIL