[datagrams.https.any.html] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [OK, TIMEOUT] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Successfully reading datagrams with BYOB reader.] expected: FAIL [Reading datagrams with insufficient buffer should be rejected.] expected: FAIL [Datagram's outgoingHighWaterMark correctly regulates written datagrams] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, NOTRUN] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [Datagrams read is less than or equal to the incomingHighWaterMark] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS, NOTRUN] if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [FAIL, PASS, NOTRUN] [FAIL, PASS] [Datagram MaxAge getters/setters work correctly] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [PASS, NOTRUN] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [PASS, NOTRUN] [Datagram HighWaterMark getters/setters work correctly] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [PASS, NOTRUN] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [PASS, NOTRUN] [Sending and receiving datagrams is ready to use before session is established] expected: if not debug and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [PASS, TIMEOUT] if not debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [datagrams.https.any.serviceworker.html] expected: if fission and not debug and (os == "linux"): [OK, ERROR] if fission and not debug and (os == "mac"): [OK, ERROR] if not fission: [OK, ERROR, CRASH] [Successfully reading datagrams with BYOB reader.] expected: FAIL [Reading datagrams with insufficient buffer should be rejected.] expected: FAIL [Datagram's outgoingHighWaterMark correctly regulates written datagrams] expected: FAIL [Datagrams read is less than or equal to the incomingHighWaterMark] expected: if (os == "win") and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL] [FAIL, PASS] [datagrams.https.any.worker.html] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [OK, CRASH] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH] [Successfully reading datagrams with BYOB reader.] expected: FAIL [Reading datagrams with insufficient buffer should be rejected.] expected: FAIL [Datagram's outgoingHighWaterMark correctly regulates written datagrams] expected: if (os == "mac") and not debug: [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [Datagrams read is less than or equal to the incomingHighWaterMark] expected: if (os == "win") and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [FAIL, PASS, NOTRUN] [FAIL, PASS] [Datagram MaxAge getters/setters work correctly] expected: if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, NOTRUN] [Datagram HighWaterMark getters/setters work correctly] expected: if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, NOTRUN] [Sending and receiving datagrams is ready to use before session is established] expected: if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [datagrams.https.any.sharedworker.html] expected: if not debug and (os == "linux"): [OK, CRASH] if not debug and (os == "mac"): [OK, CRASH] [Successfully reading datagrams with BYOB reader.] expected: FAIL [Reading datagrams with insufficient buffer should be rejected.] expected: FAIL [Datagram's outgoingHighWaterMark correctly regulates written datagrams] expected: FAIL [Datagrams read is less than or equal to the incomingHighWaterMark] expected: if (processor == "x86") and (os == "win") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [FAIL, PASS]