/* author: W3C http://www.w3.org/ help: http://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/#sec-window.performance-attribute */ var performanceNamespace = window.performance; var namespace_check = false; function wp_test(func, msg, properties) { // only run the namespace check once if (!namespace_check) { namespace_check = true; if (performanceNamespace === undefined || performanceNamespace == null) { // show a single error that window.performance is undefined // The window.performance attribute provides a hosting area for performance related attributes. test(function() { assert_true(performanceNamespace !== undefined && performanceNamespace != null, "window.performance is defined and not null"); }, "window.performance is defined and not null."); } } test(func, msg, properties); } function test_true(value, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_true(value, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_equals(value, equals, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_equals(value, equals, msg); }, msg, properties); } // assert for every entry in `expectedEntries`, there is a matching entry _somewhere_ in `actualEntries` function test_entries(actualEntries, expectedEntries) { test_equals(actualEntries.length, expectedEntries.length) expectedEntries.forEach(function (expectedEntry) { var foundEntry = actualEntries.find(function (actualEntry) { return typeof Object.keys(expectedEntry).find(function (key) { return actualEntry[key] !== expectedEntry[key] }) === 'undefined' }) test_true(!!foundEntry, `Entry ${JSON.stringify(expectedEntry)} could not be found.`) if (foundEntry) { assert_object_equals(foundEntry.toJSON(), expectedEntry) } }) } function delayedLoadListener(callback) { window.addEventListener('load', function() { // TODO(cvazac) Remove this setTimeout when spec enforces sync entries. step_timeout(callback, 0) }) }