[beforematch-element-fragment-navigation.html] [Verifies that fragment navigation reveals hidden=until-found elements.] expected: FAIL [Verifies that fragment navigation reveals all parent hidden=until-found elements.] expected: FAIL [Verifies that the beforematch event is fired synchronously and bubbles after fragment navigation.] expected: FAIL [Verifies that when a beforematch event handler moves a matching element, we scroll to its final location.] expected: FAIL [Verifies that the beforematch event is fired on the right element when there are multiple hidden=until-found elements.] expected: FAIL [Verifies that no scrolling occurs when an element selected by the fragment identifier is detached by the beforematch event handler.] expected: FAIL [No scrolling should occur when the beforematch event handler sets the target element's style to display: none.] expected: FAIL [Scrolling should still occur when beforematch sets visiblity:hidden on the target element.] expected: FAIL