[idlharness-shadowrealm.window.html] prefs: [javascript.options.experimental.shadow_realms:true] [DOMException interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface object length] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface object name] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: attribute name] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: attribute message] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: attribute code] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INDEX_SIZE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INDEX_SIZE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NOT_FOUND_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NOT_FOUND_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_STATE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_STATE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant SYNTAX_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant SYNTAX_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NAMESPACE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NAMESPACE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_ACCESS_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_ACCESS_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant VALIDATION_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant VALIDATION_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant SECURITY_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant SECURITY_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NETWORK_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant NETWORK_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant ABORT_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant ABORT_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant URL_MISMATCH_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant URL_MISMATCH_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant TIMEOUT_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant TIMEOUT_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant DATA_CLONE_ERR on interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMException interface: constant DATA_CLONE_ERR on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL