if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: operation startMessages()]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: navigator.serviceWorker must inherit property "startMessages()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: navigator.serviceWorker must inherit property "controller" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: navigator.serviceWorker must inherit property "oncontrollerchange" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: navigator.serviceWorker must inherit property "onmessageerror" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface: attribute state]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: operation getRegistrations()]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: calling register(USVString, optional RegistrationOptions) on navigator.serviceWorker with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of navigator.serviceWorker]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: attribute onmessage]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: operation register(USVString, optional RegistrationOptions)]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface: attribute onstatechange]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: calling getRegistration(optional USVString) on navigator.serviceWorker with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: attribute ready]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: navigator.serviceWorker must inherit property "getRegistration(optional USVString)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: operation getRegistration(optional USVString)]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: attribute onmessageerror]
expected: FAIL
[WorkerNavigator interface: attribute serviceWorker]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorkerContainer interface: attribute oncontrollerchange]
expected: FAIL
[ServiceWorker interface: operation postMessage(any, sequence