[interestevent-interface.tentative.html] [action is a readonly defaulting to ''] expected: FAIL [invoker is readonly defaulting to null] expected: FAIL [action reflects initialized attribute] expected: FAIL [action set to undefined] expected: FAIL [action set to null] expected: FAIL [action set to false] expected: FAIL [action explicitly set to empty string] expected: FAIL [action set to true] expected: FAIL [action set to a number] expected: FAIL [action set to [\]] expected: FAIL [action set to [1, 2, 3\]] expected: FAIL [action set to an object] expected: FAIL [action set to an object with a toString function] expected: FAIL [InterestEventInit properties set value] expected: FAIL [InterestEventInit properties set value 2] expected: FAIL [InterestEventInit properties set value 3] expected: FAIL [invoker set to undefined] expected: FAIL [invoker set to null] expected: FAIL [invoker set to false] expected: FAIL [invoker set to true] expected: FAIL [invoker set to {}] expected: FAIL [invoker set to non-Element EventTarget] expected: FAIL