[NDEFReader_scan.https.html] [Test that nfc watch success if NFC HW is enabled.] expected: FAIL [NDEFReader.scan should fail if NFC HW is disabled.] expected: FAIL [NDEFReader.scan should fail if NFC HW is not supported.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.onreading should be fired on an unformatted NFC tag with empty records array for NDEFMessage.] expected: FAIL [NDEFReader.scan should fail if user permission is not granted.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader can not get any reading events once the signal aborts.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if NDEFScanOptions.signal aborts right after the scan invocation.] expected: FAIL [NDEFRecord.toRecords returns its embedded records correctly.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if NDEFScanOptions.signal is already aborted.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if signal is not an AbortSignal.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan matches any ids if NDEFScanOptions.id is undefined.] expected: FAIL [Test that an error event happens if no implementation for NFC Mojo interface is available.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if signal is not an AbortSignal.] expected: FAIL [NDEFRecord.toRecords returns its embedded records correctly.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader can not get any reading events once the signal aborts.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if NDEFScanOptions.signal aborts right after the scan invocation.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.scan rejects if NDEFScanOptions.signal is already aborted.] expected: FAIL [Test that NDEFReader.onerror should be fired if the NFC tag does not expose NDEF technology.] expected: FAIL [Test that reading message with multiple records should succeed.] expected: FAIL [NDEFReader.scan returns smart-poster record correctly.] expected: FAIL