/** * Create an absolute URL from `options` and defaulting unspecified properties to `window.location`. * @param {Object} options - a `Location`-like object * @param {string} options.hostname * @param {string} options.subdomain - prepend subdomain to the hostname * @param {string} options.port * @param {string} options.path * @param {string} options.query * @param {string} options.hash * @returns {string} */ function make_absolute_url(options) { var loc = window.location; var protocol = get(options, "protocol", loc.protocol); if (protocol[protocol.length - 1] != ":") { protocol += ":"; } var hostname = get(options, "hostname", loc.hostname); var subdomain = get(options, "subdomain"); if (subdomain) { hostname = subdomain + "." + hostname; } var port = get(options, "port", loc.port) var path = get(options, "path", loc.pathname); var query = get(options, "query", loc.search); var hash = get(options, "hash", loc.hash) var url = protocol + "//" + hostname; if (port) { url += ":" + port; } if (path[0] != "/") { url += "/"; } url += path; if (query) { if (query[0] != "?") { url += "?"; } url += query; } if (hash) { if (hash[0] != "#") { url += "#"; } url += hash; } return url; } /** @private */ function get(obj, name, default_val) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return obj[name]; } return default_val; } /** * Generate a new UUID. * @returns {string} */ function token() { var uuid = [to_hex(rand_int(32), 8), to_hex(rand_int(16), 4), to_hex(0x4000 | rand_int(12), 4), to_hex(0x8000 | rand_int(14), 4), to_hex(rand_int(48), 12)].join("-") return uuid; } /** @private */ function rand_int(bits) { if (bits < 1 || bits > 53) { throw new TypeError(); } else { if (bits >= 1 && bits <= 30) { return 0 | ((1 << bits) * Math.random()); } else { var high = (0 | ((1 << (bits - 30)) * Math.random())) * (1 << 30); var low = 0 | ((1 << 30) * Math.random()); return high + low; } } } /** @private */ function to_hex(x, length) { var rv = x.toString(16); while (rv.length < length) { rv = "0" + rv; } return rv; }