const maxNestingLevel = 5; let expectedNestingLevel = 1; let timer; let isInterval = false; let testStage = "ScriptLoaded"; let stopIncreaseExpectedLevel = false; let startClampedTimeStamp = 0; let startRepeatingClamped = false; let repeatCount = 0; let maxRepeatTimes = 10; let timerCallback = async () => { let now =; if (WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel() !== expectedNestingLevel) { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "FAIL", msg: `current timer nesting level is ${WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel()}, expected ${expectedNestingLevel}`, }); if (isInterval) { clearInterval(timer); } return; } if (!stopIncreaseExpectedLevel) { if (expectedNestingLevel === maxNestingLevel) { stopIncreaseExpectedLevel = true; startClampedTimeStamp = now; } else { expectedNestingLevel = expectedNestingLevel + 1; } if (!isInterval) { setTimeout(timerCallback, 0); } return; } // This is the first time the timeout is clamped, checking if it is clamped // to at least 2ms. if (repeatCount === 0) { await Promise.resolve(true).then(() => { if (WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel() !== expectedNestingLevel) { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "FAIL", msg: `Timer nesting level should be in effect for immediately resolved micro-tasks`, }); } }); if (now - startClampedTimeStamp < 2 ) { startRepeatingClamped = true; } else { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "PASS", msg: "" }); } } // If the first clamped timeout is less than 2ms, start to repeat the clamped // timeout for 10 times. Then checking if total clamped time should be at least // 25ms. if (startRepeatingClamped) { if (repeatCount === 10) { if (now - startClampedTimeStamp < 25) { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "FAIL", msg: `total clamped time of repeating ten times should be at least 25ms(${now - startClampedTimeStamp})`, }); } else { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "PASS", msg: "" }); } } else { repeatCount = repeatCount + 1; if (!isInterval) { setTimeout(timerCallback, 0); } return; } } // reset testing variables repeatCount = 0; startRepeatingClamped = false; stopIncreaseExpectedLevel = false; if (isInterval) { clearInterval(timer); } }; onmessage = async e => { testStage =; switch ( { case "CheckInitialValue": if (WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel() === 0) { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "PASS", msg: "" }); } else { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "FAIL", msg: `current timer nesting level should be 0(${WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel()}) after top level script loaded.`, }); } break; case "TestSetInterval": expectedNestingLevel = 1; isInterval = true; timer = setInterval(timerCallback, 0); break; case "TestSetTimeout": expectedNestingLevel = 1; isInterval = false; setTimeout(timerCallback, 0); break; case "CheckNoTimer": if (WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel() === 0) { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "PASS", msg: "" }); } else { postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "FAIL", msg: `current timer nesting level should be 0(${WorkerTestUtils.currentTimerNestingLevel()}) when there is no timer in queue.`, }); } break; } }; postMessage({ stage: testStage, status: "PASS" });