// META: title=Origin private file system used from multiple tabs // META: script=support/testHelpers.js promise_test(async t => { const bc = new BroadcastChannel("Coordinate writables"); function firstReady(win) { return new Promise(resolve => { // Blur triggers after the unload event and after window.closed is set win.onblur = () => { // Closing the low-level file handle may get stuck, but the unlocking // request can only be sent to the parent after the handle is closed. // There is no guarantee when or if the closing will be complete. // // Therefore, the content process shutdown does not wait for the // completion but sets window.closed and calls the unload listeners // while actually still holding onto some resources. // // Since in this test we mainly want to ensure that a file // does not remain locked indefinitely, we wait for a reasonable amount // of time before creating a new writable, corresponding roughly to // a 500ms closing delay. const timeoutMs = 400; setTimeout(() => { resolve(win); }, timeoutMs); }; }); } const firstTabName = "support/fs-open_writable_then_close_tab.sub.html"; const firstTab = await firstReady(window.open(firstTabName)); assert_true(firstTab.closed, "Is the first tab already closed?"); function secondReady(win) { return new Promise(resolve => { bc.onmessage = e => { if (e.data === "Second window ready!") { resolve(win); } }; }); } const secondTabName = "support/fs-open_writable_after_trigger.sub.html"; const secondTab = await secondReady(window.open(secondTabName)); let isDone = false; let childStatus = "Success"; const secondSucceeded = new Promise(resolve => { bc.onmessage = e => { isDone = true; if (e.data !== "Success") { childStatus = e.data; } resolve(); }; }); bc.postMessage("Create writable in the second window"); await secondSucceeded; assert_true(isDone, "Did the second tab respond?"); await fetch_tests_from_window(secondTab); assert_equals(childStatus, "Success"); }, `writable available for other tabs after one tab is closed`);