expected: ERROR
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor all positive default options / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor all negative default options / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.windowDimensions / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.strides / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.dilations / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=explicit / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-upper / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-lower / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-upper ignores options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-lower ignores options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nchw / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nhwc / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.roundingType=floor / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.roundingType=ceil / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.outputSizes ignores options.roundingType=floor / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.outputSizes ignores options.roundingType=ceil / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.dilations with options.strides / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor default options / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.windowDimensions / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.strides / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.dilations / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=explicit / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-upper / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-lower / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-upper ignores options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.autoPad=same-lower ignores options.padding / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nchw / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nhwc / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.roundingType=floor / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.roundingType=ceil / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.outputSizes ignores options.roundingType=floor / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.outputSizes ignores options.roundingType=ceil / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D tensor options.dilations with options.strides / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nhwc and options.roundingType=floor / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D tensor options.layout=nhwc and options.roundingType=ceil / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[averagePool2d float32 4D constant tensor all positive default options / async]
expected: NOTRUN
[maxPool2d float32 4D constant tensor default options / async]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: ERROR