[silent-inputs.html] [X WaveShaper with silent inputs and curve {"0":0.5,"1":0.5,"2":0.5}: Expected 0.5 for all values but found 16000 unexpected values: \n\tIndex\tActual\n\t[0\]\t0\n\t[1\]\t0\n\t[2\]\t0\n\t[3\]\t0\n\t...and 15996 more errors.] expected: FAIL [< [test-0\] 1 out of 1 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X WaveShaper with 2x oversample, silent inputs, and curve {"0":0.5,"1":0.5,"2":0.5}: Expected 0.5 for all values but found 16000 unexpected values: \n\tIndex\tActual\n\t[0\]\t0\n\t[1\]\t0\n\t[2\]\t0\n\t[3\]\t0\n\t...and 15996 more errors.] expected: FAIL [< [test-1\] 1 out of 1 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X WaveShaper with no inputs and curve {"0":0.5,"1":0.5,"2":0.5}: Expected 0.5 for all values but found 16000 unexpected values: \n\tIndex\tActual\n\t[0\]\t0\n\t[1\]\t0\n\t[2\]\t0\n\t[3\]\t0\n\t...and 15996 more errors.] expected: FAIL [< [test-2\] 1 out of 1 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [# AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 3 out of 3 tasks were failed.] expected: FAIL