[width-height-001.html] [width and height properties on maction] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on maction] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on menclose] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on menclose] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on merror] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on merror] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mfrac] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mfrac] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mi] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mi] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mmultiscripts] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mmultiscripts] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mn] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mn] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mo] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mo] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mover] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mover] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mpadded] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mpadded] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mphantom] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mphantom] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mroot] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mroot] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mrow] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mrow] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on ms] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on ms] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mspace] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mspace] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on msqrt] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on msqrt] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mstyle] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mstyle] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on msub] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on msub] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on msubsup] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on msubsup] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on msup] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on msup] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on mtext] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on mtext] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on munder] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on munder] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on munderover] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on munderover] expected: FAIL [width and height properties on semantics] expected: FAIL [inline-size and block-size properties on semantics] expected: FAIL