[idlharness.https.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Presentation interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface object length] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface object name] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: attribute defaultRequest] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: attribute receiver] expected: FAIL [Presentation must be primary interface of navigator.presentation] expected: FAIL [Stringification of navigator.presentation] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: navigator.presentation must inherit property "defaultRequest" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Presentation interface: navigator.presentation must inherit property "receiver" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface object length] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface object name] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: operation start()] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: operation reconnect(USVString)] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: operation getAvailability()] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: attribute onconnectionavailable] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest must be primary interface of navigator.presentation.defaultRequest] expected: FAIL [Stringification of navigator.presentation.defaultRequest] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: navigator.presentation.defaultRequest must inherit property "start()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: navigator.presentation.defaultRequest must inherit property "reconnect(USVString)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: calling reconnect(USVString) on navigator.presentation.defaultRequest with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: navigator.presentation.defaultRequest must inherit property "getAvailability()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: navigator.presentation.defaultRequest must inherit property "onconnectionavailable" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest must be primary interface of presentation_request] expected: FAIL [Stringification of presentation_request] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request must inherit property "start()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request must inherit property "reconnect(USVString)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: calling reconnect(USVString) on presentation_request with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request must inherit property "getAvailability()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request must inherit property "onconnectionavailable" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest must be primary interface of presentation_request_urls] expected: FAIL [Stringification of presentation_request_urls] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request_urls must inherit property "start()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request_urls must inherit property "reconnect(USVString)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: calling reconnect(USVString) on presentation_request_urls with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request_urls must inherit property "getAvailability()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationRequest interface: presentation_request_urls must inherit property "onconnectionavailable" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface object length] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface object name] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: attribute value] expected: FAIL [PresentationAvailability interface: attribute onchange] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent interface: attribute connection] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface object length] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface object name] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute id] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute url] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute state] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation close()] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation terminate()] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute onconnect] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute onclose] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute onterminate] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute binaryType] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: attribute onmessage] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation send(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation send(Blob)] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation send(ArrayBuffer)] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnection interface: operation send(ArrayBufferView)] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: attribute reason] expected: FAIL [PresentationConnectionCloseEvent interface: attribute message] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: attribute presentation] expected: FAIL