[idlharness.window.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [TIMEOUT, OK] [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: attribute sourceFile] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy must be primary interface of document.permissionsPolicy] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface object name] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: attribute disposition] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document must inherit property "permissionsPolicy" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: operation allowedFeatures()] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: document.permissionsPolicy must inherit property "getAllowlistForFeature(DOMString)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: attribute lineNumber] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: operation features()] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: operation allowsFeature(DOMString, optional DOMString)] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: document.permissionsPolicy must inherit property "allowsFeature(DOMString, optional DOMString)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface object length] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: operation getAllowlistForFeature(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: calling getAllowlistForFeature(DOMString) on document.permissionsPolicy with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: document.permissionsPolicy must inherit property "allowedFeatures()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface object length] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: calling allowsFeature(DOMString, optional DOMString) on document.permissionsPolicy with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLIFrameElement interface: attribute permissionsPolicy] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicy interface: document.permissionsPolicy must inherit property "features()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: attribute columnNumber] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface object name] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.permissionsPolicy] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: attribute featureId] expected: FAIL [PermissionsPolicyViolationReportBody interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute permissionsPolicy] expected: FAIL [HTMLIFrameElement interface: document.createElement("iframe") must inherit property "permissionsPolicy" with the proper type] expected: FAIL