[decodingInfoEncryptedMedia.https.html] expected: if (os == "android") and not debug: [OK, ERROR] [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if distinctiveIdentifier isn't valid.] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if robustness and configuration do not match (1).] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if persistentState isn't valid.] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if sessionTypes isn't a sequence.] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if robustness and configuration do not match (3).] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo() rejects if robustness and configuration do not match (2).] expected: FAIL [Test that decodingInfo returns a valid MediaCapabilitiesDecodingInfo objects with encrypted media] expected: FAIL [Test that random key systems are reported as non supported.] expected: FAIL [Test that supported=false when keySystemConfiguration is unsupported.] expected: FAIL