[component-auction.https.window.html?11-last] [Component auction modified bid to same value.] expected: FAIL [Top-level auction cannot modify bid.] expected: FAIL [component-auction.https.window.html?1-5] [Component auction allowed not specified by bidder.] expected: FAIL [Component auction not allowed by bidder.] expected: FAIL [Component auction allowed not specified by component seller.] expected: FAIL [Component auction not allowed by component seller.] expected: FAIL [Component auction allowed not specified by top-level seller.] expected: FAIL [component-auction.https.window.html?6-10] [Component auction top-level auction cannot have buyers.] expected: FAIL [Component auction not allowed by top-level seller.] expected: FAIL [Component auction browserSignals origins.] expected: FAIL [Component auction unmodified bid.] expected: FAIL [Component auction modified bid.] expected: FAIL [component-auction.https.window.html?16-last] [Component auction prevWinsMs and numBids updating in one component seller's auction, read in another's.] expected: FAIL [component-auction.https.window.html?11-15] expected: ERROR [Component auction modified bid to same value.] expected: FAIL [Top-level auction cannot modify bid.] expected: FAIL [Component auction desirability.] expected: FAIL [Component auction desirability two sellers, two bidders.] expected: FAIL [Component auction desirability and renderURL two sellers, one bidder.] expected: NOTRUN