// META: script=/resources/test-only-api.js // META: script=/resources/testdriver.js // META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js // META: script=resources/helpers.js 'use strict'; // Verifies that |func|, when invoked, throws a TypeError exception. async function expectTypeError(func) { try { await func(); } catch (e) { assert_equals(e.name, 'TypeError'); return; } assert_unreached('expected a TypeError, but none was thrown'); } promise_test(async () => { try { await navigator.contacts.select(['name']); assert_unreached('expected a SecurityError, but none was thrown'); } catch (e) { assert_equals(e.name, 'SecurityError'); } }, 'The Contact API requires a user gesture') contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { // At least one property must be provided. await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select()); await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select([])); // Per WebIDL parsing, no invalid values may be provided. await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select([''])); await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select(['foo'])); await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select(['name', 'photo'])); }, 'The Contact API requires valid properties to be provided'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { // Returns a NULL result, indicating that no results are available. setSelectedContacts(null); await expectTypeError(() => navigator.contacts.select(['name'])); }, 'The Contact API can fail when the selector cannot be opened'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { setSelectedContacts([]); const properties = await navigator.contacts.getProperties(); assert_true(properties.length > 0); // Requesting the available properties should not fail. await navigator.contacts.select(properties); }, 'Supported contact properties are exposed.'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { const dwightAddress = { country: 'US', city: 'Scranton', addressLine: ['Schrute Farms'], }; const michaelIcons = [new Blob('image binary data'.split(''), {type: 'image/test'})]; // Returns two contacts with all information available. setSelectedContacts([ { name: ['Dwight Schrute'], email: ['dwight@schrutefarmsbnb.com'], tel: ['000-0000'], address: [dwightAddress] }, { name: ['Michael Scott', 'Prison Mike'], email: ['michael@dundermifflin.com'], icon: michaelIcons }, ]); let results = await navigator.contacts.select(['name', 'email', 'icon', 'tel', 'address'], { multiple: true }); assert_equals(results.length, 2); results = results.sort((c1, c2) => JSON.stringify(c1) < JSON.stringify(c2) ? -1 : 1); { const michael = results[0]; assert_own_property(michael, 'name'); assert_own_property(michael, 'email'); assert_own_property(michael, 'tel'); assert_own_property(michael, 'address'); assert_own_property(michael, 'icon'); assert_array_equals(michael.name, ['Michael Scott', 'Prison Mike']); assert_array_equals(michael.email, ['michael@dundermifflin.com']); assert_array_equals(michael.tel, []); assert_array_equals(michael.address, []); assert_equals(michael.icon.length, michaelIcons.length); assert_equals(michael.icon[0].type, michaelIcons[0].type); assert_equals(michael.icon[0].size, michaelIcons[0].size); assert_equals(await michael.icon[0].text(), await michaelIcons[0].text()); } { const dwight = results[1]; assert_own_property(dwight, 'name'); assert_own_property(dwight, 'email'); assert_own_property(dwight, 'tel'); assert_own_property(dwight, 'address'); assert_own_property(dwight, 'icon'); assert_array_equals(dwight.name, ['Dwight Schrute']); assert_array_equals(dwight.email, ['dwight@schrutefarmsbnb.com']); assert_array_equals(dwight.tel, ['000-0000']); assert_array_equals(dwight.icon, []); assert_equals(dwight.address.length, 1); const selectedAddress = dwight.address[0]; assert_object_equals({ country: selectedAddress.country, city: selectedAddress.city, addressLine: selectedAddress.addressLine, }, dwightAddress); } }, 'The Contact API correctly returns ContactInfo entries'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { // Returns two contacts with all information available. setSelectedContacts([ { name: ['Dwight Schrute'], email: ['dwight@schrutefarmsbnb.com'], tel: ['000-0000'] }, { name: ['Michael Scott', 'Prison Mike'], email: ['michael@dundermifflin.com'] }, ]); const results = await navigator.contacts.select(['name', 'email', 'tel']); assert_equals(results.length, 1); }, 'Only one contact is returned if `multiple` is not set.'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { // Returns partial information since no e-mail addresses are requested. setSelectedContacts([{ name: ['Creed'], email: ['creedthoughts@www.creedthoughts.gov.www'] }]); const results = await navigator.contacts.select(['name']); assert_equals(results.length, 1); { const creed = results[0]; assert_array_equals(creed.name, ['Creed']); assert_equals(creed.email, undefined); assert_equals(creed.tel, undefined); } }, 'The Contact API does not include fields that were not requested'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { // Returns partial information since no e-mail addresses are requested. setSelectedContacts([{ name: ['Kelly'] }]); // First request should work. const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { navigator.contacts.select(['name']).then(resolve) .catch(e => reject(e.message)); }); // Second request should fail (since the first one didn't complete yet). const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { navigator.contacts.select(['name']).then(contacts => reject('This was supposed to fail')) .catch(e => resolve(e.name)); }); const results = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]); const contacts = results[0]; assert_equals(contacts.length, 1); const contact = contacts[0]; assert_equals(contact.name[0], 'Kelly'); assert_equals(results[1], 'InvalidStateError'); }, 'The Contact API cannot be used again until the first operation is complete.'); contactsTestWithUserActivation(async (test, setSelectedContacts) => { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = 'resources/non-main-frame-select.html'; await new Promise(resolve => window.addEventListener('message', event => resolve(event.data))) .then(data => assert_equals(data.errorMsg, 'InvalidStateError')) .finally(() => iframe.remove()) }, 'Test contacts.select() throws an InvalidStateError in a sub-frame');