var SAME_ORIGIN = true; var CROSS_ORIGIN = false; var EXPECT_BLOCK = true; var EXPECT_LOAD = false; var SAMEORIGIN_ORIGIN = "{{location[scheme]}}://{{location[host]}}"; var CROSSORIGIN_ORIGIN = "http://{{domains[www1]}}:{{ports[http][1]}}"; var test; function endTest(failed, message) { if (typeof test === 'undefined') return; if (failed) { test.step(function() { assert_unreached(message); test.done(); }); } else test.done({message: message}); } window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { if (window.parent != window) window.parent.postMessage(, "*"); else if ( === 'test_result') endTest(, "Inner IFrame msg: " +; }); function injectNestedIframe(policy, parent, child, expectation, isSandboxed) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); var url = "/content-security-policy/frame-ancestors/support/frame-in-frame.sub.html" + "?policy=" + policy + "&parent=" + parent + "&child=" + child + "&expectation=" + expectation; url = (parent == "same" ? SAMEORIGIN_ORIGIN : CROSSORIGIN_ORIGIN) + url; iframe.src = url; if (isSandboxed) iframe.sandbox = 'allow-scripts'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } let timer; function pollForLoadCompletion({iframe, expectBlock}) { let fn = iframeLoaded({expectBlock, isPoll: true}); timer = test.step_timeout(() => fn({target: iframe}), 10); } function injectIFrame(policy, sameOrigin, expectBlock) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.addEventListener("load", iframeLoaded({expectBlock, isPoll: false})); iframe.addEventListener("error", iframeLoaded({expectBlock, isPoll: false})); var url = "/content-security-policy/frame-ancestors/support/frame-ancestors.sub.html?policy=" + policy; if (sameOrigin) url = SAMEORIGIN_ORIGIN + url; else url = CROSSORIGIN_ORIGIN + url; iframe.src = url; document.body.appendChild(iframe); pollForLoadCompletion({iframe, expectBlock}); } function iframeLoaded({isPoll, expectBlock}) { return function(ev) { clearTimeout(timer); var failed = true; var message = ""; try { let url =; if (isPoll && (url === "about:blank" || !== "complete")) { pollForLoadCompletion({iframe:, expectBlock}); return; } if (expectBlock) { message = "The IFrame should have been blocked (or cross-origin). It wasn't."; failed = true; } else { message = "The IFrame should not have been blocked. It wasn't."; failed = false; } } catch (ex) { if (expectBlock) { message = "The IFrame should have been blocked (or cross-origin). It was."; failed = false; } else { message = "The IFrame should not have been blocked. It was."; failed = true; } } if (window.parent != window) window.parent.postMessage({type: 'test_result', failed: failed, message: message}, '*'); else endTest(failed, message); }; } function originFrameShouldBe(child, expectation, policy) { if (child == "cross" && expectation == "blocked") crossOriginFrameShouldBeBlocked(policy); if (child == "same" && expectation == "blocked") sameOriginFrameShouldBeBlocked(policy); if (child == "cross" && expectation == "allowed") crossOriginFrameShouldBeAllowed(policy); if (child == "same" && expectation == "allowed") sameOriginFrameShouldBeAllowed(policy); } function crossOriginFrameShouldBeBlocked(policy) { window.onload = function () { injectIFrame(policy, CROSS_ORIGIN, EXPECT_BLOCK); }; } function crossOriginFrameShouldBeAllowed(policy) { window.onload = function () { injectIFrame(policy, CROSS_ORIGIN, EXPECT_LOAD); }; } function sameOriginFrameShouldBeBlocked(policy) { window.onload = function () { injectIFrame(policy, SAME_ORIGIN, EXPECT_BLOCK); }; } function sameOriginFrameShouldBeAllowed(policy) { window.onload = function () { injectIFrame(policy, SAME_ORIGIN, EXPECT_LOAD); }; } function testNestedIFrame(policy, parent, child, expectation) { window.onload = function () { injectNestedIframe(policy, parent == SAME_ORIGIN ? "same" : "cross", child == SAME_ORIGIN ? "same" : "cross", expectation == EXPECT_LOAD ? "allowed" : "blocked", false /* isSandboxed */); }; } function testNestedSandboxedIFrame(policy, parent, child, expectation) { window.onload = function () { injectNestedIframe(policy, parent == SAME_ORIGIN ? "same" : "cross", child == SAME_ORIGIN ? "same" : "cross", expectation == EXPECT_LOAD ? "allowed" : "blocked", true /* isSandboxed */); }; }